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A ptcs-list-shuttle allows the user to select items from a source list and move it to a target list, where the items can be rearranged. Items in the target list can be moved back to the source list.

The list-shuttle supports both single and multiple selection mode. The source-list can be filtered.

Usage Examples

Basic Usage

<ptcs-list-shuttle items="[[itemsIn]]" selected-items="[[itemsOut]]></ptcs-list>

Single selection list shuttle

<ptcs-list single-select ...></ptcs-list>

List shuttle that hides the search filter

<ptcs-list hide-filter ...></ptcs-list>

Component API


Property Type Description Triggers a changed event?
addLabel String Label for the add button
disabled Boolean Is the list-shuttle disabled?
hideFilter Boolean Hide the source-list search filter?
items Array A Javascript array with the list data.
label String Title label for the list shuttle
labelAlignment String Alignment of the "main" label. Default is 'left', other possible options are 'center' and 'right'.
labelType String Variant to use for the "main" label. Default is 'label', other possible options are 'header', 'sub-header', and 'body'.
labelUp String Label for the move up button
labelDown String Label for the move down button
removeLabel String Label for the remove button
selectedItems Array The subset of the items in items that occurs in the target list Yes
selector Any Selects a string from each item in items to be displayed as the list item label. If unassigned, items should be an array of strings. If a string then items should be an array of objects, where selector specifies the (string) property to display. If a function, then the function is called with each item and should return a string that represents the item
singleSelect Boolean Use single (true) or multiple (false) selection mode in the lists? Default is false (multiple)
selectAllLabel String Label for selecting all of the source / target list items
clearSelectedItemsLabel String Label for clearing the source / target list items selection
sourceLabel String Label for the source list
sourceLabelAlignment String Alignment of the source list label. Default is 'left', other possible options are 'center' and 'right'.
sourceLabelType String Variant to use for the label above the source list. Default is 'label', other possible options are 'header', 'sub-header', and 'body'.
sourceFilter String The current text in the source-list search filter. Yes
targetLabel String Label for the target list
targetLabelType String Variant to use for the label above the target list. Default is 'label', other possible options are 'header', 'sub-header', and 'body'.
targetLabelAlignment String Alignment of the target list label. Default is 'left', other possible options are 'center' and 'right'.


State attributes

Attribute Description Part
disabled Is list-shuttle disabled? :host
vertical Is the list-shuttle in vertical mode (lists stacked on top of each other) or in horizontal mode (lists side-by-side)? :host


Part Description
add-button The add button
button Part name used on all buttons
buttons Button container (= source-buttons and target-buttons)
down-button The down button
head Container for the title label
label The shuttle title label
remove-button The remove button
source-buttons Container for the button associated to the source list
source-list The source list
source-list-container Container for the source list
target-buttons Container for the buttons associated to the target list
target-list The target list
target-list-container Container for the target list
up-button The up button