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Usage Examples

Upload Manager

File upload uses the upload manager in order to perform the following actions: - Upload file - Get uploading progress

Basic Usage

<ptcs-file-upload upload-manager="[[uploadMgr]]"></ptcs-file-upload>

Component API


Property Type Description Default Triggers a changed event?
disabled Boolean Set to True to disable the element false No
uploadManager Object Specifies the upload manager. Refer to the detailed section about the upload manager below. No
showRepositorySelector Boolean If TRUE, the component will include a repository selector. false No
showRepositoryPath Boolean If TRUE, the component will include a repository path that the user can upload the file(s) to. false No
fileUploadType String Sets the file upload control type (select/drag). If set to "Select file", the uploader is presented as a button that the user can click to open a file selection dialog box. If set to "drop zone", the file upload is presented as a drag-and-drop box where the user drags the files to upload, or alternatively the user can click anywhere in the box to browse for files. "drag" No
maxHeight Number Sets the maximum height (in pixels) for the component. If not set, the height for the component is not restricted. No
title String Defines the label text for the component. "Upload" No
titleStyle String Sets the label text style for the component. "label" No
description String Defines the description text for the component. "" No
descriptionStyle String Sets the description text style for the component. "body" No
disableInstantUpload Boolean If set to “true”, only placeholders for files are created, and the files are uploaded only after a submission. No progress indicators are shown. When set to "false", the files are uploaded with the content and progress indicators would show. false No
hideFileTypeIcon Boolean If set to “true”, the file type icon is not shown. false No
dropZoneLabel String Defines the label text for the drop zone for the component. "Drag files here or click to browse" No
dropZoneIcon String Defines the icon in the drop zone No
dropZoneHeight Number Defines the height for the drop zone box No
uploadedFileHeight Number Defines the height for an uploaded file box No
browseButtonLabel String Defines the label text of the browse button "Browse" No
browserButtonStyle String Defines the label style for the Browse button "tertiary" No
showUploadButton Boolean If set to “true”, the Submit button is available to submit the files selected for upload false
uploadButtonLabel String Defines the label text of the submit button "Upload" No
uploadButtonVariant String Sets the button style for the Submit button "primary" No
showDeleteAllButton Boolean If set to “true”, the “Remove All” button allows the user to cancel the upload and remove all uploaded files
deleteAllButtonLabel String Defines the label text for the “Remove All” button false No
filesList Array The uploaded files as an array of JS File objects Yes
fileNames String (ReadOnly) The names of the selected files
fullPaths String (ReadOnly) The full paths of the files with path No
allowedFileTypes String Enter file types separated by a comma to only allow specific types. For example: gif, pdf, jpg. No
allowedFileTypesMessage String The message to display when an unsupported file is added. No
allowedFileTypesMessageDetails String A secondary message that displays more information when an unsupported file is added. No
externalValidity String The component's validity as determined externally (server-side). Value: undefined, unvalidated, invalid, or valid No
extraValidation Function Custom validation function to complement the component's client-side validation logic. Can return true (= valid), false (= invalid), or undefined (ignore validation) No
fileRequired Boolean Require at least one file to be uploaded. No
fileRequiredMessage String The message to display when a required file is missing. No
fileUploadErrorDetails String A secondary message that displays more information about the validation failure message for a file. No
fileUploadErrorMessage String A message that displays as primary error message for a file. No
hideValidationCriteria Boolean Don't show a hint message about the required selection in unvalidated state?
hideValidationError Boolean Don't show a failure message when the validation failed?
hideValidationSuccess Boolean Don't show a success message when the validation is successful?
maxFileSize Number Sets a maximum size limit on each individual file in megabytes (MB). No
maxFileSizeFailureMessage String The message to display when a file exceeds the maximum allowed. No
maxFileSizeFailureTitle String The title of the the dialog box that displays when the file size exceeds the maximum allowed. No
maxNumberOfFiles Number Limits the maximum number of files that you can add to the upload list. No
maxNumberOfFilesFailureMessage String The message to display when the number of files added exceeds the maximum. No
maxUploadSize Number Sets a maximum size limit in MB for all selected files. No
maxUploadSizeFailureMessage String The message to display when the total upload size exceeds the maximum allowed. No
maxUploadSizeFailureTitle String The title of the dialog box that is displayed when the total upload size exceeds the maximum allowed. No
validationCriteria String A secondary message that displays more information about the validation failure/criteria message.
validationCriteriaIcon String An icon to display within the criteria status message (unvalidated). "cds:icon_info"
validationErrorIcon String An icon to display within the status message when the validation fails (invalid). "cds:icon_error" No
validationMessage String The validation (title) message to display when the validation is in invalid state. "File Upload Error(s)" No
validationSuccessDetails String A secondary message that displays more information about the validation success message.
validationSuccessIcon String An icon to display within the status message when the validation succeeds (valid). "cds:icon_success"
validationSuccessMessage String The message (title) to display when the validation is successful. "Success"
validity String The component's validity status. Value: undefined, unvalidated, invalid, or valid
removeFileTooltip String Tooltip to display while hovering over the remove icon.

Using the Upload Manager Interface

To use an upload manager with the component, it should have the following methods and properties:

upload(file, opts = {}, onprogress, onstatuschange)

Uploads the file to server. This method reports ongoing progress of the upload and the final status of the process.


  • file: a Web API File object.
  • opts: Options can contain following fields:
  • repo: the repo name to upload the file to (used by TWX)
  • path: a path on the repo (used by TWX)
  • filename: can be different from in case of duplicate files
  • replace: if destination file should be replaced
  • onprogress: This handler should be called by the upload manager when the uploading progress changes. e.progress should contain the percents number (0 <= progress < 100). 100% will be displayed by the file upload only when the 200 status is reported. e.filename should be assigned with the file name.
  • onstatuschange: This handler should be called by the upload manager when the upload status changes. In case of a successful upload e.status should be assinged to 200. e.filename should be assigned with the file name.


Object that contains the following methods that can be applied to the current upload: cancel


Name Data Description
delete-file ev.detail = { filename, repo, path } Generated when the user removes a file from the list
upload-started ev.detail = { [filenames], repo, path } Generated when the upload starts
upload-failed ev.detail = { [filenames], repo, path } Generated when the upload fails
upload-complete ev.detail = { [filenames], repo, path } Generated when the upload is complete


Name Description
uploadAll Upload the files when "disable instant upload" is true
deleteAll Removes all the files from the list. Pass "noconfirm" argument as true if you don't need the confirmation dialog to appear.
clearFilesList Removes all the JS File object from filesList array