Model Parts, Diagrams, Dictionary Items, and Properties > Dictionary items > Parameter (dictionary item)
Parameter (dictionary item)
For automation interface information about a Parameter, see Parameter (automation interface).
A Parameter is a variable used for transmitting and receiving data. The actual value supplied to a parameter is known as an argument. You can assign a Data Type to a Parameter, which may be a simple type such as long or char, or a structured type such as a Type Definition.
You can create a Parameter through the context menu of an Activity, Event, Exception or Operation.
In addition, you can also create a Parameter by copying an existing Parameter. Modeler copies the Parameter's links. For more information, see Copying items.
You can specify the Type, Mechanism, Name and Default of a Parameter through its Signature, or through the Signature of an owning Activity, Event or Operation. See the following topics for more information.
Using a parameter signature to specify properties
Using an activity signature to specify name and parameters
Using an event signature to specify name and parameters
Using an operation signature to specify properties and parameters
If an owning item's signature is greater than 200,000 characters, the Parameters' Default values are not included in the signature.
On an Activity Diagram, Input Pins and Output Pins can represent Parameters.
In the Modeler panes, a short-cut symbol on the Parameter's icon indicates that the item is a stub.
The Name of a Parameter cannot contain spaces.
If you select the UML\Parameters folder in the Dictionary pane, the Contents pane displays the following information about each Parameter in the model: Operation (owning if applicable) and Mechanism.
The following sections provide information about how a Parameter is used in the model. For more information about a property, item, model part or diagram, click it.
In addition to the standard properties, a Parameter has these properties:
Data Type
Default (Default Value through the automation interface)
Mechanism - 'In', 'Out', or 'In and out'.
Owned by
Dependency - The Dependency is owned jointly by the Parameter and the other associated item. The access permissions you have to a Dependency are determined by the access permissions of the dependent item.
Defined in these parts of the model
Class Model
Concurrency Model
Object Interaction Model
System Architecture Model
Shown on these diagrams
General Flow Diagram
Variant Diagram
Can be linked to these dictionary items
Can use these items as a data type
Basic Type
Data Type
Type Definition
When a Parameter uses an item as a data type, Modeler creates a special link between the Parameter and the referenced item. You cannot navigate this link through the Links Editor.