Change history (property)
For automation interface information about the Change History property, see Change (automation interface). The Change History includes a list of change objects.
For information about change tracking, see Overview of change tracking.
For a Change Note, the Change History lists each change that has been made to the model while change tracking was enabled and that Change Note was active.
For an item, the Change History lists each change that has been made to that item while change tracking was enabled.
By default, the Change History is blank. The Change History is automatically populated as necessary when change tracking is enabled in a model.
This property is displayed on the Changes tab of a Change Note's or other item's Property Pages.
To view the full description of a change, select the change in the list, and then click the View Change Report button.
To view the items affected by a Change Note's change, select the change in the list, and view the affected items on the Results pane.
By default, the Change History provides a detailed listing of changes. You can view a summary of the change history through the View Change Summary button that appears on the Changes tab of Property Pages:
For a Change Note, the change summary displays an entry for each item affected by the Change Note. No descriptions are provided.
For an item, the change summary displays an entry for each Change Note that has been active when a change has been made to that item. No descriptions are provided.
When you show the change summary, Modeler continues to show change summaries until you click the View Change Summary button again.
The following section provides information about the items and diagrams for which Change History is a property. For more information about an item or diagram, click it.
Is property of
All items, diagrams and symbols.