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A slider is useful when selecting a numeric value within a certain range. The slider design makes it impossible to enter a bad value. Any value that can be picked on the slider is valid.

The ptcs-slider has several features * Supports horizontal and vertical layouts * The range can be between any numbers, not only integers or positive numbers * The step can be any arbitrary (positive) number * The slider can have one thumb for selecting a single value or two thumbs for selecting ranges * The slider can be customized with icons

Usage Examples

Basic Usage

<ptcs-slider min-value="0" min-label="Freezing" max-value="100" max-label="Boiling">

Vertical slider

<ptcs-slider vertical></ptcs-slider>

Component API


Property Type Description Default Triggers a changed event?
disabled Boolean Is the slider disabled? false -
editValue Boolean Can the displayed value(s) be edited? false -
fullTrack Boolean Should the track span the full slider or leave space for the slider thumbs to go partially outside? If false, indicates that the thumb always reads from the center of the thumb. If true indicates that the value position is sliding inside the thumb: when the thumb is at the leftmost position, the value position is at the left side of the thumb, when the thumb is at 50% the value position is at the center of the thumb, and when the thumb is at the rightmost position the value position is at the right side of the thumb. false -
iconSet String An iconset for the slider icons -
label String The slider label "" -
labelAlignment String The alignment of the slider label. Supported values are: left, center, and right. "left" -
labelVariant String The variant of the label. Intended for theming. -
maxIcon String The icon on the max side of the slider null -
maxIconSize String The icon size of maxIcon -
maxLabel String The label for the max side of the slider -
maxValue Number The maximum value for the slider. 100 -
minIcon String The icon for the min side of the slider null -
minIconSize String The icon size of minIcon -
minLabel String The label for the min side of the slider -
minValue Number The minimum value of the slider. 0 -
minValueWidth Number The minimum width for the value container. 34 -
maxValueWidth Number The maximum width for the value container (single line truncation overflow pattern). 96 -
numStep Number The number of discrete steps the that the slider range will be partitioned into. Only one of numStep and sizeStep should be specified. If neither are specified, the slider is continuous. -
overlapThumbs Boolean When the slider has two thumbs (for selecting ranges), can they overlap? false
precision Number Number of fraction digits for value and value2. If 0 then the slider selects integers. 0 -
range Boolean Is the slider selecting a range instead of a single value? That is, use two thumbs instead of one? false -
reverseLabels Boolean Swap the location of the labels and values? false -
reverseMinmax Boolean Swap the location of the min and max sides? false -
showValue String Show the current value(s)? The options are: yes, no, true, false, or drag. The latter means that the value is only displayed when dragging the thumb. false -
sizeStep Number The size of a slider step. Only one of sizeStep and numStep should be specified. If neither are specified, the slider is continuous. -
tabindex Number An HTML tabindex. When assigned the controls can be focused and supports keyboard navigation -
thumb2Icon String Icon for the range thumb (the second thumb) null -
thumbIcon String Icon for the thumb null -
thumbSize Number Size of thumb. Thumbs are squared. 44 -
thumbTooltip String Tooltip text for thumb "" -
thumbTooltipIcon String Icon for the thumb tooltip "" -
thumb2Tooltip String Tooltip text for second thumb (on range slider) -
thumb2TooltipIcon String Icon for the second thumb tooltip (on range slider) -
trackPlacement String Placement of the track relative to the thumb. Options: center, start, end. Horizontal sliders may use top instead of start and bottom instead of end. Vertical sliders may use left and right. "center" -
trackSize Number width (if vertical) or height (if horizontal) of the slider track. 20 -
value Number Current value of slider. 0 yes
value2 Number Current value of second thumb, if slider is a range slider. 100 yes
variant String The variant of the slider. Intended for theming. -
vertical Boolean Is slider orientation vertical instead of horizontal? false -
hideMinMaxLabels Boolean Hide min/max labels? -
validity String Returns the value of validation: "undefined", "unverified", "invalid" or "valid" "undefined" -
extraValidation Function Custom client validation function. This is invoked with the slider component itself as parameter, so that it can use any ptcs-slider property for custom validation. Can return true (= valid), false (= invalid), or undefined (ignore validation) -
externalValidity String Controls the state of the validation. You can set this property to unvalidated, valid, or invalid. -
hideValidationCriteria Boolean Don't show validation criteria in unvalidated state? -
hideValidationError Boolean Don't show validation error state? -
hideValidationSuccess Boolean Don't show validation success state? -
minValidValue Number Validation criterion: minimum slider value -
minValueFailureMessage String The message to display when the value is invalid because of min slider value -
maxValidValue Number Validation criterion: maximum slider value -
maxValueFailureMessage String The message to display when the current value exceeds the maximum slider value -
validationCriteria String The validation details message -
validationCriteriaIcon String Icon for criteria state (unvalidated). "cds:icon_info" -
validationErrorIcon String Icon for error state (invalid). "cds:icon_error" -
validationMessage String The validation (title) message -
validationSuccessDetails String The validation success details message -
validationSuccessIcon String Icon for success state (valid). "cds:icon_success" -
validationSuccessMessage String The validation success (title) message. "Success" -
### Methods

The slider does not have any methods



Part Description
icon-min The icon on the min side
icon-max The icon on the max side
label The slider label
min-label The label on the min side
max-label The label on the max side
slider-container The container of the track and thumbs
track The slider track
track-before The part of the track that is before the thumb
track-between The part of the track that is between the thumbs. Only visible in range mode.
track-after The part of the track that is after the thumb
thumb The thumbs
thumb1 The first thumb
thumb2 The second (range) thumb
value The slider value
value2 The slider second value (if a range slider)

State attributes

Attribute Description Part
vertical Is the slider vertical (instead of horizontal)? :host
disabled Is the slider disabled? :host
range Is the slider a range slider? :host
reverse-minmax Has the min and max swapped sides? :host
reverse-labels Have the labels and values swapped sides? :host
range-collapsed Is value === value2? :host
dragging-thumb Is the thumb dragged? :host
editing Is the slider value edited? value, value2


Attribute Value
role If tabindex is assigned, the slider sets the role attribute to slider.
aria-valuenow Contains the current value. If slider is a range slider, contains: ${value} to ${value2}
aria-valuemin The minimum value
aria-valuemax The maximum value
aria-orientation vertical if slider is vertical, otherwise not assigned
aria-describedby Added to thumb when tooltip is showing; value: ptcs-tooltip-overlay
aria-disabled Only present if the slider is disabled
aria-label The value assigned to the label property

Keyboard Navigation

Key Action
ArrowLeft, ArrowDown Decrease slider value with one unit
ArrowRight, ArrowUp Increase slider value with one unit
End Set slider value to the maximum value
ESC Hide tooltip (if showing)
Home Set slider value to the minimum value
PageDown Decrease slider value with several units
PageUp Increase slider value with several units
Shift-TAB Leave slider or move focus to first thumb
TAB Leave slider or move focus to second thumb