Full name (property)
For automation interface information about the Full Name property, see the automation interface topic for common attributes in the Related Topics.
This property specifies the scoped name of an item:
For unscoped items, the Name and Full Name are typically the same.
If an item is owned by other items, the Full Name includes the names of the parent items, using the period as a delimiter. For example, the Full Name of the following Parameter is as shown:
If an item is scoped by Packages (or nested Classes, Data Types, Interfaces and Signals), the Full Name includes the names of the scoping Packages or nested Classes, Data Types, Interfaces and Signals using double colons (::) as a delimiter. For example, the Full Name of the following Parameter is as shown:
This read-only property is set by Modeler.
The Full Name property is displayed on the General tab of an item's Property Pages. In addition, the Dictionary pane uses the Full Name property for items.
The following section provides information about the items and diagrams for which Full Name is a property. For more information about an item or diagram, click it.
Is property of
All items, diagrams and symbols.