Schedule Optimization > Schedule Optimization for Administrators > Configured Behavior > Non-work Order Event Types in Batch Optimization > Drive Time Update for Non-Work Order Events without Geolocation Information
Drive Time Update for Non-Work Order Events without Geolocation Information
The drive times are calculated for non-work order events with event types such as CALENDAR_ITEM and BREAK_ITEM in some scenarios. Populating the drive times for the above-specified type of non-work order events ensures more productive technician route generation and better resource utilization.
This feature is applicable for both ServiceMax and Salesforce events.
This feature supports all types of optimizations except for Real-Time optimization.
The following drive time values are updated for the events typically, to form a more productive technician’s route:
Travel Time to Work Order Location (Minutes)
Travel Time Back to Home Base (Minutes)
Idle Time for the Job (Minutes)
The following are the example scenarios:
Technician Route Details
Drive Time Updates
The following events are present in the technician route:
Event A, with geolocation information: 9 AM to 10 AM
Event B, without geolocation information (for example, a company all-hands meeting that the technician attends remotely): 10.15 AM to 11 AM
Event C, with geolocation information: 11 AM TO 12 PM
If the drive time from Event A to Event C is 10 minutes, the optimizer schedules Event B in such a way that the technician can complete 10 minutes of the required drive time between 10 AM to 10.15 AM.
The technician route details will be as follows:
The technician completes Event A at 10 AM.
An idle time of five minutes is assigned to Event B. (10 AM TO 10:05 AM)
The technician drives to the location of Event C from 10:05 AM to 10.15 AM.
The technician attends Event B from 10.15 AM to 11 AM.
The technician starts Event C at 11 AM after Event B is completed.
The idle time for the technician is minimized.
The drive time is accommodated so that there is minimal impact on the work order events.
The chances of the technician route being inactivated because of drive time overlaps are minimized.
Technician working hours are 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Event A, without geolocation information, is present in the technician's route from 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM, with an idle time of 30 minutes.
The following sequence of events takes place:
Work order W01 is created.
The work order qualifies for the Batch dispatch process.
The drive time from the technician's home location to work order W01 is 40 minutes.
The Batch dispatch process job is run.
The optimizer schedules Event A in such a way that the technician can complete 30 minutes of the required drive time for W01 between 8:00 AM to 8.30 AM.
The technician route details will be as follows:
The technician drives for 30 mins to the location of W01 from 8:00 AM to 8.30 AM.
The technician attends Event A from 8.30 AM to 9:30 AM.
The technician drives for 10 mins and starts W01 at 9:40 AM.
The Event Type field picklist value Break is available in the Event object.
This picklist value is available from the 23.1 release version onwards. However, drive times and idle times are calculated for non-geolocation events even in older release versions if the feature is enabled on the server side.
The value set in the dispatch process for the technician to drive on their own time before the shift begins applies only to the first element on the technician route. So, that value does not impact the drive time updates for non-work order events without geolocation information.
The drive time needed for a geolocation event is updated only on the preceding non-geolocation event and not split across multiple non-geolocation events.
For events of type Break with location and normal events with location, drive time is populated based on the geolocation provided. The drive time for the subsequent events is not included in this scenario.
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