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The collection component contains a collection of arbitrary UI components. The client has full control over the creation of the components and can chose between three layouts: grid, flex, or table.

The component is data driven; the client supplies an array of items and methods that convert the items into UI components. The returned components are managed in a virtual scroller, allowing the component to handle many sub-components efficiently.

The collection component supports sorting and grouping with headers and footers.

Usage Example

Basic Usage

<ptcs-collection items="[[items]]" item-width="[[itemWidth]]" item-height="[[itemHeight]]"
                 create-cell="[[createCell]]" assign-cell="[[assignCell]]"></ptcs-collection>

Note that itemWidth, itemHeight, createCell, and assignCell are callback methods (functions).

Grouping with headers and footers

<ptcs-collection items="[[items]]" item-width="[[itemWidth]]" item-height="[[itemHeight]]"
                 create-cell="[[createCell]]" assign-cell="[[assignCell]]"
                 group="groupKey" headers footers></ptcs-collection>

Component API


Property Type Description Default Triggers a changed event?
assignCell Function Binds a cell element, created by createCell, to an item in the items array. The prototype is: (cellElement, item, index, selected, collection). Note: selected is true if the element is selected. collection is the collection component. It can e.g. be used to check if the collection has been disabled.
assignFooter Function Binds a footer element, created by createFooter, to a group key (a string). The prototype is: (footerElement, groupKey, set). Note: set is a Set that contains all items that belongs to the group.
assignHeader Function Binds a header element, created by createHeader, to a group key (a string). The prototype is: (headerElement, groupKey, set). Note: set is a Set that contains all items that belongs to the group.
autoSelectFirstItem Boolean Automatically select the first item of items`` when starting?|false`
autoScroll Boolean Scroll to the closest selected item when the collection is resized? false
columnGap Number or String Specifies the gap between columns 8px
cellTabKeyScope String Controls the scope of navigation when interacting with the contents of a cell using the keyboard. When the scope is set to cell, using the TAB inside a cell loops over the elements within the cell. When the scope is set to collection, the TAB key navigates to the next cell in the collection after the last element in the current cell is selected. cell
createCell Function Function that returns an empty cell DOM element: () => Element. The element will be used by assignCell to assign an item to it. Note that the element can be reused by any number of items.
createFooter Function Function that returns an empty footer DOM element: () => Element. The element will be used by assignFooter to assign an group identfier to it. Note that the element can be reused by any number of groups.
createHeader Function Function that returns an empty header DOM element: () => Element. The element will be used by assignHeader to assign an group identfier to it. Note that the element can be reused by any number of groups.
dataState String Specifies an explicit data state: data - display items, loading - display message as specified by iconStateLoading and labelStateLoading. error - display message as specified by iconStateError and labelStateError data
disabled Boolean Disable component? false
disableWrapping Boolean Put whole group in a single row? (Only supported in the flex layout.) false
footers Boolean or String Show footers? If true (Boolean) show footers. If pinned (String) show footers and pin bottomost footer to bottom of collection viewport. false
group String or Function Specify grouping. If group is a string, it specifies the name of a field that contains a group key in the items. If group is a function, it should use the following prototype: (item, index) => String. The returned value is the grouping key.
groupGap Number or String Specifies the gap between groups. Only applicable if grouping is enabled. 8px
headers Boolean or String Show headers? If true (Boolean) show headers. If pinned (String) show headers and pin topmost header to top of collection viewport. false
rowHorizontalAlignment String Specify horizontal alignment: space-between, space-evenly, left, center, right, stretch. space-evenly
iconStateEmpty String Specify icon to display when items is not an array
iconStateError String Specify icon to display when dataState is error
iconStateLoading String Specify icons to display when dataState is loading
iconStateNoData String Specify icon to display when items is not an array
itemHeight Function Function that returns the DOM element height of an item: (items[index], index) => height (a number)
items Array The rendered collection items.
itemWidth Function Function that returns the DOM element width of an item: (items[index], index) => width (a number)
labelStateEmpty String Specify label to display when items is an empty array
labelStateError String Specify label to display when dataState is error
labelStateLoading String Specify label to display when dataState is loading
labelStateNoData String Specify label to display when items is not an array
lastLineAlignment String Specify horizontal alignment on the last row of a group or of the collection. The supported values are: space-between, space-evenly, left, center, right, stretch. Note that lastLineAlignment is only applicable when the layout is flex. If unassigned, the value of rowHorizontalAlignment is used.
layout String Select layout method: flex, grid, or table. flex places as many cells as fits on each rown. grid aligns the cells in columns. table uses one cell per row. flex
leftAlignLastRow Boolean Pad the last rows (plural when grouping is active) with ghost cells? Only available in flex mode. false
rowGap Number or String Specifies the gap between rows 4px
selectionMode String Specify selection mode: none - no cells can be selected. single - one cell can be selected. multiple - any number of cells can be selected. none
spaceAbove Number or String Specifies the space above the first row 0
spaceBelow Number or String Specifies the space below the last row 0
spaceLeft Number or String Specifies the space to the left of each row 0
spaceRight Number or String Specifies the space the right od each row 0
sort String or Function Specify sorting. If sort is a string, it specifies a name of a field that contains a sort key in the items. The sort key is sorted numerically when comparing two numbers and alphabetically otherwise. If sort is a function, it should use the following prototype: (itemA, itemB) => Number. The returned value should be less than zero if itemA < itemB, greater than zero if itemA > itemB, and zero if the items have the same sort position.
stretchRowHeight Booelan If disableWrapping is true and group unassigned, stretches the height of the (single) row to the collection height. false
uniformHeight Boolean Use the same row height for all rows? false
rowVerticalAlignment String Specify vertical alignment: top, center, bottom, stretch. center
preventCellContextMenu Boolean Specify if right-click menu is visible for the collection cells false


Name Data Description
selection selection Triggered when the current selection changes. If selectionMode is single, then selection is an integer that specifies the index of the selected item or -1 if no item is selected. If selectionMode is multiple, then selection is an array of integers that specifies the indexes of the selected items or null if no items are selected.
cell-select-mode index, selected Triggered for each item when its selection state changes. index specifies the index of the item. selected is true if the item has become selected or false if it has become unselected.
cell-clicked index, clickedOn Triggered when the user clicks on a cell. index is the index of the clicked item. clickedOn is the DOM node that was clicked.
cell-double-clicked index, clickedOn Triggered when cell is double clicked. index is the index of the clicked item. clickedOn is the DOM node that was clicked.
cell-long-clicked index, clickedOn Triggered when cell is long clicked. index is the index of the clicked item. clickedOn is the DOM node that was clicked.
cell-right-clicked index, clickedOn Triggered when cell is right clicked. index is the index of the clicked item. clickedOn is the DOM node that was clicked.


Signature Description
refreshCell(index) Inform the collection that the item at index needs to be redrawn. Note that the item will only be redrawn if it is currently visible (inside the viewport)
reLayout() Inform the collection that the entire layout must be recomputed. This is needed whenever any item changes sizes. The request is debounced; it will take a while before it takes effect, so there is no performance penalty to call it several times.
select(index, selected) Manually select or unselect individual items. index is the index of the item, selected should be: true if the item should be selected, false if the item should be unselected, and undefined if the current selection state should toggle.
selectAll() If selectionMode is multiple, select all items.
unselectAll() Unselect all items



Part Description
container The element that contains the virtual scroller (that displays the items)
footer A footer row
header A header row
message-container The container that contains an message, when items is invalid or empty, or dataState is error or loading. Note that the message is only displayed if the client has specified an icon and / or a label for the message state.
message-icon The message icon
message-label The message label
row A row that contains cell