Model Parts, Diagrams, Dictionary Items, and Properties > Dictionary items > Alternative choice (dictionary item)
Alternative choice (dictionary item)
For automation interface information about an Alternative Choice, see Alternative choice (automation interface).
An Alternative Choice groups a set of Variability Dependencies and applies multiplicity to those Variability Dependencies.
To create an Alternative Choice for many existing Variability Dependencies:
On a diagram, select the Variability Dependencies that you want to include in the Alternative Choice you are creating, right-click one of the selected Variability Dependencies, and then click Create Alternative Choice.
To create an Alternative Choice for a single existing Variability Dependency:
On a diagram, click the Alternative Choice toolbar button, and then click the Variability Dependency that you want to include in the Alternative Choice you are creating.
To create an Alternative Choice that is not linked to any Variability Dependencies:
On a diagram, click the Alternative Choice toolbar button, click in free space, and then click the Variation Point that is to own the Alternative Choice.
In a Modeler pane, right-click a Variation Point, point to New, and then click Alternative Choice.
Through the Options tab of an Alternative Choice's Property Pages you can specify its multiplicity, that is, the minimum and maximum number of Variants that must be selected for the Alternative Choice.
After creating an Alternative Choice, you can use optional Variability Dependencies to link the Alternative Choice to the Variants that are included in the Alternative Choice group.
When shown on a diagram, an Alternative Choice's notation is as follows:
For information about the View Options available for this symbol, see Alternative choice view options - all diagrams.
On a diagram:
You can populate a Variation Point's Alternative Choices: right-click the Variation Point, point to Populate, and then click Variability Dependencies.
You can populate an Alternative Choice's Variability Dependencies: right-click the Alternative Choice, point to Populate, and then click Variability Dependencies.
In the Modeler panes, a short-cut symbol on the Variant's icon indicates that the item is a stub. For more information, see Stubs.
The following sections provide information about how an Alternative Choice is used in the model.
In addition to the standard properties an Alternative Choice has these properties:
Max Multiplicity
Min Multiplicity
Owned by
Variation Point
Defined in these parts of the model
Variability Model
Shown on these diagrams
An Alternative Choice can appear on most diagram types.
Activity Diagram
Class Diagram
Communication Diagram
Composite Structure Diagram
Concurrency Diagram
Constraints Diagram
General Flow Diagram
General Graphics Diagram
Object Diagram
Profile Diagram
Sequence Diagram
State Diagram
System Architecture Diagram
Table Relationships Diagram
Use Case Diagram
Variant Diagram
Can be linked to these dictionary items
An Alternative Choice can be linked to the following items.
Like most other items in a Model, a Alternative Choice can be linked to an Activity Partition, Comment, Frame Box, General Node, General Flow, General Flow Diagram Node, Constraint (applied), General Flow Diagram Flow or Swimlane.