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<ptcs-textarea> is a multiline input box that can be customized to fit your application.

Usage Examples

Basic Usage

<ptcs-textarea label="Write a description" hint-text="Add detailed explanation"></ptcs-textarea>

Shows an text area box with a label and a hint text.

Component API


Property Type Description Default Triggers a changed event?
counter Boolean Adds a characters counter at the end of the field No
disabled Boolean If true, the user cannot interact with this element false No
hasText Boolean read-only property, indicating if text has a non-empty value No
hintText String Hint for an empty textarea "" No
label String Label that is shown for the textarea "" No
labelAlignment String Alignment of label (left, right, center). "left" No
maxNumberOfCharacters number Allows only specified amount of characters. 100 No
errorThreshold String Lets users set error threshold above which the error should be shown. It can be set in percentage (for example, 43%) as well as numberOfCharacters (for example, 43). 0.9 No
readOnly Boolean This attribute indicates that the user cannot modify the value of the control No
text String The initial value of the control. Supports two-way data binding "" Yes
textAlignment String Alignment of text (left, right). "left" No
tooltip String The tooltip that appears when hovering over the text area, or when it has keyboard focus null No
tooltipIcon String The icon for the tooltip null No
validity String Returns the value of validation: "undefined", "unverified", "invalid" or "valid" No
extraValidation Function Custom client validation function. This is invoked with the text component itself as parameter, so that it can use any ptcs-textarea property for custom validation. Can return true (= valid), false (= invalid), or undefined (ignore validation) No
externalValidity String Controls the state of the validation. You can set this property to unvalidated, valid, or invalid. No
hideValidationCriteria Boolean Don't show validation criteria in unvalidated state? No
hideValidationError Boolean Don't show validation error state? No
hideValidationSuccess Boolean Don't show validation success state? No
required Boolean Validation criterion: Need to enter text No
requiredMessage String The message that is displayed when no text is entered. "A value is required" No
minlength Number Validation criterion: minimum text length No
minLengthFailureMessage String The message to display when the value is invalid because of min length No
maxlength Number Validation criterion: maximum text length No
maxLengthFailureMessage String The message to display when the current value exceeds the maximum character length. No
validationCriteria String The validation details message No
validationCriteriaIcon String Icon for criteria state (unvalidated). "cds:icon_info" No
validationErrorIcon String Icon for error state (invalid). "cds:icon_error" No
validationMessage String The validation (title) message No
validationSuccessDetails String The validation success details message No
validationSuccessIcon String Icon for success state (valid). "cds:icon_success" No
validationSuccessMessage String The validation success (title) message. "Success" No


Name Data Description
text-changed { text } Triggered whenever the value changes


No methods



Part Description
root The text area parent element
label The label element
text-box The element that wraps value and counter
hint-text The hint text value inside the text-box element
text-value The text value element inside the text-box element
counter The characters counter element inside the text-box element

CSS Variables

Currently no variables are available

State attributes

Attribute Description Part
counter Set to a text field with a characters counter :host
disabled Set to a disabled text field :host, text-value
hintText Set hint-text value to be presented on text-box :host, hint-text
readOnly Set to a read-only (non-editable) text area :host, text-value
label Set label value :host, label
labelAlignment Set text alignment in label part :host, label
maxNumberOfCharacters Set maximum number of characters to be entered in text-value :host, text-value
textAlignment Set text alignment of text-value input :host, text-value
pattern String Validation criterion: Regular expression. Field is valid only if the text matches this pattern rule