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ptcs-chart-schedule is a compound component that enables you to visualize schedule data.

Schedule data consists of a collection of objects with associated schedule items. A schedule object is represented using a unique name. Each schedule item has the following properties:

name description
reason the reason for the item (e.g. 'Maintenance', 'Running', ... )
info optional info, to be displayed in the items tooltip
start the start time of the item (a JavaScript Date)
start the end time of the item (a JavaScript Date)
color an optional CSS color for explicitly controlling the color of the item

The syntax for the schedule data is therefore:

data ::= [
        item+  // Any number of items here

object ::= <string>

item ::= {
    reason: <string>,
    info:   <string>?,
    start:  <Date>
    end:    <Date>
    color:  <CSS color, e.g. 'red' or '#8030F7'>?

Except for the schedule chart itself, ptcs-chart-schedule also has areas for: - a title - notes - a legend - zooming controls - an x-axis - a y-axis

The reason in the schedule item tries to connect to the legend. If the legend has an entry with the same name, it will associate the schedule item with the legend color and will also allow the end user to toggle the visibility of the item.

Usage Examples

Basic Usage


Component API


Property Type Description Default
dateFormatToken String Overrides the format of the displayed date of the tick label on the Time axis. See the Available formats.
titleLabel String The chart title
titlePos String Specifies the title position. Supported values: "top", "bottom", "left", or "right" top
titleAlign String Specifies the title alignment. Supported values: "left", "center", or "right" center
titleVariant String The variant assigned to the title ptcs-label See ptcs-label
notesLabel String The notes text
notesPos String Specifies the notes position. Supported values: "top", "bottom", "left", or "right" bottom
notesAlign String Specifies the notes alignment. Supported values: "left", "center", or "right" center
xAxisLabel String Specifies the label of the label axis
xAxisAlign String Specifies the alignment of the label of the label axis. Supported values: "left", "center", or "right" center
hideXAxis Boolean Hides the label axis false
yAxisLabel String Specifies the timeline axis label
yAxisAlign String Specifies the alignment of the timeline axis label. Supported values: "left", "center", or "right" center
hideYAxis Boolean Hides the timeline axis false
NumberOfYLabels Number Set the number of labels on the Y-axis
referenceLines Array An array of items with properties label and value for threshold lines on the timeline axis
hideLegend Boolean Hides the legend area false
showLegendButton Boolean Show a button in the Action Bar area for toggling the legend visibility? false
legend Array Array of strings that specifies the legend names
legendPos String Specifies the legend position. Supported values: "top", "bottom", "left", or "right" "right"
legendAlign String Specifies the alignment of the legend. Supported values: "start", "center", or "end" start
legendShape String Specifies the shape of the legend. Supported values: "square", "circle", "none" square
filterLegend Boolean If true, each legend item has a checkbox that allows the user to hide or show the corresponding data false
flipAxes Boolean Flip the label and timeline axes false
flipXAxis Boolean Flip the label axis to the other side of the chart false
flipYAxis Boolean Flip the timeline axis to the other side of the chart false
showXRulers Boolean Show rulers that corresponds to the ticks of the label axis false
showYRulers Boolean Show rulers that corresponds to the ticks of the timeline axis false
frontRulers Boolean Draw rulers on top of the schedule chart false
reverseXAxis Boolean Reverse the order of the label axis false
reverseYAxis Boolean Reverse the order of the timeline axis false
data Array The chart data. See above for details.
sparkView Boolean Displays chart preview by hiding certain parts e.g. legend false
noXZoom Boolean Disable zooming on the timeline axis false
xZoomStart Date The start date for the timeline viewport undefined
xZoomEnd Date The end date for the timeline viewport undefined
xZoomRange Boolean Display a zoom control for selecting the timeline range with date pickers false
xZoomInterval Array or String Interval(s) for the interval control. See below null
xZoomIntervalLabel String Label for zoom interval control undefined
xZoomIntervalControl String Selects UI control for the timeline interval zoom control. Allowed values: "dropdown" or "textfield" undefined
xZoomIntervalOrigin String Anchor point for the timeline interval: "start" or "end" undefined
xShowIntervalAnchor Boolean Display UI control for re-assigning the timeline interval anchor false
xZoomSlider Boolean Show zoom slider for timeline false
noYZoom Boolean Disable zooming on the label axis false
yZoomStart String The start label for the label axis viewport undefined
yZoomEnd String The end label for the label axis viewport undefined
yZoomRange Boolean Display a zoom control for selecting the zoom range on the label axis with dropdowns false
yZoomInterval Array or String Interval(s) for the label interval control. See below null
yZoomIntervalLabel String Label for the label zoom interval control undefined
yZoomIntervalControl String Selects UI control for the label interval zoom control. Allowed values: "dropdown" or "textfield" undefined
yZoomIntervalOrigin String Anchor point for the label zoom interval: "start" or "end" undefined
yShowIntervalAnchor Boolean Display UI control for re-assigning the label interval anchor false
yZoomSlider Boolean Show zoom slider for label axis false
zoomDrag String Allow zooming by dragging the mouse over the chart. Supported values: 'x' (only zoom the label axis), 'y' (only zoom the timeline axis), or 'xy' (zoom both axes) undefined
zoomSelect String Allow zooming by selecting two chart entries with the mouse or keyboard. Supported values: 'x' (only zoom the label axis), 'y' (only zoom the timeline axis), or 'xy' (zoom both axes) undefined
showY2Axis Boolean Show the Secondary time axis false
y2AxisLabel String Specifies the Secondary time axis label
y2AxisAlign String Specifies the alignment of the Secondary time axis label. Supported values: "left", "center", or "right" left
y2AxisDateFormatToken String Overrides the format of the displayed date of the tick label for the secondary time axis. See the Available formats.
horizontalTicksRotation Number Sets the rotation of horizontal axis ticks in degrees. The allowed range is: -180 to 180. If this property is not specified, horizontal axis ticks auto-rotates 90 degrees if they collide when not rotated.
selectionMode String Set selection mode: "none" (default) - no items can be selected. "single" - one item can be selected. "multiple" - any number of items can be selected. The "multiple" option displays a link in the Action Bar area for selecting / un-selecting all items. "none"
tooltipTemplate String Custom tooltip to display when a task on the chart is selected. You can show a title, text, data values, and create new lines. Use the following syntax: Add #title# before a string to show a title, #newline# to create a new line, ${} to display data from available shcedule chart tokens: ${reason}, ${start]], ${end}, ${duration}.

The Zoom Interval Control

A zoom interval control uses the following properties:

  • control, specifies the UI control ("dropdown" or "textfield")
  • interval, specifies the interval(s)
  • origin, specifies the interval anchor ("start" or "end")
  • showAnchor, if true display a UI control for re-assigning the interval anchor

When control="textfield", the interval control displays a textfield where the end user can enter text. The interval property should be a string. The current zooming interval is the concatenation of the input in the textfield and the interval property.

When control="dropdown", the interval control displays a dropdown where the end user can select an option. The interval property should be an array of the available options. The current zooming interval is the duration that is associated with the selected option.

This is a sample array for a "dropdown" interval:

    {label: 'A year',   duration: '1Y'}
    {label: '6 months', duration: '6M'}
    {label: '1 month',  duration: '1M'},
    {label: '5 days',   duration: '5d'}

When the interval type is "date" the generated interval should match the following syntax: <number><unit> (no whitespace between the number and unit)

The number can be any positive number, including an optional fraction.

The supported units are:

Unit Time
Y Year
M Month
W Week
d Day
h Hour
m Minute
s Second
ms Millisecond

The zoom interval does not have a unit when the interval type is number or label.


Name Data Description
series-click Info about schedule item Event generated when the user selects a schedule item
chart-selection selection Chart selection


The Parts of a Schedule Chart

A ptcs-chart-schedule consist of these sub-components:

  • ptcs-chart-layout, for chart layouts
  • ptcs-chart-legend, for chart legend
  • ptcs-chart-zoom, for the zoom controls
  • ptcs-chart-coord, for combining a chart with a coordinate system (adds axes and rulers)
  • ptcs-chart-axis, for chart axes
  • ptcs-chart-core-schedule, for the core schedule chart functionality