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The KPI Dial displays a metric's value in context of defined target ranges. The dial can be configured for a traditional, gauge-like layout, or a horizontal/vertical bar layout.

Usage Examples

Basic Usage

<ptcs-kpi-dial layout="horizontal" label="My Label" min-value="10" max-value="20" value="13" unit-of-measure="kg" show-unit-of-measure icon-position="left" valueFormat="0.00" direction="right to left" label-alignment="center"></ptcs-kpi-dial>

Component API


Property Type Description Default
label String Specifies the text of the KPI label. Label
layout String Controls the type of layout used to display the KPI value. Options: dial, horizontal, vertical. dial
value Number Sets the KPI value.
valueFormat String Sets the format of the KPI value. 0000
tooltipValueFormat String Sets the format of the KPI value inside the tooltip.
minValue Number Sets the minimum value to display on the KPI. 0
maxValue Number Sets the maximum value to display on the KPI. 100
direction String Specifies the direction of the value tracker on the dial, horizontal, or vertical layouts. dial: clockwise, horizontal: left to right, vertical: bottom to top
iconPosition String Specifies the position of the KPI status icon relative to the value label. Options: left, center, right left
labelType String The text type of the KPI label. Options: caption, body, label, title, large-title, sub-header, header, large-header. label
labelAlignment String Controls the alignment of the KPI's label. Options: left, center, right. left
unitOfMeasure String Specifies the unit of measurement for the KPI value.
showUnitOfMeasure Boolean Displays the unit of measurement next to the KPI value. false
startAngle Number Sets the start angle of the value and target trackers on the dial layout. Options: 0 - 360. 45
endAngle Number Sets the end angle of the value and target trackers on the dial layout. Options: 0 - 360. 315
stateFormat Object Defines the KPI target values for the value tracker. It is used to apply a custom icon and color for each value in range.
maxIconSize Number Sets the maximum size of the KPI icon. The icon grows or shrinks relative to the size of the container


Name Description
click A click event that is generated when the user clicks on the KPI Dial using the mouse, or by pressing on the Space/Enter keys while in focus.


The Parts of a KPI Dial

Part Description
root The root element that conatins the KPI value and trackers.
label The KPI label.
value-ctr The container of the KPI value.
value The value label.
UOM The unitOfMeasure label.
value-tracker The background bar for the maximum value.
value-tracker-filling The value bar display, filling the area up to the value's percentage.
target-range-tracker A smaller bar that shows target ranges with formatting.
icon The KPI icon according to the stateFormat.