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Pagination is a web component that enables you to navigate and view large sets of data more easily by splitting results into multiple pages. It lets users measure the overall number of results, relate the current displayed data to other results on different pages, and find relevant data more effectively. The pagination appearance changes and depends on the container size.

When working with the component, you should be aware of the following considerations:

  • You must set the pageSize property to one of values defined by pageBreaks, e.g. if pageBreaks is ['10', '25', '50'], then pageSize can take either '10' or '25' or '50'
  • The total number of pages is calculated based on pageSize and totalNumberOfElements, e.g. for 10 and 1000 (respectively), the maximum page number is 100
  • You can set the pageSize and totalNumberOfElements properties within the HTML markup or using JavaScript.
  • The pageNumber property has a two-way binding that you can use to set the current page.

See the following examples for more information.




Usage Examples

Basic Usage

<ptcs-pagination total-number-of-elements="50" page-size="10"></ptcs-pagination>
const ptcsPagination = document.querySelector('ptcs-pagination');
ptcsPagination.addEventListener('page-number-changed', event => {
    const selectedPageNo = event.detail.value;
    console.log('Selected page no:', selectedPageNo);
ptcsPagination.totalNumberOfElements = 189;
ptcsPagination.pageSize = 2;
const pageBreaks = {
    firstBreak:  10,
    secondBreak: 25,
    thirdBreak:  50,
    fourthBreak: 75,
    fifthBreak:  100
ptcsPagination = Object.assign(ptcsPagination, pageBreaks)

Component API


Property Type Description Default Triggers a changed event
pageNumber Number Selected page 1 Yes
pageSize Number The current page size, 10 No
maximumWidth Number Enables you to specify a value to restrict the maximum width No
stringPerPage String The localized "per page" string (with placeholder to indicate the position of the dropdown, before or after the text) __ResultsDropdown__ per page No
stringResults String The localized "results" string (with placeholder to indicate where the value of totalNumberOfElements is to be shown) __TotalResults__ results No
totalNumberOfElements Number The total number of elements is calculated from totalNumberOfPages divided by pageSize No
firstBreak Number The value for the first option that determines the number of results to display on a page. 10 No
secondBreak Number The value for the second option that determines the number of results to display on a page. 25 No
thirdBreak Number The value for the third option that determines the number of results to display on a page. 50 No
fourthBreak Number The value for the fourth option that determines the number of results to display on a page. 75 No
fifthBreak Number The value for the fifth option that determines the number of results to display on a page. 100 No
showPageBreak Boolean Adds a drop-down list that enables users to select the number of results to show on each page. false No
showTotalResults Boolean Enables you to display the total number of results that are returned from the server. false No
showDirectLink Boolean Adds an input field that enables users to navigate to a specific page number. false No


The page-number-changed event is triggered when the pageNumber property changes. See the example above for more information.


No methods.



Part Description
page-break-and-total-results-container The container for the following parts: "string-show-label", "page-results-dropdown", "string-of-label", and "total-results-label". In the medium layout, also part "direct-link"
total-results-label The container for the localized stringResults string
page-results-dropdown A dropdown with options for the number of results on the page
string-per-page-label The container for the localized stringPerPage string
carousel The component representing possible navigation buttons. ptcs-pagination-carousel
direct-link The container for the label and input-number element
string-jump-to-label The label that is shown before the "input-number" element
input-number The component that allows only to type the positive, natural numbers. ptcs-pagination-input-number

The order of the results dropdown and the string-per-page-label container may vary according to the language (the position of the dropdown is determined by the __ResultsDropdown__ placeholder being before or after the text of property stringPerPage).