What's Enhanced
The following are the updates to the existing capabilities in 23.1.
Web App
Exclude Objects from Managed Package or Namespace on Mobile Configuration
The administrator can now exclude objects belonging to a managed package or namespace from loading on the Mobile Configuration page by creating a custom setting. The custom setting with the comma-separated list of namespaces from which you want to exclude the objects can be defined. Also, some parts of the Mobile Configuration page are optimized.
The administrator must re-save the configurations on the Mobile Configuration page to reflect the custom setting changes in the Mobile App.
Mandatory Signature in Output Document
The mandatory signature check "is_mandatory" argument in the template designer was configured with string input, which was not supported. The Signature widget function in the template designer now accepts boolean and string values as input for the "is_mandatory" argument.
For more information, see Signatures.
Output Document
Time Field in Output Document Delivery
The Time field is displayed in HH:mm format in the Output Document. If time is not specified, then the default value of 12:00 PM in case of 12-hour format or 12:00 in case of 24-hour format is set. Time zone conversion is not applied on the Time field when saving or retrieving the value.
For more information, see Data Display - Language and Locale.
API Name Support in Output Document Template
The new option Insert API Name is listed in the Picklist and Multi-Picklist type fields in the Output Document - Template Designer. Adding this option in the template displays the API name of the Picklist and Multi-Picklist value in the generated Output Document.
For more information, see Template Designer.
Installed Base Hierarchy
Manage Child Installed Products
In the IB Hierarchy View, using the new Manage Child IPs action on any installed product, the user can modify, delete, perform bulk updates on all or selected installed products, and save changes at a single click.
For more information, see Managing Child IPs.
Installed Base Hierarchy Search
The Installed Base Hierarchy view allows the user to initiate an online search and find installed products matching the keyword. Any record selected from the search result list is plotted on the hierarchy view only if it is part of the current Hierarchy view.
For more information, see IB Hierarchy Search.
Installed Base Hierarchy Filter
The user has the option to view admin-applied filter details and remove the filter to view all records in the hierarchy for the selected record.
For more information, see IB Hierarchy Filter.
User Actions in Narrow View
The user can Search and Refresh in the narrow view of the IB Hierarchy view.
For more information, see IB Hierarchy - Narrow View.
Installed Base Timeline
Installed Base Related Event Groups
Installed Base timeline configurations are categorized as:
Timespan events
The events are categorized and displayed on the Installed Base timeline UI for users. It helps users recognize the record types visually and differentiate between the kind of events.
Installed Base Milestones
The Installed Base Timeline UI now displays milestones of the installed product. The administrator can configure date fields of the IB object that holds important event information like Date shipped, Date Installed, Next Maintenance Date, and so on. These events are displayed in the Milestone section on the IB Timeline UI.
For more information, see Actions and Interactions on IB Timeline.
Record Icon Display on the Timespan Event
The record icon is displayed on the Timespan event, making it easy for the user to recognize the record types. Readability is improved by displaying the record preview at the point of the click on the timespan event.
For more information, see Actions and Interactions on IB Timeline.
Inventory Stock Transfer Between Source and Destination
The stock transfer between the source and destination location always updates the product stock record's DECREASED status in the source location with Qty as Zero. The DECREASED status was not required in this scenario. To resolve this, the administrator must create a custom setting SET00999 and set it to False to update the DECREASED status for stock transfer between the source and destination location, where the destination location is non-stocking.
PM Plan
PM Process Email Notification
Previously, the PM Process behavior for success notifications did not send an email to the indicated email address if the PM Process found zero qualified plans. With this update, the PM Process will now send a success notification even if the Process qualifies for zero PM Plans.
For more information, see Schedule and Notifications Tab.
Search for Non-Consecutive Serial Numbers
The FCO Search functionality is expanded to support searching long strings of semi-colon-separated serial numbers in its Search Expression Builder. Users can create a Search Expression with the Includes operator by copying and pasting the selection of serial numbers with each separated by a semi-colon.
Non-Work Order Time Entries Map Time Zone Information from Salesforce Events
A new setting field has been added to the Timesheet Configuration Setup screen, under autofill, called "Non-Work Order Time Entries will map Time zone information from." This field indicates how time zone or business hours information is mapped for Task, ServiceMax Event, and/or Salesforce Event records not associated with a Work Order.
This field must be used for Non-Work Order related Time Entries only.
For more information, see Autofill Tab.
SFM Designer
Polymorphic Fields Configurable in Mapping and Layout Editor
Polymorphic fields have a relationship with more than one object. This field when configured in SFM layout and SFM mapping allows you to choose an object from the list of source objects it supports. Polymorphic fields are supported only for fields with API Names WhatId and WhoId. For example, Related To, and Assigned To fields on the Event object.
On the Page Layout: Polymorphic fields, when added to the Layout Editor, the Field Properties > General section > Data Source attribute is enabled. You can choose an object from the list of source objects to look up at runtime in SFM Delivery.
On the SFM Mapping: In the mapping, you can select the lookup object for the polymorphic field, that allows you to map the field with the respective source object's field. The data source object is displayed within brackets next to the polymorphic field label in view mode. For example RelatedTo (Work order).
For more information, see Polymorphic Fields.
Multi-Level SFM Mapping
The SFM Mapping Editor now supports multi-level mapping. In multi-level field mapping, the target field can be mapped to the source object's field or a field from a related object list of the source object. This configuration reduces the need to create and maintain custom fields on the source record to hold the information that needs to be passed to the target record. In addition to the default mapping, two more mapping configurations can be added as preferences. They are evaluated sequentially in the order: Default, Preference 1, and Preference 2.
For example, when a Work Order is created from Case, Site, or Account, information on the Work Order must be populated with data from the Component record on which the Case is created.
For more information, see Multi-Level Mapping.
Allow New - Lookup Property
The Allow New property is listed for Lookup fields in the Layout editor. Enabling this property allows the user to create a new record for the lookup field from SFM Delivery. This property is disabled by default.
For example: In an SFM, the user searches for a part in the Parts lookup field. But the part is not available in the lookup search results. The user must first create a Parts record and then return to the lookup field to choose the new part from the lookup search results. With the New option available in the lookup field, the technician can create a Parts record directly in the Parts lookup field.
The Allow New property is supported on Web only, not on Mobile Apps.
If the administrator has enabled the Allow New property, the end user can create a new lookup record only when the user has the Create permission on the object.
For more information, see Allow New.
Lookup Records Display Limit Increased
The maximum number of records to display in the lookup search is increased from 250 to 1000. The administrator can now set the Number of Records property in the lookup editor to 500, 750, or 1000 in addition to the previous numbers. The user can view up to 1000 records in the lookup search results and choose the required record.
For more information, see Number of Records to Return.
EQUAL and NOTEQUAL Operator for Lookup Reference Fields in SFM Formula
In SFM Formula, the administrator can configure the EQUAL and NOTEQUAL operators for the lookup fields. The comparison must be on similar object reference fields and is based on the lookup ID. The lookup reference ID must be 18 digits. The operators used in the SFM Formula help to get the desired output. The comparison of the lookup reference fields is applied to the same lookup objects and is based on the lookup reference ID.
For more information, see Lookup Reference Fields.
SFM Delivery - Improved User Interactions
Lookup - Additional Information in Quick Search List
The user performing a quick lookup search, can now easily recognize and select the matching record when the primary display name is the same across multiple lookup search results. The lookup search result list now displays the primary and secondary display name. The second field in the Lookup Configuration > Display fields configured in the SFM Page layout, is displayed as the secondary display name. For example, if the part name is the same across multiple entries, then looking at the serial number, the user can recognize the record without opening the lookup modal.
For more information, see Lookup - Additional Information.
Creation of Records from Lookup
The user can now use the New button at the end of the lookup search to add records that are not available on the lookup field for selection. The user must have the required permissions to create new records to access this option on the lookup field. For example, when creating a Service Contract record, the back-office executive can add a contact record that is missing in the system and select the same on the SFM form.
For more information, see Create Record from Lookup.
Creation of Records from Lookup for Community Users
The New button at the end of the lookup search for community users renders the object's home page. Community users can click the New button on the object home page to open the record creation page for the SFM Lightning Delivery screens and then select the same record from the lookup in the SFM delivery UI.
Advanced Search Option on Lookup
Sometimes the user finds it challenging to find the exact matching record even after applying pre-defined filters. The matching result set might be large or all results are not loaded on the lookup modal due to the records display limit. Advanced Search enables users to add filters with specific criteria and find matching results. The Advanced Search can be performed with and without the admin-defined filters. The AND operation is performed between all the filters. For example, the user can search and add installed products that the Service Contract. A back-office executive can search for IPs that belong to a specific account when adding covered products to a contract.
For more information, see Advanced Lookup.
Inline Search on Picklist Fields
The user can perform an inline search on the picklist fields in the SFM Delivery. This reduces additional clicks to search and select picklist values. The user can type keywords to filter the picklist values and use either the tab key or focus out of the field to select the immediate matching result.
For more information, see Picklist Fields.
Calendar - First Day of the Week As per User Locale
In the Calendar date picker, the first day of the week is Sunday by default. To change the first day of the week, use the group-wide SET009 setting and set the value to either User Locale or any other day. The User Locale option displays the first day as per the logged-in user's locale.
For more information, see SET009.
UX Enhancement in SFM Grid
The following UX enhancements are done on the SFM Grid Lines:
The Quick Add button at the bottom of the SFM layout is removed. Users can quickly add a new line by double-clicking in the empty area of the child section.
The value on any field in the detail lines grid can be defined with a single click. Users can use the tab key to navigate through all fields and rows in the edit mode.
The new child lines are highlighted with blue color and added at the end of the grid when sorting is not applied.
The new child lines are added according to the sort configuration if the user has sorted the columns.
The new child lines remain highlighted until Save or Quick Save is performed.
For more information, see Child Section.
Pagination in Child Lines
Pagination is applied to the child sections of the SFM Delivery UI. The SFM lightning delivery UI loading issues were observed when the detail line volumes were high. With pagination, 100 lines are loaded per page by default. The user can navigate through all pages, and also search for a specific record. The administrator can configure the new group-wide setting SET010 to specify the record limit per page.
For more information, see Pagination in Child Lines and SET010.
Data Validation Rules
The following enhancements are done for the Data Validation Rules (DVR):
The DVR error list now displays all the errors on the SFM form when the user performs the Save or Quick Save action.
The child section name is prefixed before the error message for the errors in the child section. This makes it easy for the user to recognize the error source.
The child section name is prefixed before the error message for the errors in the child section. This makes it easy for the user to recognize the error source.
The tab and field names are included as hyperlinks that navigate the user to the respective field on the header section or child section tab.
All the warnings on the SFM form are displayed in one list with links to navigate to the respective field or child section tab after all the errors are cleared.
The Save or Quick Save action does not highlight the fields that fail data validation rules when real-time validation is disabled on SFM. Instead, when the user clicks the error message, the respective field on the form is highlighted and the corresponding message is displayed below the field for user information. Users can view the complete error and warning message in the list view without scrolling.
For more information, see Error Messages.
Display Criteria on Dynamic SFM
The Dynamic SFM section displays only the relevant section based on the Display Criteria and Display Rules configured in the SFM page layout. Previously, there was a limit on the number of Display Criteria and Display Rules. Now, there is no limit on the number of header sections with display criteria. Each dynamic display criteria supports up to 10 rules. For more information, see Dynamic Forms.
Schedule Optimization
Support for Long-job Scheduling
Schedule Optimization now supports the scheduling of work orders that need to span multiple days.
This is a pre-release feature.
Ability to Generate Optimized Schedule for Single Day in Batch Optimization
Users can now configure the Optimized Batch dispatch process to optimize for a single day over a multiple-day horizon. This helps further optimize distance and travel times for the technicians. For example, the scheduling horizon is for five days, but optimized scheduling must be done for each day. In this case, the optimizer splits the problem set into five problem sets rather than the default one.
Dispatch Process Validations
Schedule Optimization now has enhanced validations when saving a dispatch process. This ensures that only the dispatch processes with correct data are saved.
For more information, see Creating and Managing Dispatch Processes.
Intelligent Travel Time Updates in Technician Routes in Batch Optimization
In Batch Optimization, drive times and idle times are updated intelligently for non-work order events without geolocation information in some scenarios. Populating the drive times for non-work order events without geolocation information ensures more productive technician route generation and better resource utilization.
Migration Tool
SFDX Command Plugins
The SFDX Command Plugins Retrieve, Validate, and Deploy are now supported for the following configuration types:
Feature Permission
Trigger Controls
Event Subject Rules
Services details
Custom Actions
Technical Attribute
Install Base App Setup
IoT Configuration
Service Performance Metrics
Counter Rule
Auto Entitlement
Technician Rule
Territory Match Rule
Service Org
Dispatch Process
PM Plan Template
PM Process
SFM Search
Event Hover Rules
Service Flow Automation
Field Inventory Configuration
Technician Eligibility Rules
SLA Terms
For more information, see Retrieve Command, Validate Command, and Deploy Command.
Migration of Engage Configurations
The administrator can now migrate the Engage App configurations and Engage App translations from the source org to the target org.
For more information, see Migration of Engage Configurations.
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