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ptcs-chart-axis is a subcomponent used to add axes to charts (one for each axis). The example listed below outlines declarations for a chart with four axes: x-axis, secondary x-axis, y-axis, and secondary y-axis. This component is nested within ptcs-chart-layout.

Usage Examples

Basic Usage

            <ptcs-chart-axis id="xaxis" slot="xaxis" part="xaxis"
                spec-min="[[_specValueMin(specXMin, specXMax, xZoomStart, noXZoom, _xMin, _xMax, _xType)]]"
                spec-max="[[_specValueMax(specXMin, specXMax, xZoomEnd, noXZoom, _xMin, _xMax, _xType)]]"
                side="[[_xSide(flipXAxis, flipAxes)]]"
                size="[[_xSize(_graphWidth, _graphHeight, flipAxes)]]"
                max-size="[[_if(flipAxes, verticalAxisMaxWidth, horizontalAxisMaxHeight)]]"
            <ptcs-chart-axis id="xaxis2" slot="xaxis2" part="xaxis2"
            <ptcs-chart-axis id="yaxis" slot="yaxis" part="yaxis"
            <ptcs-chart-axis id="yaxis2" slot="yaxis2" part="yaxis2"

Component API


Property Type Description Default
type Object number, date, or array (of labels) number
side String Specifies the axis position. Supported values: "top", "bottom", "left", or "right" left
label String Axis label
alignLabel String Specifies the axis label alignment. Supported values: "start", "center", or "end"
minValue Object The minimum value in the data
maxValue Object The maximum value in the data
specMin Object The specified minimum value in the data: "baseline" | "auto" | value, where "baseline" means to start from zero if the minimum value in the data is non-negative, otherwise use "auto". "auto": Use the minimum value of the data and subtract 20% of the full range of the data. Value: start at specified value.
specMax Object The specified maximum value in the data: "auto" | value
numTicks Number Set the number of labels on the axis
size Number The current size / length of the axis (width or height, depending on property side)
maxSize String The maximum size / length of the axis
reverse Boolean Reverse the axis direction?
rotateTicks Boolean Rotate the ticks on collision? false
scale Function The generated scale
scaleMin Number Minimum value on current scale: function(minValue, maxValue, minSpec)
scaleMax Number Maximum value on current scale: function(minValue, maxValue, maxSpec)
ticks Array Axis ticks [{label, value, offs}, ...]
dualTicks Array Ticks from a dual axis that this axis should synchronize to
ticksRotation String Only for horizontal axes: Set explicit ticks rotation in degrees, instead of using auto rotation. The allowed range is: -180 to 180. If this property is not specified, horizontal axis ticks auto-rotate 90 degrees if they collide when not rotated.
outerPadding String Padding before and after the chart area
innerPadding String Inner padding, between data in different groups
numberFormat String Number format specifier, has precedence over numberFormatSpecifier
numberFormatSpecifier String The number format (e.g. 0000.0, #% or 0.00) to use on the axis
dateFormatToken String The date format token (e.g. 'YYYY-MM-DD')
referenceLines Array Array of threshold line ticks
isReferenceLines Boolean Does the axis have threshold lines?



Part Description
label-container Container for the axis label
label Axis label
ticks-area Container for the axis ticks

State attributes

Attribute Description Part
side Axis location (left / right / top / bottom) :host
align-label Label alignment (left / center / right) :host
rotate-ticks Rotate ticks on collision? :host
is-reference-lines Does the axis have threshold lines? :host