The Monitor provides a higher level of data management than the Semaphore. It controls all shared resources through a set of variables, data structures and procedures. Tasks are allowed to enter the Monitor one at a time. By administering each task separately, the Monitor allows processes to perform multiple, uninterrupted functions on the data.
You can create a Monitor through the context menu of a Package: right-click the Package, point to New, point to Proprietary, point to Concurrency, and then click Monitor. In addition, you can create a Monitor through a Concurrency Diagram.
When used on a diagram, a Monitor's notation is as follows:
In the Modeler panes, a short-cut symbol on the Monitor's icon indicates that the item is a
The following sections provide information about how a Monitor is used in the model. For more information about a property, item, model part or diagram, click it.
The Class box on the Options tab of a Monitor's Property Pages shows the Class, Data Type or Interface that owns the Operations that implement the Monitor.
Dependency —The Dependency is owned jointly by the Monitor and the other associated item. The access permissions you have to a Dependency are determined by the access permissions of the dependent item.