<ptcs-textarea> is a multiline input box that can be customized to fit your application.
Usage Examples¶
Basic Usage¶
<ptcs-textarea label="Write a description" hint-text="Add detailed explanation"></ptcs-textarea>
Shows an text area box with a label and a hint text.
Component API¶
Property | Type | Description | Default | Triggers a changed event? |
counter | Boolean | Adds a characters counter at the end of the field | No | |
disabled | Boolean | If true, the user cannot interact with this element | false | No |
hasText | Boolean | read-only property, indicating if text has a non-empty value | No | |
hintText | String | Hint for an empty textarea | "" | No |
label | String | Label that is shown for the textarea | "" | No |
labelAlignment | String | Alignment of label (left, right, center). | "left" | No |
maxNumberOfCharacters | number | Allows only specified amount of characters. | 100 | No |
errorThreshold | String | Lets users set error threshold above which the error should be shown. It can be set in percentage (for example, 43%) as well as numberOfCharacters (for example, 43). | 0.9 | No |
readOnly | Boolean | This attribute indicates that the user cannot modify the value of the control | No | |
text | String | The initial value of the control. Supports two-way data binding | "" | Yes |
textAlignment | String | Alignment of text (left, right). | "left" | No |
tooltip | String | The tooltip that appears when hovering over the text area, or when it has keyboard focus | null | No |
tooltipIcon | String | The icon for the tooltip | null | No |
validity | String | Returns the value of validation: "undefined", "unverified", "invalid" or "valid" | No | |
extraValidation | Function | Custom client validation function. This is invoked with the text component itself as parameter, so that it can use any ptcs-textarea property for custom validation. Can return true (= valid), false (= invalid), or undefined (ignore validation) |
No | |
externalValidity | String | Controls the state of the validation. You can set this property to unvalidated, valid, or invalid. | No | |
hideValidationCriteria | Boolean | Don't show validation criteria in unvalidated state? | No | |
hideValidationError | Boolean | Don't show validation error state? | No | |
hideValidationSuccess | Boolean | Don't show validation success state? | No | |
required | Boolean | Validation criterion: Need to enter text | No | |
requiredMessage | String | The message that is displayed when no text is entered. | "A value is required" | No |
minlength | Number | Validation criterion: minimum text length | No | |
minLengthFailureMessage | String | The message to display when the value is invalid because of min length | No | |
maxlength | Number | Validation criterion: maximum text length | No | |
maxLengthFailureMessage | String | The message to display when the current value exceeds the maximum character length. | No | |
validationCriteria | String | The validation details message | No | |
validationCriteriaIcon | String | Icon for criteria state (unvalidated). | "cds:icon_info" | No |
validationErrorIcon | String | Icon for error state (invalid). | "cds:icon_error" | No |
validationMessage | String | The validation (title) message | No | |
validationSuccessDetails | String | The validation success details message | No | |
validationSuccessIcon | String | Icon for success state (valid). | "cds:icon_success" | No |
validationSuccessMessage | String | The validation success (title) message. | "Success" | No |
Name | Data | Description |
text-changed | { text } | Triggered whenever the value changes |
No methods
Part | Description |
root | The text area parent element |
label | The label element |
text-box | The element that wraps value and counter |
hint-text | The hint text value inside the text-box element |
text-value | The text value element inside the text-box element |
counter | The characters counter element inside the text-box element |
CSS Variables¶
Currently no variables are available
State attributes¶
Attribute | Description | Part |
counter | Set to a text field with a characters counter | :host |
disabled | Set to a disabled text field | :host, text-value |
hintText | Set hint-text value to be presented on text-box | :host, hint-text |
readOnly | Set to a read-only (non-editable) text area | :host, text-value |
label | Set label value | :host, label |
labelAlignment | Set text alignment in label part | :host, label |
maxNumberOfCharacters | Set maximum number of characters to be entered in text-value | :host, text-value |
textAlignment | Set text alignment of text-value input | :host, text-value |
pattern | String | Validation criterion: Regular expression. Field is valid only if the text matches this pattern rule |