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ptcs-chart-layout is a subcomponent for common chart areas (or panes) displayed in a CSS grid that defines the structure in which charts are displayed. The layout areas consist of the following slots:

  • chart, the chart area
  • title, the chart title area
  • notes, the chart notes area
  • action-bar, the area for the Show / Hide Legend button and Select / Clear All link
  • legend, the legend area
  • xaxis, the x-axis area
  • xaxis2, the secondary x-axis area
  • xzoom, the x-axis zoom controls area
  • yaxis, the y-axis area
  • yaxis2, the secondary y-axis area
  • yzoom, the y-axis zoom controls area

The actual location of the slots within the layout as well as their visibility depends on configuration settings for elements such as title, legend, or notes (i.e. component properties like titlePos, legend-pos, notesPos, sparkView etc). Slots for secondary axes and y-axis zoom controls are not indicated.

Property sparkView hides all areas except the chart pane, typically used to show a simplified thumbnail view of the graph.

Basic Usage

The example below outlines a subset of the chart layout definition from the line chart, without any secondary axes, and omits some properties for brevity's sake. Note how the ptcs-chart-layout nests around other chart subcomponents like ptcs-chart-coord and ptcs-chart-legend, and the repeated use of subcomponents ptcs-chart-zoom and ptcs-chart-axis to provide corresponding chart functionality on both axes.

Review any one of the chart components (ptcs-chart-bar, ptcs-chart-line, etc) for a comprehensive example.

    <ptcs-chart-layout id="chart-layout" style="height:100%" part="chart-layout"
                           title-pos="[[titlePos]]" hide-title="[[!titleLabel]]"
                           notes-pos="[[notesPos]]" notes-align="[[notesAlign]]" hide-notes="[[_hideNotes(notesLabel, hideNotes)]]"
                           legend-pos="[[legendPos]]" hide-legend="[[_hideLegend(hideLegend, legend)]]"
            <div part="title-area" slot="title">
                <ptcs-label part="title-label" label="[[titleLabel]]" variant="[[titleVariant]]" multi-line></ptcs-label>
            <div part="notes-area" slot="notes">
                <ptcs-label part="notes-label" label="[[notesLabel]]" variant="label" multi-line></ptcs-label>
            <ptcs-chart-coord slot="chart" part="chart">
            <div part="legend-area" slot="legend">
                <ptcs-chart-legend part="legend"
            <ptcs-chart-zoom slot="xzoom" part="zoom-xaxis"
            <ptcs-chart-axis id="xaxis" slot="xaxis" part="xaxis"
            <ptcs-chart-zoom slot="yzoom" id="zoomY" part="zoom-yaxis"
            <ptcs-chart-axis id="yaxis" slot="yaxis" part="yaxis">
            <div part="action-bar-area" slot="action-bar">
                <ptcs-toolbar part="action-bar"

Component API

Since ptcs-chart-layout is a common chart subcomponent many of its properties are familiar chart properties (e.g. titlePos, notesPos, etc), which are normally exposed using the same property name in the charts, while other properties are specific to the component (e.g. effTitlePos, effNotesPos, etc).


Property Type Description
titlePos String Specifies the title position. Supported values: "top", "bottom", "left", or "right"
hideTitle Boolean Toggle to hide the title
notesPos String Specifies the notes position. Supported values: "top", "bottom", "left", or "right"
hideNotes Boolean Hides the notes area
notesAlign String Specifies the notes alignment. Supported values: "left", "center", or "right"
legendPos String Specifies the legend position. Supported values: "top", "bottom", "left", or "right"
hideLegend Boolean Hide the legend?
xAxis Boolean Show x-axis area, unless sparkView
yAxis Boolean Show y-axis area, unless sparkView
isReferenceLines Boolean Show reference (a.k.a. threshold) lines, unless sparkView
zoom Boolean Zooming of some kind is enabled, display reset button
xZoom Boolean Show x-zoom area, unless sparkView
yZoom Boolean Show y-zoom area, unless sparkView
actionBar String Specifies the position of the Action Bar area. Supported values: "top", "bottom"
flipAxes Boolean Flips the positions of the x- and y-axes
flipXAxis Boolean Flips the x-axis to the opposite side of the chart
flipYAxis Boolean Flips the y-axis to the opposite side of the chart
sparkView Boolean Hides all areas except the chart pane
narrow Boolean Toggle for narrow view, such as on a mobile device
effTitlePos String The effective title position (dependent on propTitle and hideTitle)
effNotesPos String The effective notes position
effLegendPos String The effective legend position



The ptcs-chart-layout parts have a 1:1 correspondence with the slot by same name. The ptcs-label inserted by this component under the title and notes slots are assigned their parent container's width as maxWidth (parts title-area and notes-area, respectively).

Part Description
chart the chart area
title the chart title area
notes the chart notes area
action-bar the area for the Show / Hide Legend button and Select / Clear All link
legend the legend area
xaxis the x-axis area
xaxis2 the secondary x-axis area
xzoom the x-axis zoom controls area
yaxis the y-axis area
yaxis2 the secondary y-axis area
yzoom the y-axis zoom controls area

State attributes

Attribute Description Part
eff-legend-pos The effective legend position :host
eff-notes-pos The effective notes position :host
flip-axes Are the axes flipped? :host
legend-pos The legend position :host
notes-pos The notes position :host
title-pos The title position :host