For automation interface information about the Font property, see the automation interface topic for Symbol Style in the Related Topics. Through the automation interface, the following automation interface attributes are used to store font properties of Symbols, RTF Text and Token Text:
• For Symbols: Font Name, Font Size and Text Colour.
• For RTF Text (such as the Description property): RTF Font Name, RTF Font Size, RTF Text Colour and RTF Font Effects.
• For Token Text (Model Object References in Rich Text): Token Font Name, Token Font Size, Token Text Colour and Token Text Effects.
This property specifies the Font name, size, color and effects (bold, italic, strikeout and underscore when applicable) for an item.
By default, the Font is set to Default Font Used for Symbols, RTF Text and Token Text.
This property is set through the Style Modification dialog, which you open through the Edit button on the following tabs or dialogs:
• Style tab of a Symbol Style item's Property Pages.
• Style tab of an item's or diagram's Property Pages.
• Style entry of a symbol's View Options dialog.
On the Style Modification dialog, in the Font group, select Symbols, RTF Text or Token Text from the drop-down list, and then click Select to open the Font dialog on which you can set the Font properties:
• Symbols specifies the text style when used on diagram symbols.
For Symbols, you can specify the Font Name, Size and Colour. The following effects cannot be set or are ignored: Bold, Italic, Strikeout and Underscore.
• RTF Text specifies the text style when used in Rich Text properties, such as, the Description property.
For Rich Text, you can specify the Font Name, Size and Colour and the following effects: Bold, Italic, Strikeout and Underscore.
• Token Text specifies the text style for Model Object References used in Rich Text properties.
For Token Text, you can specify the Font Name, Size and Color and the following effects: Bold, Italic and Underscore. The following effects cannot be set or are ignored: Strikeout.
To use the default font settings for Symbols, RTF Text or Token Text: in the Font group, select Symbols, RTF Text or Token Text; and then click Use Default Font.
You can apply style settings to a symbol through the symbol, through the symbol's item, through an applied Stereotype or through a Symbol Style item.
If a user does not have the specified font on their computer, Windows uses the closest matching font.
The following section provides information about the items and diagrams for which Font is a property. For more information about an item or diagram, click it.