Resources > Settings Library > Settings: SFM Transaction > SFM Transaction Manager - SFM Transaction Delivery Engine
SFM Transaction Manager - SFM Transaction Delivery Engine
Setting ID
Setting Type
Default Value
Setting Name and Details
Name: Auto-populate lookup field if lookup search returns only one record.
Details: If this is set to True and lookup search returns only one record, it automatically populates the lookup field with the returned record,
without opening the Lookup Search dialog box.
Name: Salesforce API Version for partner server URL. Details: This is the minimum version required for SFM to support the standard Salesforce object Quote. Do not change the value of this setting, before checking with ServiceMax Support.
Name: Suggest recently selected items in lookup search UI
Details: If this is set to True and the current value in the lookup field is empty, the lookup search UI will display up to 10 recently selected items. If this is set to False, the lookup always displays results by executing the
search. This is applicable only for the HTML5 SFM delivery engine. Note: If you have configured lookup context, basic filters, and/or advanced filters without any override option, set this setting value to False. Otherwise, lookup search results not matching the configured context and filter(s) might be listed as recent items and can be selected and saved by an end-user, without any notification to the user.
Name: SFM Delivery Experience(UX)
Details: This setting drives the SFM delivery experience. If the value is set to Lightning, SFM Delivery will load in lightning mode. If the value is set to Classic, SFM Delivery will load in the existing classic mode.
This setting is used in Access SFM Delivery Screen.
Name: Batch size for number of detail records in browser
Details: This setting drives the batch size for the number of detail records in the browser. It is recommended to set this value as a multiple of 10s or 50s based on load.
Name: Set Date/Time to clear ServiceMax Cache
Details: Use this setting to automatically clear the ServiceMax cache on loading the transaction delivery page. SFM cache is cleared when the user launches the SFM delivery page the first time after saving the setting with any value. If there are changes to the metadata and you want these changes on the transaction delivery page on load, then set datetime to this setting. The default value is blank i.e SFM cache is not cleared automatically on loading transaction delivery page.
Name: Launch Lightning based SFM Delivery
Details: When this setting is True, Lightning SFM Delivery that complies with Salesforce Lightning Design System is rendered. Set this value to False to load lightning theme-based SFM Delivery.
This setting is used in Access SFM Delivery Screen.
Name: Time Interval
Details: This setting allows to select the time interval display on the Time part of the Datetime field. Available options are 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 60 minutes.
This setting is used in Date and Time Fields.
Name: First day of the week in calendar date picker
Details: This setting allows you to set the first day of the week in the calendar date picker. Select 'User Locale' from the available options to display the first day as per login user locale. Default value is Sunday.
Datatype: Picklist
Values: User Locale, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
This setting is used in Supported Data Type Fields.
Group, Global
Name: Records displayed per page
Details: By default, pagination is enabled on the related child sections of SFM Delivery, and 100 records are loaded per page. The SFM load time depends on the number of fields configured for display in each related child section, the datatype of the fields, and the total size of the record payload. Increasing the set value might increase the load time. The recommended maximum limit is 250. When you set this value to 0, SFM Delivery loads all records in the respective related child sections without pagination.
Datatype: Number
This setting is used in Pagination on Child Lines.
Name: Acknowledge Warning Messages
Details: When this setting is true, the user will have to acknowledge reviewing all the warning messages to save the transaction on react-based SFM web delivery UI.
Datatype: Boolean
Possible Values: True, False
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