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ptcs-chart-pie is a compound component that enables you to visualize data as a pie or a donut chart. In addition to the pie chart area, the component has areas for a title, notes, legend, and an action bar area that contains controls for the legend visiblity, zoom, and selecting all slices when multiple selection is enabled.

Usage Examples

Basic Usage

<ptcs-chart-pie items="[[pie-chart-data]]"></ptcs-chart-pie>

Component API


Property Type Description Default
titleLabel String The chart title
titlePos String Specifies the title position. Supported values: "top", "bottom", "left", or "right" top
titleAlign String Specifies the title alignment. Supported values: "left", "center", or "right" center
titleVariant String The variant assigned to the title ptcs-label header
notesLabel String The notes text
hideNotes Boolean Hide the notes? false
notesPos String Specifies the notes position. Supported values: "top", "bottom", "left", or "right" bottom
notesAlign String Specifies the notes alignment. Supported values: "left", "center", or "right" center
chartState String Specifies the chart 'error' state. Supported values: data, loading, no-data or error data
iconStateLoading String Specifies the icon to display when the chart data is loading
labelStateNoData String Specifies the text to display when the chart is not bound to a data source
iconStateNoData String Specifies the icon to display when the chart is not bound to a data source
labelStateEmpty String Specifies the text to display when the bound infotable does not contain any data
iconStateEmpty String Specifies the icon to display when the chart is empty
labelStateError String Specifies the text to display when the chart data cannot be loaded
iconStateError String Specifies the icon to display when the chart data cannot be loaded
hideLegend Boolean Hide the chart legends area false
legendPos String Specifies the legend position. Supported values: "top", "bottom", "left", or "right" "right"
legendAlign String Specifies the alignment of the legend. Supported values: "start", "center", or "end" start
legendShape String Specifies the shape of the legend. Supported values: "square", "circle", "none" square
filterLegend Boolean If true, each legend item has a checkbox that allows the user to hide or show the corresponding data false
actionBar String Specifies the action bar position. Supported values: "top", "bottom" top
sparkView Boolean Displays chart preview by hiding certain parts e.g. legend false
legendMaxWidth Number Sets the maximum width of each legend label
selectionMode String Set selection mode: "none" (default) - no slices can be selected. "single" - one slice can be selected. "multiple" - any number of slices can be selected. The "multiple" option displays a link in the Action bar area for selecting / un-selecting all slices. "none"
donut Number Sets the size of the hole in the center of the pie chart. Use this property to display a Donut chart. Supported values are between 0 and 0.99
polar Boolean Uses the radius to visualize the difference between values. Each category is displayed at an equal angle false
padAngle Number Sets the size of the padding between the Pie chart slices
startAngle Number Sets the start angle for the chart
endAngle Number Sets the end angle for the chart
cornerRadius Number Specifies the corner radius for the chart slices
highlightSelection Boolean When enabled, the selected slices are pushed out and offset from the main chart false
showValues String Shows the value of each slice. Supported values: "none", "inside", "outside" inside
valuePos String Sets the position of the data labels relative to the slices. Supported values: marker, in, out or out with line marker
percentLabel Boolean Converts and displays the data values as percentages false
insideLabelShowHide Boolean Shows a data label next to a donut chart slice when it is in a selected, hover, or focus state false
singleInsideValueLabel String The variant assigned to the Inside Value Label ptcs-label header
data Array The chart data
tooltipTemplate String Custom tooltip to display when a data point on the chart is selected. You can show a title, text, data values, and create new lines. Use the following syntax: Add #title# before a string to show a title, #newline# to create a new line, ${} to display data from available pie chart tokens: ${label}, ${value}).
disabled Boolean Is the pie chart disabled?


Name Data Description
series-click no data
selected-data-changed selection Chart selection


The Parts of a Pie Chart

A ptcs-chart-pie consist of these sub-components:


Part Description
chart-layout The ptcs-chart-layout subcomponent
title-area The chart title area container
title-label The chart title
notes-area The chart notes area container
notes-label The chart notes title
core-chart The ptcs-chart-core-pie subcomponent
legend-area The legend area container
legend The ptcs-chart-legend subcomponent
action-bar-area The action bar area container
action-bar The ptcs-toolbar subcomponent

The title-label and notes-label are assigned the same maximum width as their parents (title-area and notes-area).

State attributes

Attribute Description Part
disabled Is the Pie Chart disabled? :host