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A binary visual representation can be in on or off state. When the UI element is activated it toggles state.

Usage Examples

Can be seen in: ptcs-checkbox and ptc-toggle-button

Example for ptcs-checkbox:

Basic Usage

<ptcs-checkbox variable="{{show}}">Show</ptcs-checkbox>

Assigns the variable show to true whenever the checkbox state becomes on, and to false whenever it becomes off.

Start in on state (checked)

<ptcs-checkbox variable="{{show}}" checked>Show</ptcs-checkbox>

Explicit variable values

<ptcs-checkbox variable="{{tool}}" value-on="knife" value-off="fork">Use tool</ptcs-checkbox>

Assigns the variable tool to "knife" whenever the checkbox is on and "fork" otherwise.

Component API


Property Type Description Triggers a changed event
checked Boolean Current element state (on = true, off = false) Yes
disabled Boolean Is the element disabled? No
state Boolean Same like "checked" but not reflected to attribute No
valueOff any The value that the element assigns to variable when the element is turned off. Default: false No
valueOn any The value that the element assigns to variable when the element is turned on. Default: true No
variable any The variable that the element monitors and assigns Yes


No methods

State attributes

Attribute Description Part
checked Current element state (on = true, off = false) :host
disabled Is the element disabled? :host