Work with Procedures in Vuforia Editor
Work with Procedures in Vuforia Editor
There is currently a known issue in Chrome for Mac where users are unable to upload files to Vuforia Editor when using Chrome and If you are using either of the aforementioned versions of Chrome for Mac, please update to Chrome 123.0.6312.10 to resolve the issue. According to Google, this issue should be resolved in Chrome For more information, see Google’s IssueTracker.
Take a look at the topics below to get more familiar with Vuforia Editor.
Get to Know the User Interface
Navigation Pane
Navigate Assets
Procedure Editor Pane
Capture Viewer
3D Editor Pane
Authoring Procedures
Create and Edit Procedures with Vuforia Editor
Working with Assets
Step Check
Vuforia Editor Step Feedback
Versions and History
Set a Cover Image for a Procedure
Serial ID Logging
Content Organization
Folders and Content Management
Content Management Best Practices
Create a New Folder
Folder and Subfolder Actions
Move Content into Folders
Managing Access to Content
Manage Permissions
Manage Edit Permissions on a Procedure
Manage Folder Permissions
Manage Asset Permissions
Routing Procedures for Approval
Approval Workflows
Create or Cancel an Approval Workflow
Approve or Reject a Procedure
Approval Workflow States and Details
Approval Workflow Troubleshooting