When Modeler is integrated with a configuration management tool, a Model's symbol in the Packages and Relationships panes changes to indicate its status.
When under configuration control, a Model icon can include a lock, pencil, outgoing arrow and incoming arrow:
means you do not have write access to the Model.
means you do have write access to the Model.
means the Model is under configuration control and is checked out by you to the Modeler model.
means the Model is under configuration control and is not checked out by you.
A Model icon can appear as follows:
• The Model is not under configuration control.
• You have write access to the Model.
• The Model is not under configuration control.
• You do not have write access to the Model.
• The Model is under configuration control.
• The Model is checked out by you to the Modeler Model.
• You have write access to the Model.
• The Model is under configuration control.
• The Model is checked out by another user to the Modeler Model.
• You have write access to the Model.
• The Model is under configuration control.
• The Model is not checked out by you to the Model.
• You do not have write access to the Model. Note that a check in operation protects a Model, so that no users of the Model will have write access to the Model.
Dependency —The Dependency is owned jointly by the Model and the other associated item. The access permissions you have to a Dependency are determined by the access permissions of the dependent item.
If you use the Links Editor to link the Model to a Stereotype, the Stereotype is applied to the Model without making the Model the parent of the Stereotype.