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A ptcs-image displays an image file. It supports the image file formats that the browser supports

The widget is read-only, not responding to user interaction.

The dimensions of the image is either: - relative to the intrinsic dimension of the image, or - expands to the dimensions of the image container, or - specified in CSS units that are independent of the image and its container

If the image size is relative to its container the image is either stretched or contracted to match the container dimension (ignoring the aspect ratio) or cropped or only partially fills the container.

Usage Examples

Image with intrinsic width and height

  <ptcs-image src="image.png"></ptcs-image>

Image with 'small' predefined dimensions

  <ptcs-image size="small" src="image.jpg"></ptcs-image>

Image with half the intrinsic dimensions

  <ptcs-image size="50%" src="image.png"></ptcs-image>

Image resized to fill its container

  <ptcs-image size="fit" src="image.png"></ptcs-image>

Component API


Property Type Description
alt String A descriptive text of the image, mainly intended for screen readers. This text is also displayed if the image cannot be loaded
labelVariant String ptcs-label variant for the label text (default: label)
position String Specifies the position of the image when size is either contain, cover, fit-x or fit-y. See below for details.
size String Specifies the size of the image. See below for details.
src String The source / url of the image
preventCaching Boolean Prevents the image source from being cached so that the most recent version is shown when reloaded
noPlaceholder Boolean Don't show placeholder image if the src property is not populated

The size property

The size property specifies the dimension of the displayed image.

size = auto | cover | contain | fit | fit-x | fit-y | small | medium | large | xlarge | length | length auto | auto length | length length

Value Description
auto The image is displayed with its original dimensions. This is the default value.
cover The image is resized, retaining the aspect ratio, to cover the area of the container element. If the container has a different aspect ratio a part of the image will be truncated. This can be controlled with the position property. (See below)
contain The image is resized, retaining the aspect ratio, to fit inside the container element. If the container has a different aspect ratio a part of the container background will be visible. This can be controlled with the position property. (See below)
fit The image is resized to completly fill the container element. The aspect ratio is not retained.
fit-x The image is resized to completly fill the container element horizontally, retaining the aspect ratio. The image may therefore be clipped vertically or part of the container might be visible above and / or below the image. This can be controlled with the position property. (See below)
fit-y The image is resized to completly fill the container element vertically, retaining the aspect ratio. The image may therefore be clipped horizontally or part of the container might be visible to the left and / or to the right of the image. This can be controlled with the position property. (See below)
medium Sets width and height to 40px
large Sets width and height to 80px
xlarge Sets width and height to 140px
length Same as length auto (See below)
length auto length specifies the width of the image. The aspect ratio is retained.
auto length length specifies the height of the image. The aspect ratio is retained.
length length The first length specifies the width of the image and the second length the height

Note: - a length is a number directly followed by a optional unit (no whitespace between) - if no unit is specified the default is px - the unit % specifies the length as a percentage relative to the intrinsic width or height of the image

The position property

The position property specifies where the image will be positioned inside its container if either parts of the image is cropped (in cover mode) or if parts of the container is visible (in contain mode).

The value consist of a combiation of keywords:

Keyword Description
center center the image horizontally or vertically or in both directions
bottom place the image at the bottom side of the container
left place the image at the left side of the container
right place the image at the right side of the container
top place the image at the top side of the container

The default value is: left top


Name Data Description
load ev.detail.naturalWidth, ev.detail.naturalHeight Generated when the image has been succesfully loaded (intrinsic size details)
error - Generated if there is an error loading the image


No methods



Part Description
alt-label Label that shows the alt text if the image can't be loaded
image The image container

State attributes

Attribute Description Part
container-dim Is the image dimension dependent on the container? :host
error Was there an error when loading the image? :host