Creo Simulation Live 개요
Creo Simulation Live 시작하기
Creo Simulation Live의 하드웨어 요구 사항
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워크플로 - Creo Simulation Live
Creo Simulation Live 사용자 인터페이스
Creo Simulation Live 검토
구조 시뮬레이션 실행 - Creo Simulation Live
예: 구조 시뮬레이션
열 시뮬레이션 검토 실행 - Creo Simulation Live
예: 열 시뮬레이션
모드 시뮬레이션 실행 - Creo Simulation Live
예: 모드 시뮬레이션
Creo Simulation Live에서 결합된 검토 실행
유체 시뮬레이션 검토 실행 - Creo Simulation Live
예 - Creo Simulation Live의 내부 흐름 시뮬레이션
예 - Creo Simulation Live의 외부 유체 시뮬레이션
예: 내부 형상 제거
Creo Simulation Live에서 접촉
Creo Simulation Live의 다중 바디에 대한 지원
라이브 시뮬레이션 범위 정의
Creo Simulation Live에서 접촉
Creo Simulation Live의 다중 바디에 대한 지원
Creo Simulation Live에서 어셈블리 작업
부품 수준에서 어셈블리 수준으로 Simulation Live 검토 가져오기
시간 제한
시뮬레이션 품질
시뮬레이션 입력 - Creo Simulation Live
제약 조건
고정 제약 조건 - Creo Simulation Live
변위 제약 조건 - Creo Simulation Live
원통 제약 조건
볼 제약 조건 - Creo Simulation Live
평면 제약 조건 - Creo Simulation Live
열 경계 조건
지정 온도 경계 조건 - Creo Simulation Live
초기 온도 - Creo Simulation Live
대류 경계 조건 - Creo Simulation Live
대류 방사 경계 조건 - Creo Simulation Live
유체 시뮬레이션 경계 조건
유속 - Creo Simulation Live
유입구 압력
배출구 압력
질량 흐름 경계 조건 - Creo Simulation Live
슬립 대칭 - Creo Simulation Live
회전벽 경계 조건
소용돌이 유입구 경계 조건
구조 하중
힘 하중 - Creo Simulation Live
모멘트 하중 - Creo Simulation Live
압력 하중 - Creo Simulation Live
중력 하중 - Creo Simulation Live
원심력 하중 - Creo Simulation Live
선형 가속 하중 - Creo Simulation Live
열 하중
전열 하중 - Creo Simulation Live
열류 하중 - Creo Simulation Live
Simulation Live 결과
결과 옵션 - Creo Simulation Live
유선에 대한 결과 표시 옵션
입자에 대한 결과 표시 옵션
벡터에 대한 결과 표시 옵션
Creo Simulation Live에서 결과 범례 사용
예: 다른 렌더링 방식을 사용한 결과
시뮬레이션 시간
Creo Simulation Live에서 유체 분석에 대한 결과 표시
Creo Simulation Live 검토 결과에 유선 표시
결과에 입자 표시
Creo Simulation Live 검토 결과에 벡터 표시
결과에 절단 평면 표시 - Creo Simulation Live
결과에 방향장 표시 - Creo Simulation Live
결과 질의 및 저장
시뮬레이션 결과 보고서
Simulation Live 결과 내보내기
검증 안내서 - Creo Simulation Live 및 Creo Ansys Simulation
검증 사례 - 정적 구조 분석
검증 사례 - 모달 분석
열 분석에 대한 검증 사례
벤치마크 사례
Creo Ansys Simulation
Creo Ansys Simulation 개요
Creo Ansys Simulation 시작하기
Creo Ansys Simulation 응용 프로그램 시작
사용자 인터페이스 - Creo Ansys Simulation
워크플로 - Creo Ansys Simulation
Creo Ansys Simulation에 대한 설정
구성 옵션 - Creo Ansys Simulation
Creo Ansys Simulation의 단위
재료 지정 - Creo Ansys Simulation
Creo Ansys Simulation에서 재료 생성
선형 등방성 재료 - Creo Ansys Simulation
가로 등방성 재료 - Creo Ansys Simulation
직교성 재료 - Creo Ansys Simulation
초탄성 재료 - Creo Ansys Simulation
탄소성 재료 - Creo Ansys Simulation
푸아송 비율 - 등방성
푸아송 비율
영(Young) 계수 - 등방성
영(Young) 계수
전단 계수
열 팽창 계수 - 등방성
열 팽창 계수
등방성 특성의 열 값
직교성 특성의 열 값
가로 등방성 특성의 열 값
재료 파손 기준 - Creo Ansys Simulation
수정 모어(Mohr) 파손 기준 - Creo Ansys Simulation
최대 전단 응력(Tresca) 파손 기준
최대 변형률 파손 기준
최대 응력 파손 기준
Tsai-Wu 파손 기준 - Creo Ansys Simulation
정규화된 Tsai-Wu 상호 작용 기간
변형 에너지(폰 미제스) 파손 기준
인장 극한 응력 - Creo Ansys Simulation
압축 극한 응력 - Creo Ansys Simulation
인장 항복 응력
전단 극한 응력 - Creo Ansys Simulation
Creo Ansys Simulation의 구조 제약 조건
고정 제약 조건 - Creo Ansys Simulation
변위 제약 조건 - Creo Ansys Simulation
예: 원격 점으로부터 변위 제약 조건 적용
평면 제약 조건 - Creo Ansys Simulation
원통 제약 조건 - Creo Ansys Simulation
볼 제약 조건 - Creo Ansys Simulation
무마찰 제약 조건 - Creo Ansys Simulation
관성 릴리프 - Creo Ansys Simulation
구조 하중
힘 하중 - Creo Ansys Simulation
모멘트 하중 - Creo Ansys Simulation
베어링 하중 - Creo Ansys Simulation
모범 사례 – Creo Ansys Simulation의 하중
압력 하중 - Creo Ansys Simulation
중력 하중 - Creo Ansys Simulation
원심력 하중 - Creo Ansys Simulation
선형 가속 하중 - Creo Ansys Simulation
구조적 온도 하중 - Creo Ansys Simulation
Creo Ansys Simulation의 열 경계 조건
지정 온도 경계 조건 - Creo Ansys Simulation
대류 경계 조건 - Creo Ansys Simulation
방사 경계 조건 - Creo Ansys Simulation
열 하중
전열 하중 - Creo Ansys Simulation
열류 하중 - Creo Ansys Simulation
열생성 하중 - Creo Ansys Simulation
질량 이상화 - Creo Ansys Simulation
스프링 - Creo Ansys Simulation
스프링 동작 - Creo Ansys Simulation
빔 이상화 - Creo Ansys Simulation
빔 단면 - Creo Ansys Simulation
빔 릴리즈 - Creo Ansys Simulation
셸 - Creo Ansys Simulation
셸 쌍 - Creo Ansys Simulation
Creo Ansys Simulation의 접촉
Creo Ansys Simulation의 접촉 동작
조인트 - Creo Ansys Simulation
조인트 동작 - Creo Ansys Simulation
서피스 나누기 피쳐 - Creo Ansys Simulation
Creo Ansys Simulation의 메쉬 처리
메쉬 제어
글로벌 메쉬 크기 제어 - Creo Ansys Simulation
로컬 메쉬 미세 조정
시뮬레이션 검토 실행
시뮬레이션 검토 실행 - Creo Ansys Simulation
Creo Ansys Simulation의 프로세스 관리자 사용
Creo Ansys Simulation의 진단
형상 검토 - Creo Ansys Simulation
Creo Ansys Simulation의 결과
Creo Ansys Simulation의 결과 정보
기본 결과 보기
고급 결과 정의 및 보기 - Creo Ansys Simulation
결과 템플릿 사용 - Creo Ansys Simulation
Creo Ansys Simulation의 결과 범례
결과 질의 - Creo Ansys Simulation
Creo Ansys Simulation에서 보조 창 사용
Creo Ansys Simulation의 결과 유형
자주 사용하는 결과 목록 사용자 정의
Creo Ansys Simulation에서 결과 저장 및 내보내기
Creo Ansys Simulation의 시뮬레이션 객체 상태
Creo Ansys Simulation의 해결자 설정
다른 시뮬레이션 도구에서 Creo Ansys Simulation으로 시뮬레이션 객체 가져오기
검증 안내서 - Creo Ansys Simulation
모델을 Ansys Mechanical 형식으로 내보내기
Intel 최종 사용자 라이선스 협약
Creo Simulate
Creo Simulate Overview
About Creo Simulate
Updates for Creo Simulate
Getting Started with Creo Simulate
Getting Started
Operating Modes
Operating Modes
Integrated Mode
Standalone Mode
Creo Simulate Products
The Creo Simulate Product Line
Creo Simulate Structure
Creo Simulate Thermal
Creo Simulate Workflow
Creo Simulate Workflow
Native Mode Workflow
FEM Mode Workflow
Planning and Modeling Considerations
Planning and Modeling Considerations
Building Part and Assemblies
Planning and Building Parts and Assemblies
Using Flexible Modeling Tools in Creo Simulate
Strategy: Keeping Models Simple
Strategy: Suppressing Nonessential Features
Strategy: Techniques for Refining your Geometry
Strategy: Techniques for Fully Specifying Your Geometry
Planning for Shape Changes
Planning for Shape Changes
Strategy: Planning Ahead for Shape Changes
Strategy: Developing a Featuring Scheme
Strategy: Identifying Relationships that Affect Shape Changes
Strategy: Changing Dimension Names
Strategy: Avoiding Topology Conflicts
Assembly Considerations
Simplified Assembly Representations in Creo Simulate
Retrieving Assemblies Modified in Creo Direct
Multi-CAD Assemblies in Creo Simulate
Using Creo Product Insight with Creo Simulate
About File Names in Creo Simulate
Using Effective Modeling Techniques
Simulation Modeling Techniques and Prerequisites
About Units
Using Coordinate Systems
Using Datum Features
Working with Surface and Volume Regions
To Dynamically Edit a Feature
About Editing and Replacing the References of Features
Using Parameters
Taking Advantage of Symmetry
Working with Symmetric Models
Example: Using Mirror Symmetry
Example: Using Cyclic Symmetry
Preparing a 2D Model
Planning for Optimization
Planning for Optimization Effects
Optimization and Suppressed Features
Optimization and Assemblies
Optimization and Generic Parts
Optimization and Reference Parts
User Interface Basics
Working with the User Interface
Using Dialog Boxes and Message Boxes
Creo Simulate Ribbon User Interface
Customizing the Ribbon
Process Guide
About Process Guide
Process Guide Session
Starting a New Process Guide Session
Re-entering an Existing Process Guide Session
Process Guide Dialog Box
Process Guide Templates
Process Template
Designing Process Guide Templates
Template Structure
Sample Process Guide Template
Process Guide Tasks
Model Objects and Attributes
Process Guide Template Dialog Box
To Create a Process Guide Template
Selection Methods
Mini Toolbar
About the Mini Toolbar in Creo Simulate
Mini Toolbar Commands in 2D Models
Mini Toolbar Commands in 3D Models
About Customizing the Mini Toolbar and Right Mouse Button Commands
Using Layers
Managing Modeling Entities Through Suppression and Family Tables
Simulation Display
Setting Simulation Visibility
Settings Tab
To Set Transparency for a Model
Modeling Entities Tab
Loads/Constraints Tab
Set Visibilities Tab
Mesh Tab
Applying Colors to Simulation Objects
Getting Information on Your Model
Removing Simulation Entities from Your Model
Printing Your Model
Creo Simulate Options
Changing Configuration Settings
Configuration File Options
About Configuration File Options
About Unit Settings Option
About Simulation Display Options
About General Modeling Options
About FEM Mode Modeling, Meshing, and Output Options
About Fatigue Options
About Run Options
About Result Display Options
About Miscellaneous Options
Online Help
Getting Help for Simulate
Online Help for Simulate
Supplemental Online Documents for Simulate
Modeling Structure and Thermal Problems
About Creating Models in Creo Simulate
About Regenerating Models
Support for Multibody Models in Creo Simulate
Using the Notification Center
Model Type
Setting Up a Model
About Model Types
Creo Simulate Lite
About Creo Simulate Lite
To Run a Creo Simulate Lite Analysis
To Display Simulation Entities in Model Tree
To Create a Model Note
To modify a Model Note
Structure Model Types
3D Model Type
2D Plane Stress Structure Model Type
2D Plane Strain Structure Model Type
2D Axisymmetric Structure Model Type
Thermal Model Type
3D Model Type
2D Plane Stress Thermal Model Type
2D Plane Strain Thermal Model Type
2D Axisymmetric Thermal Model Type
Guidelines for Working with Model Types
To Specify a Mode and Model Type
To Define 2D Model Types
About Features
Datum Feature Interoperability
Datum Feature Interoperability
Promoting Datum Features
Creating Features
Datum Feature Creation
Simulation Feature Creation Methods
Guidelines for Simulation Features
Datum Point
Datum Point
To Create Datum Points
Datum Plane
Datum Plane
To Create Datum Planes
Datum Axis
Datum Axis
To Create Datum Axes
Datum Curve
Datum Curve
To Create a Datum Curve through Points
To Create a Datum Curve from Equations
To Create a Datum Curve Using a Cross Section
Editing Curves in Creo Simulate
To Create a Wrapped Datum Curve
To Copy Curves or Edges
To Create a Projected Datum Curve by Selecting Chains
To Create a Projected Datum Curve by Sketching
To Create a Projected Datum Curve by Cosmetic Sketching
To Offset a Curve Along a Surface
To Intersect Surfaces
To Offset a Curve Normal to Surface
To Trim a Curve or Quilt
Coordinate Systems
About Coordinate Systems
To Create a Coordinate System
Datum Reference
Intent Objects
Creating Intent Surfaces from Patterned Geometry
Datum References
To Create Datum References
Using Lattices in Creo Simulate
Working with Homogenized Lattices in Creo Simulate
Divide Surface
Divide Surface Feature—Creo Simulate
Volume Region
Volume Region
To Create Volume Regions
Split Surface
Separate Surface Region
To Create a Separate Surface Using Automatic Selection of Contours
To Create a Separate Surface Using Manual Selection of Contours
About Connections
About Welds
Weld Definition Dialog Box
About Automatic Midsurface Connections
End Welds
End Welds
End Weld Definition
Example: Extend Adjacent Surfaces for End Weld
To Create an End Weld
Perimeter Welds
Perimeter Welds
Perimeter Weld Definition
To Create a Perimeter Weld
Spot Welds
Spot Welds
Spot Weld Definition
To Create a Spot Weld
Weld Feature Welds
Weld Feature
Weld Feature Weld Definition
To Create a Weld Feature Weld
To Automatically Detect Weld Feature Welds
About Fasteners
About Fasteners
Fastener Modeling Prerequisites
Example: Intervening Geometry
Rotation and Separation in Fasteners
Example: Unwanted Rotation About a Fastener
Creating Fasteners
Fastener Definition Dialog Box—Connecting Shells
Fastener Definition Dialog Box—Connecting Solids
Defining Fasteners Using Diameter and Material
Defining Fasteners Using Spring Stiffness Properties
Modeling Fasteners—Connecting Shells
Modeling Fasteners—Connecting Solids
To Create a Fastener
Opening Models with Fasteners Created in Pre-Creo Simulate 1.0 Releases
Rigid Link
About Rigid Links
To Create a Rigid Link
To Edit a Rigid Link
To Delete a Rigid Link
To Create an Advanced Rigid Link
Rigid Links (FEM mode)
About Rigid Links (FEM Mode)
Rigid Links in NASTRAN
Creating Rigid Links (FEM mode)
To Create a Rigid Link (FEM Mode)
Weighted Links
About Weighted Links
Creating Weighted Links
To Create a Weighted Link
Weighted Links (FEM mode)
About Weighted Links (FEM Mode)
Creating Weighted Links (FEM mode)
To Create a Weighted Link (FEM Mode)
About Interfaces
Creating Interfaces
Structure Interfaces
Bonded Interfaces
Free Interfaces
Contact Interfaces
Thermal Interfaces
Bonded Interfaces
Adiabatic Interfaces
Thermal Resistance Interface
About Gaps (FEM Mode)
Creating Gaps (FEM Mode)
To Create a Gap (FEM Mode)
Precedence Rules
About Idealizations
About Shells
Standard Shells
Shell Definition
Simple Shells
To Define a Simple Shell
Advanced Shells
To Define an Advanced Shell
Midsurface Shells
Before You Define a Shell Model
Before You Define a Shell Model
Pairing Schemes
Unopposed Surfaces
Model Entities and Idealizations
Gaps in Parts
Gaps in Assemblies
Shell Model Development
Defining Solid or Shell Models
Specifying Mesh Treatment for Models with Midsurfaces
Shell Pair Definition
Edit Shell Pair Definition
To Create a Shell Pair
Example: Variable thickness Shell Pairs
Example: Extend Adjacent Surfaces
Auto Detect Shell Pairs
Shell Compression
Shell Compression
To Test Shell Compression
About Beams
Example: Beam Display
Beam Coordinate Systems
Creating Beams
Beam Definition Dialog Box
Beam References
Beam Type
Y Direction for Beams
To Create a Beam
About Masses
Native Mode
Mass Definition Dialog Box
Setting a Coordinate System for an Advanced Mass
To Add a Mass to a Point
FEM Mode
Mass Definition Dialog Box (FEM mode)
To Add a Mass (FEM mode)
About Springs
Guidelines for Spring Creation
Simple Springs
Using Simple Springs
To Create a Simple Spring
To Create a Nonlinear Spring
To Ground Springs
Using To Ground Springs
To Create a To Ground Spring
Advanced Springs
Using Advanced Springs
Advanced Spring Restrictions (FEM mode)
Y Direction for Advanced Springs
To Create an Advanced Spring
About Cracks
To Define a Crack
Precedence Rules
Zoom Into Idealizations
About Properties
Deleting Properties
Background Information
Properties on Idealizations and Geometry
Considerations for Using Properties
Beam Sections
About Beam Sections
Beam Section Library
Library Lists for Beam Sections, Shell Properties, and Spring Properties
Managing Library Files
Beam Section Definition Dialog Box
Sketched Solid and Sketched Thin
To Create a Sketched Thin Beam Section
Connections in Thin Wall Beam Sections
To Create Connections for a Sketched Thin Beam Section
Beam Stress Calculations
Beam Section Icons
Beam Section Property Calculations
To Create a Beam Section
Beam Orientation
About Beam Orientations
Beam Action Coordinate System
Beam Shape Coordinate System
Beam Centroidal Principal Coordinate System
Beam Orientation Definition Dialog Box
To Define Beam Orientation
Beam Releases
About Beam Releases
Beam Release Definition Dialog Box
Beam Release Icons
To Create a Beam Release
Example: Beam Releases on Composite Curves
Shell Properties
About Shell Properties
Shell Property Library
Library Lists for Beam Sections, Shell Properties, and Spring Properties
Managing Library Files
Shell Property Types
Guidelines for Using Shell Properties
About the Shell Properties Dialog Box
Shell Property Definition Dialog Box
Homogeneous Stiffness
Laminate Stiffness
About the Laminate Layup
To Define Shell Properties
Spring Properties
About Spring Properties
Spring Property Library
Library Lists for Beam Sections, Shell Properties, and Spring Properties
Managing Library Files
Defining Spring Stiffness and Damping Properties
Defining Spring Properties for 2D and 3D Models
To Define Spring Properties
Mass Properties
About Mass Properties
Specifying the Off-diagonal Moments of Inertia
About Materials
Guidelines and Background
Guidelines for Using Materials
About Material Properties
Material Types
Material Property Requirements
Material Basics
Material Definition for Native and FEM Mode
Opening a Model containing Materials from a release before Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0
Converting the Material Library File to the Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 Format
Material Library
Material Library
Default Material Library
Units for Materials
Materials Dialog Box
Assign a Material
Assign a Material
To Assign a Material
Create a Material
Material Definition Dialog Box
Structural Options for Material Definition
Thermal Options for Material Definition
To Create a Material
Edit a Material
Edit a Material
To Edit a Material
Copy a Material
Copy a Material
To Copy a Material
Delete a Material
Delete a Material
To Delete a Material
Material Functions
To Create a Table Function
Table Function
Reference Topics - Materials
Hyperelastic Materials
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion — Isotropic
Graphs for Hyperelastic Material Definition
Hyperelastic Materials in Material Library
Hyperelastic Material
Hyperelastic Material Definition Dialog Box
Linear Isotropic Materials
Material Model for Hyperelastic Material Definition
Material Limits
Poisson's Ratio — Isotropic
Polynomial Form of order 2
Reduced Polynomial Form of Order 2
Tests for Hyperelastic Material Definition
Uniaxial Tests
Biaxial Tests
Planar Tests
Volumetric Tests
Transversely Isotropic
Young's Modulus
Young's Modulus — Isotropic
Elastoplastic Materials
Creating Elastoplastic Materials
To Define an Elastoplastic Material
To Create an Elastoplastic Material Using Tests
Tensile Yield Stress
Coefficient of Thermal Softening
Stress and Strain Data for the Material Definition Dialog Box
Material Assignment
About Material Assignment
Material Assignment Dialog Box
Guidelines for Material Assignment
Material Orientation
About Material Orientation
Default Material Orientation
Guidelines for Material Orientation
Material Orientations Dialog Box
About the Material Orientations Dialog Box
Create a Material Orientation
Material Orientation Definition Dialog Box
About the Material Orientation Definition Dialog Box
Defining Material Orientation for Volumes
To Create a Volumetric Material Orientation
Defining Material Orientation for Surfaces
To Create a Material Orientation for Surfaces
Copy a Material Orientation
To Duplicate a Material Orientation
Structural Constraints
About Structure Constraints
Adding Constraints
Constraints, Loads, and Analysis Types
Taking Advantage of Planar Symmetry
Constraints on Entities
Guidelines for Structure Constraint Sets
Guidelines for Structure Constraint Sets
Understanding Structure Constraint Sets
Guidelines for Structure Constraints
Displacement Constraints
Displacement Constraints
Constraint Settings
Constraint Options
Structure Constraint Icons
To Define Displacement Constraints
Troubleshooting Your Constraints
Verifying a Constraint
Performing a Body Check for Assemblies
Handling Stress Concentrations
Symmetry Constraints
Symmetry Constraints
Working with Symmetric Models
Cyclic Symmetry Constraints
Cyclic Symmetry Constraints
Guidelines for Cyclic Symmetry
To Add a Cyclic Symmetry Constraint
To Create a Cyclic Symmetry Model Section
To Define a Cyclic Symmetry Constraint
Mirror Symmetry Constraints
Mirror Symmetry Constraints
To Define a Mirror Symmetry Constraint
Planar, Pin and Ball Constraints
About Surface Constraints
To Define a Planar Constraint
To Define a Pin Constraint
To Define a Ball Constraint
Thermal Boundary Conditions
Guidelines for Thermal Boundary Conditions
Guidelines for Thermal Boundary Conditions for Geometry
Boundary Condition Sets
Boundary Condition and Load Sets in Thermal Analyses
Guidelines for Thermal Boundary Condition Sets
Convection Conditions
Convection Conditions
Convection Coefficient, h
Bulk Temperature, Tb
Spatial Variation for Convection Conditions
Temperature Dependent Convection Condition
To Create a Time-Dependent Convection Condition
Calculating the Convective Heat Transfer Rate
Calculating the Radiative Heat Transfer Rate
Ramping of Heat Loads and Convection Conditions
Using External Data
External Data for Convection Conditions
Creating FNF Files for External Loads and Constraints
Sample FNF File for External Convection Conditions
FNF Files in Product Data Management
Radiation Conditions
Radiation Conditions
Emissivity, ε
Ambient Temperature
Spatial Variation for Radiation Conditions
Temperature Dependent Radiation Condition
Prescribed Temperatures
Prescribed Temperature Conditions
Spatially Varying Temperatures
Spatially Varying Temperatures
Guidelines for Spatially Varying Temperatures
Interpolated Over Entity
Function of Coordinates
To Define a Prescribed Temperature
Structure Loads
About Loads
About Structure Loads
Applying Loads
Load Basics
Guidelines for Structure Loads
Guidelines for Load Sets
Understanding Load Sets
Guidelines for Load Sets
Force and Moment Loads
Force and Moment Loads
Guidelines for Force and Moment Loads
Specifying Magnitude and Direction for Loads
Distribution for Load
Spatial Variation
To Define Force and Moment Loads
Bearing Loads
Bearing Loads
Guidelines for Bearing Loads
To Define Bearing Loads
Bolt Preloads
Bolt Preloads
To Create a Prismatic Bolt Preload
To Create a General Bolt Preload
Rules for Setting Solid Type
Centrifugal Loads
Centrifugal Loads
Guidelines for Centrifugal Loads
From and To Fields for Centrifugal Loads
To Define Centrifugal Loads
Gravity Loads
Gravity Loads
Guidelines for Gravity Loads
To Define Gravity Loads
Pressure Loads
Pressure Loads
Guidelines for Pressure Loads
Pressure Load Direction
To Define Pressure Loads
Temperature Loads
Temperature Loads
Guidelines for Temperature Loads
MEC/T Temperature Loads
MEC/T Temperature Loads
Guidelines for MEC/T Temperature Loads
Use Previous Design Study
To Define MEC/T Temperature Loads
MEC/T History Temperature Loads
MEC/T History Temperature Loads
To Define MEC/T History Temperature Loads
Guidelines for MEC/T History Temperature Loads
Use Previous Design Study
Mechanism Loads
Mechanism Loads
To Import Mechanism Loads
Troubleshooting Your Loads
Troubleshooting Loads
Verifying a Load
Reviewing Resultant Loads
To Review Resultant Loads
Performing a Body Check for Assemblies
Handling Stress Concentrations
Thermal Loads
About Loads
About Heat Loads
Guidelines for Heat Loads
Guidelines for Load Sets
Understanding Load Sets
Guidelines for Load Sets
Example: Load Set
Defining Heat Loads
Load Per Unit Type
Total Load for Heat Loads
Heat Transfer Rate (Q)
Function of Time
To Define Heat Loads
Defining Component Heat Loads
Heat Transfer Rate (Q)
Function of Time
Reviewing Total Heat Loads
To Review Total Heat Loads
About Simulation Measures
Uses of Measures
Measure Basics
Measure Basics
Guidelines for Measures
Predefined, User-Defined, and Automatically-Defined Measures
Predefined Measures
Predefined Measures
Predefined Measures in Structure
Predefined Measures in Thermal
User-Defined Measures
User-Defined Measures
Reasons to Create User-Defined Measures
Automatically-Defined Measures
Global and Local Measures
Global and Local Measures
Point Measures
Near Point Measures
Parameter-Based Measures
Parameter-Based Measures
Parameter-Based Measure Basics
Results Specific to a Parameter-Based Parameter
Results for a Specialized Quantity
Setting Up Optimization Goals
Setting Up Optimization Limits
Setting Up Parameters for Regeneration Analyses
Example: Using Parameter-Based Measures
Coordinate Systems and Measures
Measures and Output
Measures Dialog Box
Measures Dialog Box
To Define Measures for Structural Analyses
To Define Measures for Thermal Analyses
Measures Definition Dialog Box
Measure Definition Dialog Box
Define Measures in Structure
Measures for Basic Analyses
User-Defined Measures for Basic Analyses
Basic Analysis Measure Selections
Measures for Dynamic Analyses
Measures for Dynamic Analyses
User-Defined Measures for Dynamic Analyses
Dynamic Analysis Measure Selections
Measure Quantities
Stress, Strain
Failure Index
Computed Measure
Rotational Velocity
Rotational Acceleration
Stress Intensity Factor (SIF)
Fatigue Measures
Interface Measures
Center of Mass
Moment of Inertia
Driven Parameter
Define Measures in Thermal
User-Defined Measures for Thermal Analyses
Thermal Analysis Measure Selections
Heat Flux, Temperature Gradient
Results Available for Measures
Selecting One or More Measures
Native Mode Meshes
About AutoGEM
Controlling an AutoGEM Mesh
Controlling an AutoGEM Mesh
Maximum Element Size
Edge Length By Curvature Control
Minimum Edge Length
To Control Minimum Edge Length in an AutoGEM Mesh
Isolate for Exclusion (IEAC)
Hard Points
Hard Curves
Hard Surface Control
Edge Distribution
To Control Edge Distribution in an AutoGEM Mesh
Prismatic Elements
Requirements for Creating Valid Prismatic Elements
Example: AutoGEM Mesh with Prismatic Control
Thin Solid
Example: AutoGEM Mesh with Thin Solid Control
Requirements for Creating Valid Thin Solid Regions
Auto Detect Thin Solids
Example: Limitations Involving Side Surfaces
Example: Split Surfaces
Precedence Rules
About Mapped Meshing
Mapped Mesh
To Create a Mapped Mesh Control
Example: AutoGEM Mesh with Mapped Mesh Control
Guidelines for Mapped Meshing
Wedge and Tri Mapped Mesh Regions
Ignored AutoGEM Control
Creating an AutoGEM Mesh
Preparing Your Model
AutoGEM Dialog Box
Creating AutoGEM Mesh Elements
AutoGEM File Menu
AutoGEM Info Menu
Element Types
How AutoGEM Uses Existing Geometry
How AutoGEM Uses Existing Elements
Using Surface
Strategies for Using the Surface Option
Status Messages
If AutoGEM Completes Successfully
Interrupting AutoGEM
Diagnosing AutoGEM Problems
Using the AutoGEM Log File
Example: Reducing the Element Count
Reduce the Number of Solid Elements
Applying AutoGEM Settings
AutoGEM Settings Dialog Box
Specifying Mesh Treatment for Models with Midsurfaces
Working with Geometry Tolerances
About Geometry Tolerance
Geometry Tolerance Settings Dialog Box
Absolute and Relative Tolerance Settings
FEM Meshes
About FEM Meshes
Transient and Retained FEM Meshes
Transient and Retained Meshes
If You Use Transient Meshes
If You Use Retained Meshes
Meshing Guidelines
Guidelines for Transient Meshes
Guidelines for Retained Meshes
Invalidating a Mesh
Troubleshooting FEM Mesh Generation
Assembly Meshing
Assembly Meshing Methods
Flat Meshing
Hierarchical Meshing
Hierarchical Meshing
Hierarchical Meshing Workflow
Understanding Hierarchical Meshes
Example: Hierarchical Mesh Generation
Connections in Assembly Meshing
Creating Load Paths for FEM Meshing
Load Paths for Flat Meshes
Load Paths for Hierarchical Meshes
Controlling a FEM Mesh
Controlling a FEM Mesh
Maximum Element Size (FEM mode)
Minimum Element Size (FEM mode)
Hard Points (FEM mode)
Hard Curves (FEM mode)
Hard Surface Control
Edge Distribution (FEM mode)
Shell Element Direction (FEM mode)
Displacement Coordinate System (FEM mode)
Mesh Numbering (FEM mode)
Mesh ID Offset (FEM mode)
About Mapped Meshing
Mapped Mesh
To Create a Mapped Mesh Control
Example: AutoGEM Mesh with Mapped Mesh Control
Guidelines for Mapped Meshing
Wedge and Tri Mapped Mesh Regions
Ignored Mesh Control (FEM mode)
Mesh Control Icons (FEM mode)
Creating a FEM Mesh
Types of FEM Meshes
To Create a FEM Mesh
Shell Mesh
Mixed Mesh (FEM mode)
About Quilts
FEM Mesh Settings
FEM Mesh Settings Dialog Box
Performing FEM Mode Mesh Operations
Performing FEM Mesh Operations
Importing NASTRAN Files
Improving a FEM Mesh
Reviewing a FEM Mesh
Reviewing a FEM Mesh
Review Nodes Dialog Box
Review Elements Dialog Box
Reviewing Analyses
Checking Elements
Checking a FEM Mesh
Aspect Ratio (FEM mode)
Warp Angle (FEM mode)
Skew (FEM mode)
Taper (FEM mode)
Edge Angle (FEM mode)
Distortion (FEM mode)
Mid Ratio (FEM mode)
Saving a FEM Mesh
Retrieving a FEM Mesh
Verifying Models
Checking Your Model
Validity Checking
Structure and Thermal Errors
Structure and Thermal Errors
Missing Properties
Invalid Analysis Definitions
Structure Errors
Structure Errors
Constraint–Constraint Conflicts
Missing Constraints
Thermal Errors
Thermal Errors
Missing Prescribed Temperatures or Convection Conditions
Conflicting Prescribed Temperatures
Creating Analyses
About Analyses
Creating Analyses and Design Studies
Analyses and Design Studies Dialog Box
Analysis Types
Displaying Analyses on the Model Tree
Structural Analysis
About Structural Analysis
Constraint and Load Sets in Structural Analyses
Static and Prestress Static Analyses
Static Analysis
Static Analysis Overview
To Create a Static Analysis
Prestress Static Analysis
Prestress Static Analysis Overview
To Create a Prestress Static Analysis
Nonlinear Analyses
Nonlinear Options
Large Deformation Static Analysis
Static Analysis of Models with Large Deformation
Static Analysis with Large Deformation Overview
To Create a Static Analysis with Large Deformation
Example: Large Deformation Analysis for Elastoplastic Materials
Static Analysis of Models with Contact Interfaces
Static Analysis of Models with Hyperelastic Materials
Static Analysis of Models with Elastoplastic Materials
Convergence Options
Convergence Options for Structural Analyses
Convergence Measures
Convergence Method
Advanced SPA Convergence Control
Convergence Options for Thermal Analyses
Convergence Percentage Calculation
Convergence Quantities for Steady Thermal Analysis
Convergence Quantity for Buckling Analyses
Convergence Quantity for Modal and Prestress Modal Analyses
Convergence Quantity for Static, Prestress Static, Large Deformation, and Contact Analyses
Check Contact Force
Press fit (initial interpretation)
Include Snap-through
To Set Convergence for a Structural Analysis
To Set Convergence for a Thermal Analysis
Modal and Prestress Modal Analyses
Modal and Prestress Modal Analyses
Modal Analysis Overview
To Create a Modal Analysis
Prestress Modal Analysis Overview
To Create a Prestress Modal Analysis
Buckling Analysis
Buckling Analysis
Buckling Analysis Overview
To Create a Buckling Analysis
Fatigue Analysis
About Fatigue Analysis
Fatigue Analysis Overview
About the External Fatigue Material File
Example: External Fatigue Material File
To Use an External Fatigue Material File in a Fatigue Analysis
To Create a Fatigue Analysis
Thermal Analysis
About Thermal Analysis
Boundary Condition and Load Sets in Thermal Analyses
Steady Thermal Analysis
Steady Thermal Analysis
Nonlinear Steady Thermal Analysis
Steady Thermal Analysis Overview
To Create a Steady Thermal Analysis
Transient Thermal Analysis
Transient Thermal Analysis
Transient Thermal Analysis Overview
To Create a Transient Thermal Analysis
Vibration Analysis
About Vibration Analysis
Guidelines for Using Dynamic Analyses
Steps in a Dynamic Analysis
Dynamic Time Analysis
Dynamic Time Analysis
Dynamic Time Analysis Overview
Base Excitation for a Dynamic Time Analysis
Translations at Three Points
Output for a Dynamic Time Analysis
Calculate Quantities for a Dynamic Time Analysis
Mode Options for Dynamic Analyses
To Create a Dynamic Time Analysis
To Select Output Options for a Dynamic Time Analysis
Dynamic Frequency Analysis
Dynamic Frequency Analysis
Dynamic Frequency Analysis Overview
Base Excitation for a Dynamic Frequency Analyses
Translations at Three Points
Output for a Dynamic Frequency Analysis
Calculate Quantities for a Dynamic Frequency Analysis
To Create a Dynamic Frequency Analysis
To Select Output Options for a Dynamic Frequency Analysis
Dynamic Random Analysis
Dynamic Random Analysis
Dynamic Random Analysis Overview
Base Excitation for a Dynamic Random Analysis
Translations at Three Points
Output for a Dynamic Random Analysis
Calculate Quantities for a Dynamic Random Analysis
To Create a Dynamic Random Analysis
To Select Output Options for a Dynamic Random Analysis
Dynamic Shock Analysis
Dynamic Shock Analysis
Direction of Base Excitation for a Dynamic Shock Analysis
To Create a Dynamic Shock Analysis
Output for a Dynamic Shock Analysis
Calculate Quantities for a Dynamic Shock Analysis
Response Spectrum Options for Dynamic Shock Analysis
To Select Load Functions for a Dynamic Analysis
To Select Output Options for a Dynamic Shock Analysis
To Define the Response Spectrum for a Dynamic Shock Analysis
Load Set Functions
Modes Included
To Select Mode Options for a Dynamic Analysis
To Use Previous Analysis Results in a Dynamic Analysis
FEM Analysis
About FEM Analysis
FEM Analyses
Defining a FEM Analysis
Defining a Modal FEM Analysis
To Create a FEM Analysis
Creating Design Studies
About Design Studies
Strategies for Running a Standard Design Study
Design Study Files
Design Variables
Overview of Design Variables
Example: Design Variable
Prepare Your Model for Design Variables
Types of Design Variables
Design Variables
Creating Design Studies
Analyses and Design Studies Dialog Box
To Create a Design Study
To Add a Dimension to a Design Study
To Add a Section Dimension to a Design Study
Defining Variables in a Design Study
Design Study Options Dialog Box
Standard Study for Structure and Thermal
Standard Design Study
To Create a Standard Design Study
Regeneration Analysis
To Run a Regeneration Analysis
Global Sensitivity Study for Structure and Thermal
Global Sensitivity Study
Repeat P-Loop Convergence
Regeneration Analysis
To Create a Global Sensitivity Study
Local Sensitivity Study for Structure and Thermal
Local Sensitivity Study
Regeneration Analysis
To Create a Local Sensitivity Study
Optimization Study for Structure and Thermal
Optimization Design Study
To Define a Goal for an Optimization Study
Design Limits
To Define Design Limits for an Optimization Study
Optimization Convergence
Optimization Algorithm
Maximum Iterations
Regeneration Analysis
To Create an Optimization Study
To Save an Optimized Shape
Shape Animate
Shape Animate
Example: Shape Animation
To Perform a Shape Animation
Running Solvers
Native Mode Solvers
Running Analyses and Design Studies
Before You Run an Analysis or Design Study
Before You Run an Analysis or Design Study
Before Creo Simulate Starts a Run
Analyses and Design Studies Dialog Box
Results Menu
To Start an Analysis or Design Study Run
Setting Up a Run
Setting Up a Run
Directory for Temporary Files
Directory for Output Files
Output File Format
Memory Allocation
Use Iterative Solver
Existing Design Study Files
Invalid Design Studies
Error Detection
Creating a Batch File
What Batch Does
Run a Batched Analysis or Design Study
Run Distributed Batch
Monitoring an Analysis or Design Study Run
Monitoring an Analysis or Design Study Run
Run Status
Summary Report Contents
RMS Stress Error Estimates
Error Messages
Time and Disk Usage Information
Interactive Diagnostics
Troubleshoot Run Problems
Troubleshoot Run Problems
Troubleshoot High Elapsed Run Times
Use mecbatch
Use msengine
Use External Optimizers
FEM Solvers
About Running FEM Analyses and Generating Output Decks
Solving a Model Using an FEA Program
Selecting a Solver
FEM Analysis Types
Element Shape
Determining a Run Method
Run Methods
Reviewing a FEM Mesh
Outputting Data to an Offline FEA Program
Outputting to a User-Defined Solver
Creo Simulate Results Window
Results for Native Mode
About Results
Working with the Results User Interface
About the Quick Access Toolbar
Results User Interface Ribbon
Results User Interface Ribbon
About Command Search
About Minimizing the Ribbon
Graphics Toolbar
Graphics Toolbar
Default View
Spin Center
Shortcut Menus in Graphics Window
Basic Functions for the Results User Interface
Loading Result Windows
Loading Result Windows
Insert Result Windows from Template Dialog Box
Defining Result Windows
Result Window Definition Dialog Box
Study Selection Area
Step/Combination Selection
Display Type Area
Quantity Tab
Quantity for Result Windows
Display Options Tab
Fringe Display Type
Vectors Display Type
Graph Display Type
Model Display Type
To Display a Result Window
Display Location Tab
To Define a Result Window
Updating Results Window
Viewing Results
Viewing Results
Orienting Results
The Orientation Dialog Box
To Tie the Orientation of Multiple Windows
Controlling Result Windows and Model Appearance
Controlling Result Windows and Model Appearance
Spin Center
Animating Results Display
Animating Your Results Display
To Animate a Results Display
To Format a Fringe, Contour, Vector, Model, or Animation Result Window
Example: Comparing Mode Animations for the Same Model
Capping and Cutting Surfaces
Examining Model Interiors for Fringe and Contour Plots
Results Surface Definition Dialog Box
Defining Cutting or Capping Surface References
Defining Reference Planes for Cutting or Capping Surfaces
Defining Cutting or Capping Surface Depth
Dynamic Cutting and Capping Surface Displays
Defining Graph along Reference Planes for Cutting or Capping Surfaces
To Create a Capping Surface
To Create a Cutting Surface
To Modify a Capping Surface
To Modify a Cutting Surface
Arranging Multiple Result Windows
Arranging Multiple Result Windows
To Reorder Result Windows
To Swap Result Windows
Annotating Result Windows
Annotating Result Windows
To Annotate a Result Window
Querying Results
Dynamic Query
About the Linearized Stress Report Dialog Box
To Query for Linearized Stress
Querying Quantities for Fringe Plots and Linearized Stress Analyses
Querying on Cutting or Capping Surfaces
To Query for Linearized Stress on Cutting or Capping Surfaces
Clearing Query Tags from a Result Window
Evaluating Results
Evaluating Results
Evaluating Fringe Contour and Vector Plots
Adjusting the Legend
Adjusting the Fringe, Contour, and Vector Legends
Edit Legend Dialog Box
Adjusting Color Scale for Fringe, Contour, and Vector Legends
Using Maximum and Minimum Legend Values to Get More Details
Saving Spectrum
Comparing Results
Probing Fringe, Contour, and Vector Plots
Shading Your Model
Evaluating Graphs
Managing Graphs
Probing Graphs
Evaluating Animations
Controlling Animations
Comparing Animations
Example: Comparing Mode Animations for the Same Model
Example: Comparing Animation Stages for the Same Model
Reviewing and Editing Result Windows
To Edit a Result Window
Copying, Deleting and Editing Result Windows
About Saving Results in Creo Simulate
About Saving Results in Creo Simulate
Save Options in Creo Simulate Results
Graph Report
HTML Report
To Export a File in HTML
Export HTML Dialog Box
About HTML Report Preferences File
Export Movie
Movie Export Dialog Box
To Export a File as a Movie
To Export a Surface Mesh in NASTRAN format
Creo View
To Mail Analyses Results
To Save Results to the Active Workspace
To Save Results as HTML Reports to the Active Workspace
Printing Result Windows
Results for FEM
About FEM Results
Using the Postprocessor in FEM Mode
Loading NASTRAN Results Database
Graphical Result Windows
Viewing FEM Analysis Results
Supported FEA Solvers
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting in Creo Simulate
Diagnostics Menu
Diagnostics Messages
Singularities and Constraints
Singularities and Loads
Strategy: Minimizing Singularities
Selecting Singularities for IEAC
Best Practices in Creo Simulate
Best Practice: Using Failure Index Results to Predict Material Failure in a Model
Best Practice: Using Fasteners in Creo Simulate
Creo Simulate Verification Guide
Verification Overview
Static Analysis Problems
Modal Analysis Problems
Steady-State Thermal Analysis Problems
Transient Thermal Analysis Problems
Dynamic Time Response Analysis Problem
Dynamic Frequency Response Analysis Problem
Dynamic Shock Response Analysis Problem
Dynamic Random Response Analysis Problems
Buckling Analysis Problems
2D-3D Contact Analysis Problems
Static Analysis with Large Deformation Problem
Static Analysis with Plasticity Problems
Prestress Modal Analysis Problem
Optimization Analysis Problem
Additional Information
About Units
Guidelines for Specifying Units
Specifying Units for Simulation Entities
Units Manager Dialog Box
Systems of Units Management
Predefined Systems of Units
Set the Principal System of Units
To Set a Principal System of Units
Custom System of Units
To Create a Custom System of Units
To Edit a Custom System of Units
To Review a System of Units
Units Management
Predefined Units
Custom Units
To Create a Custom Unit
To Edit a Custom Unit
To Review an Individual Unit
To Convert Simulation Values to Principal System of Units
Unit Conversion Tables
Units for Result Window
Working with Functions
Functions Dialog Box
Function Definition Dialog Box
Function Definition Dialog Box
Symbolic Function Type
Independent Variables
Valid Symbols
Table Function
Interpolation Method
Graph Function Dialog Box
To Create a Function
Working With Normals
Surface Normals
Surface Normals
Normal Direction for Surfaces and Shells
Specifying Y Direction for Beams
Shell Normals
Improving Performance
Improving Performance
Managing RAM, Solram and Swap Space
Memory Usage—Different Scenarios
Managing Performance
Guidelines for Allocating RAM for Solver and Element Data
Guidelines for Managing Disk Space Resources
Guidelines for Disk Usage and Allocating Swap Space
Guidelines for Setting Solram
Strategy: If Solver RAM Is Too High
Strategy: If Solver RAM Is Too Low
Strategy: Running the Engine with Parallel Processing
Background Information
Long-Term Limitations
Icons Used in Creo Simulate
The Database
Database Considerations
Files Created by Creo Simulate
Information Transfer
FEM Neutral Format File
Specialized Information
Understanding Fatigue Analysis
Shell Property Equations
Glossary for Creo Simulate
Reference Links
–bsram ram_size
–elram ram_size
Run a Batched Analysis or Design Study
–pmax n
–contact_penetration pen_percent
–i input_dir
–iter n
–p password
–solram ram_size
–sturm option
–w working_dir1;working_dir2;...
About Creating and Running Analyses and Design Studies
About Material Models
About Press Fit
About Thermal Boundary Conditions
Account for Stiffness
Add for Interpolation
Adjusting Cyclic Material Properties for Fatigue
Adjusting the Biaxiality Parameter for Fatigue
Adjusting the Material Confidence Level for Fatigue
Adjusting the Mean Stress Parameter for Fatigue
Advanced Tuning for Fatigue Advisor
After P-Loop Pass
Allowable Edge and Face Angles
Allowable Errors
Analyses and Design Studies Toolbar
Analysis and Design Study Workflow
Analysis Results in Product Data Management
Analyzing a Model (Native Mode)
Apparent Frequency
Assembly Modeling Entities, Idealizations, and Connections
At Each Step
At Each Step—Time Evaluation (Thermal Analysis)
At Each Step—Time or Frequency Evaluation Method
AutoGEM File Names
AutoGEM Interruption Guidelines
AutoGEM Overconstrained
Automatic Interrupt
Automatically Smooth Convections
Axis and Component Equivalents in Different Coordinate Systems
About the Linearization Basis
Beam Contribution
Beam Resultant Results Quantity
Beam Sections Dialog Box
Before You Use the Results Command
BLF Convergence
Bonding Elements
Boundary Edges
Boundary Faces
Boundary Processing Takes Too Long
Buckling Load Factor and Optimization Studies
Building and Saving Queries
Calculate Quantities for Analyses
Calculating Stresses and Strains
Cartesian Coordinate System
Clearing Query Tags from a Result Window
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion — Isotropic
Color Scale
Combine Results with Results from Previous Static Analysis
Combine Spatial and Temporal Functions
Comparing Mirror and Cyclic Symmetry
Component—Basic Analyses
Component—Center of Mass Quantities
Component—Contact Force Quantity
Component—Displacement, Rotation, and Reaction Quantities
Component—Dynamic Analyses
Component—Moment of Inertia Quantities
Component—Stress and Strain Quantities
Component—Stress, Strain
Component—Thermal Analyses
Component and Layer Visibility in Results
Component for Linearized Stress Results
Components for Acceleration, Displacement, Reaction, Rotation, Rotation Acceleration, Rotation Velocity, or Velocity
Components for Beam Bending, Tension, Torsion, and Total
Components for Beam Resultant
Components for Fatigue
Components for Flux and Temp Gradient
Components for Reactions at Point Constraints
Components for Shear and Moment
Components for Shell Resultant
Components for Stress or Strain
Compressive Ultimate Stress
Conflicting Coordinate Systems
Connected and Unconnected Parts
Considerations for Multiple Model Sessions
Constrained, With Rigid Mode Search
Constraint Sets for Analysis
Constraints and Loads on Compressed Geometry
Constraints and Modal Analysis
Constraints on Compressed Midsurfaces
Contact — 2D Models
Contact — 3D Models
Static Analyses with Contacts in Design Studies
Contact Pressure Results Quantity
Contact Slippage Indicator Results Quantity
Contact Tangential Traction Magnitude Result Quantity
Contour Labels
Contour Results Display
Controlling FEM Mesh Display
Controlling Mesh Display
Convergence Indicators
Conversion of Tensile Ultimate Stress from Wildfire 4.0 Models
Coordinate System Guidelines
Coordinate System Types
Coordinate Systems and Functions
Coordinate Systems and Loads and Constraints
Coordinates for Cylindrical UCS
Coordinates for Spherical UCS
Create a Full Set of Elements
Create a Material
Create Links Where Needed
Creating a Mesh (FEM Mode)
Creating Rigid Links
Customizing Graph Display Settings
Cylindrical UCS
Damping Coefficient (%)
Datum Points for User-Defined Measures
Default Interface
Default Result Windows Templates
Defining an Analysis (FEM Mode)
Defining Design Changes (Native Mode)
Deformed Results Display
Degrees of Freedom for Rigid Links
Degrees of Freedom for Weighted Links
Design Variable Errors
Design Variables with Laminate Layup
Detailed Fillet Modeling
Summary, Log, and Checkpoints
Determining the Minimum and Maximum Locations for a Quantity
Developing a Model (FEM Mode)
Developing a Model (Native Mode)
Dimension Selection Dialog Box
Direction of Base Excitation for a Dynamic Shock Analysis
Displacement Results Quantity
Display AutoGEM Prompts
Displaying Element IDs, Node IDs, and Result Values (FEM mode)
Displaying Result Windows
Displaying the Mesh Model
Distortion Energy (von Mises) Failure Criterion
Driven and Driving Parameters
Dynamic Evaluation in Structure
Dynamic Evaluation in Thermal
Elements with Approximated Linear Edges
Entering Creo Simulate with Failed Features
Error Detection in Optimization Studies
Error Resolution
Estimated Variation
Example: 2D Axisymmetric Modeling
Example: 2D Plane Strain Modeling
Example: 2D Surface Directions
Example: Advanced Rigid Link
Example: Assembly Model with Gap
Example: Auto-mapping an Imported Coefficient Mesh
Example: Avoiding Interference
Example: Axis of Symmetry
Example: Bearing Load
Example: Bearing Load on a Surface
Example: Bearing Load on an Open Curve
Example: Bonding Elements
Example: Brick
Example: Collet Illustration
File Types Supported in Creo Simulate Standalone
Example: Contour Plot
Example: Creating Load Paths for Pre-meshed Components
Example: Curved Surface Directions
Example: Cut for Cyclic Symmetry
Example: Cylindrical Coordinate System
Example: Dependent Movement in Patterned Features
Example: Excluded Elements — Point and Line Loads
Example: Excluded Elements — Point Loads
Example: Excluded Elements — Reentrant Corners
Example: Featuring Your Part
Example: Fringe Display
Example: Function of Coordinates
Example: Geometric Precedence Rules
Example: Insert Points
Example: Interface Types
Example: Invalidating a Modeling Entity
Example: Laminate Layup
Example: Laminate Orientation
Example: Material Coordinate System for a Cylindrical UCS
Example: Material Directions
Example: Max Principal Stress Vector Plot
Example: Modeling Specialized Loads with a Cylindrical Coordinate System
Example: Near Point Measures and Geometric Intersection
Example: Near Point Measures and Model Types
Example: Orientation and Tolerance Settings
Example: Orienting the BSCS Shear Center
Example: Orienting the BSCS to the BACS
Example: Part with Unopposed Surfaces
Example: Point Loads
Example: Pre-planning for Shape Changes
Example: Pressure Load
Example: Project a Vector onto a Surface
Example: Reentrant Corners
Example: Relations
Example: Resultant Force for a Simple Spring or Beam Model
Example: Reviewing Laminate Layup and Stiffness
Example: Rigid Link
Example: Rotation for Shells and Surfaces
Example: Setting up a Solid Model for a 2D Analysis on an Internal Surface
Example: Spatially Varying Loads
Example: T-Bracket
Example: Tetra
Example: Unpaired Surface on L-Bracket
Example: Using a Simplified Part
Example: Variable Material Orientation
Example: Vector Plot
Example: Wedge
Example: Weighted Link
Excluded Elements Options for Structural Analyses
Excluded Elements Options for Thermal Analyses
Export HTML Setup Dialog Box
External Coefficients Field
Extra Tab on Beam Definition Dialog Box
Factors Determining the Selection of Entities
Failure Criterion
Failure Index Results Quantity
Fatigue Results Quantity
FEM Mesh Display Buttons
FEM Mesh File Names
FEM Mode
FEM Mesh Settings
FEM Neutral Format
Fix and Flip Normals
Fixing Parabolic Elements
Flux Results Quantity
For Individual Modes
Force-Deflection Curve
Force Per Unit Type
Force Per Unit Type Guidelines
Frequency Convergence
Frequency Range
From and To Fields for Dir Points & Mag
Full Results
Function Definition Dialog Box
Function—Material Properties
Function of Arc Length
Function of Coordinates
Function of Frequency
Functional Form of Interpolation
Generate Report for Measure Results
Saving Linearized Stress Results
To Save a Report for Linearized Stress
Global Energy Index
Global RMS Stress Index
Global Spatial Evaluation Methods
Graph Function Dialog Box
Graph Abscissa
Graphic Size
Graphs for Hyperelastic Material Definition
Function Graphs
Grouping for ANSYS
Guidelines and Tips for Using Datum Points
Guidelines for Assigning Mass Properties
Guidelines for Bonding Elements
Guidelines for Entering Polynomial Order
Guidelines for Fitting the Material Model
Guidelines for Meshing Large Assemblies
Guidelines for NASTRAN Deck Import
Guidelines for Prescribed Displacement Constraints
Guidelines for Spatially Varying Loads
Guidelines for Surface-Surface Connections and Interfaces (FEM mode)
Guidelines for Using IEAC Mesh Control
Guidelines for Using Process Guide
Guidelines for Using Relations
Heat Flux
Heat Loads on Internal Surfaces
Heat Transfer Rate Measure
Help Not Available for Selected Menu Item
Hollow Circle
Hollow Ellipse
Hollow Rect
How Loads Transfer to Structure
How Creo Simulate Handles Your Working Model
How Stress Components Relate to Textbook Examples
How Structure Imports Loads from Mechanism Design
Hyperelastic Material
Hyperelastic Material Definition Dialog Box
Hyperelastic Materials in Material Library
Ignore for Excluded Elements
Ignore Heat Flux in Excluded Elements
Improperly Connected Idealizations
Improperly Constrained Springs, Beams, or Shells
Inconsistent Shell Normals
Inertia Relief
Initial Temperature Distribution
Insert Points
Insufficiently Constrained Models
Interface Flux Results Quantity
Interface Types
Interfaces in FEM Mode
Interfaces in Native Mode
Interpolated Over Entity
Invalid Curves for 2D Axisymmetric Models
Invalid Surfaces for 2D Axisymmetric Models
Isolating Elements for IEAC
Iyy, Iyz, Izz
Limit Polynomial Order for Excluded Element
Limitations for Meshing Large Assemblies
Limitations of Averaging in Results
Linear Isotropic Materials
About the Linearized Stress Report
Calculating the Linearized Stress Value
Load History Options for Fatigue Analysis
Combination Criteria for Load Histories:
Load Interpolation
Load Preview Dialog Box
Total Heat Load Dialog Box
Load Resultant Dialog Box for Structure Loads
Load Scale Factor for Prestress Analyses
Load Sets for Analysis
About Loads, Idealizations and Connections in Static Analysis with Large Deformation
Loading Types for Fatigue Analysis
Local Disp/Energy Index, Local Temp/Energy Index
Local Sensitivity Graph Notes
Local Sensitivity Studies
Local Temperatures and Local and Global Energy Norms
Local Temperatures and Local Energy Norms
Localized Mesh Refinement
Log Scale
Managing Constraints in Process Guide
Managing Loads in Process Guide
Mass Participation Factor Results
Mass of a Supported Part
Masses Based on Components
Masses Based on Components (FEM mode)
Matching Parameters
Material Directions 1, 2, and 3
Material Model for Hyperelastic Material Definition
About the Material or Sub-laminate Menu
Material Property Requirements—Failure Criterion
Max Absolute
Max Aspect Ratio
Max Edge Turn (Degrees)
Maximum—Time Evaluation (Thermal Analysis)
Maximum—Time or Frequency Evaluation Method
Maximum Absolute—Time Evaluation (Thermal Analysis)
Maximum Absolute—Time or Frequency Evaluation Method
Maximum and Minimum Shell Values
Maximum Number of Iterations
Maximum Shear Stress (Tresca) Failure Criterion
Maximum Strain Failure Criterion
Maximum Stress Failure Criterion
Measure Convergence
Measure Results Quantity
Measures Dialog Box
Measures Not Calculated for Dynamic Random Analyses
mech_extopt.in File Format
mech_extopt.out File Format
Creo Simulate Fatigue Advisor
Mechanism Load Import Dialog Box
Methods of Simplifying Your Model
Min Frequency, Max Frequency
Minimum—Time Evaluation (Thermal Analysis)
Minimum—Time or Frequency Evaluation Method
Minimum and Maximum Angles
Mode Options for Modal and Prestress Modal Analyses
Model Accuracy
Temperature Distribution for Static Analyses
Modified Mohr Failure Criterion
Modify or Delete Existing Elements
Modifying Analyses and Design Studies
Move or Delete Existing Points
Multi-Pass Adaptive Convergence Method
Multiple Measure Copy Dialog Box
NASTRAN Templates
Navigation Area Task Status
Normalized Tsai-Wu Interaction Term
Note Style Dialog Box
Number of Master Steps
Number of Modes, All Modes in Frequency Range
Object Action
Object Action Shortcut Menus
Omit Unopposed Surfaces
Optimization Studies
Optimizing a Model (Native Mode)
Order of Rotation
Output Format
Output Formats
Output Steps for Thermal Analyses
Output for Structural Analyses
Output Options for Thermal Analyses
Output Steps
P-Level Results Quantity
Pairing Unopposed Surfaces
Parameter-Based Measures—Goal
Parameter-Based Measures—Limit
Parameter-Based Measures—Parameters
Parameter-Capable Edit Fields
Parameter-Capable Edit Fields
Pass or Fail Results — 2D
Pass or Fail Results — 3D
Percent Convergence
Percent Convergence
Permanent and Session-based Configuration Files
Phase Type
Plotting Grid
Plotting Grid
Point Loads, Point Constraints, Point Heat Loads, Point Prescribed Temperatures, Point Convection Conditions
Point–Point Pairs
Poisson's Ratio
Poisson's Ratio — Isotropic
Polynomial Form of order 2
Polynomial Order
Precedence Rules for Interfaces
Precedence Rules for Mesh Controls
Preview for Interpolation
Previous Analysis Options for Buckling Analysis
Previous Analysis Options for Dynamic Analysis
Previous Analysis Options for Fatigue Analysis
Previous Analysis Options for Prestress Analyses
Parameters as Design Variables
Parameters as Measures
Problems with Elements
Problems with Loads and Constraints
Problems with Properties
Projected Vector in WCS
Properties According to Mass Type (FEM mode)
Property Type
Quantity—Basic Analyses
Quantity—Dynamic Analyses
Quantity—Thermal Analyses
About the Quantity Option for Measure Definition
Components for Raw and Normalized Stress
Element Stress Error Estimate Quantity
To Define a Stress Error Estimate Quantity
Quantity Notes for Modal and Dynamic Analyses
Ramp Function
Reaction Results Quantity
Reaction Results Reporting
Reactions at Point Constraints Quantity
Recovery Points for Beam Results
Redefine the Design Study
Reduced Polynomial Form of Order 2
Reentrant Corners
Reference Entities for Weighted Links
Relabel Contour
Relative To
Remove for Interpolation
Required Modeling Entities
Reserved Material Parameters
Restrictions When Specifying Multiple Working Directories
Resultant Measure
Output Steps
Results Relative to Beam Orientation
Results Relative to Coordinate
Results Relative to Coordinate Systems
Results Relative to Curve Arc Length
Results Relative to Material Orientation
Results Relative to Ply Orientation
Results When Using Automatic Midsurface Connections
Review Beam Section Properties
Reviewing the Results
Rigid Link Icon
Rotate About
Rotation Acceleration Results Quantity
Acceleration Results Quantity
Rotation Results Quantity
Rotation Velocity Results Quantity
Sample FNF file for External Pressure Load
Sample FNF File for External Temperature
Sample HTML Report Preferences File
Sample mecbatch File
Sample Uses for Prestress and Buckling Analyses
Search Tool
Search Tool Dialog Box
Secondary Quantity Menu
Segmenting a Graph
Select the Solver
Selecting geometry in Results User Interface
Selecting Load Sets and Modes for Optimization Studies
Setting a Current Coordinate System
Shear & Moment Results Quantity
Shear DY, Shear DZ
Shear FY, Shear FZ
Shear Modulus
Shear Ultimate Stress
Shell Contribution
Shell , 2D Plate Element Type, 2D Solid Element Type
Shell Resultant Results Quantity
Shell Thickness
Simulation Model
Simulation Geometry Dialog Box
Single-Pass Adaptive Convergence Method
Slippage Indicator Measures
Solid Circle
Solid Ellipse
Solid-Shell Links
Solving a Model (FEM Mode)
Spatial Evaluation—Structure
Spatial Evaluation—Thermal
Spatial Evaluation Method—Basic and Dynamic Analyses
Spatial Evaluation Method—Thermal Analyses
Spherical UCS
Spin Softening
Spring References
Stability Check
Standard Design Study with Variables
Standard Studies, Dynamic Shock Analyses
Standard Studies: Dynamic Time, Frequency, and Random Analyses
Standard Studies: Static, Large Deformation Static, Contact, Prestress Static, Modal, Prestress Modal, Buckling, Steady-State Thermal, and Transient Thermal Analyses
Steady Thermal Convergence Method
Storing and Retrieving FEA Results
Strain Energy Density Results Quantity
Strain Measures in Large Deformation Static Analysis
Strain Results Quantity
Strategy: After You Run an Optimization Study
Strategy: Defining Optimization Studies
Strategy: Displaying Graphs with Logarithmic Scales
Strategy: Establishing Geometrically-Consistent Node Locations
Strategy: Fixing Convergence Problems
Strategy: Identifying and Resolving Potential Trouble Spots in a Model
Strategy: Improving Convergence
Strategy: Interpreting Beam Resultant Forces and Moments
Strategy: Optimizing a Model
Strategy: Preparing for Optimization Studies
Strategy: Running a Global Sensitivity Study
Strategy: Scaling Results for Centrifugal Loads in a Combined Load Set
Strategy: Specifying Polynomial Order for a Multi-Pass Adaptive Analysis
Strategy: Using Static Analysis with Contacts Effectively
Strategy: Using Convergence Graphs to Review Results
Strategy: Using Design Variables
Strategy: Viewing Optimization Results
Stress Grids
Stress Notes
Stress Results Quantity
Structural Temperature Loads
Structure Constraints and Coordinate Systems
Structure Constraints on Datum Points
Structure Constraints on Geometry
Structure Constraints on Regions
Structure Loads on Geometry
Structure Loads on Points
Structure Loads on Regions
Sum Load Sets
Suppression and Family Tables
Surface-Surface Gaps
Surfaces and Curves Used in Shell Definition
Symmetry Type
Table Force-Deflection Functions beyond the specified Range
Techniques for Establishing Consistent Hierarchical Meshes
Temp Gradient Results Quantity
Temperature Distribution
Temperature Distribution
Temperature Options for Transient Thermal Analysis
Temperature Results Quantity
Tensile Ultimate Stress
Tests for Hyperelastic Material Definition
Thermal Measures
Thermal Strain Results Quantity
Thermal Conductivity as a Function of Temperature
Thermal Values for Isotropic Properties
Thermal Values for Orthotropic Properties
Thermal Values for Transversely Isotropic Properties
Time Dependent Convection Condition
Time Evaluation Method—Thermal Analyses
Time or Frequency Evaluation Method—Dynamic Analyses
Time Range
Time Range
Time Range Specification
Time Stamp
Time/Frequency Eval
Time/Frequency Eval Options
Tips for Fringe Displays
To Assign a Creo Simulate Material in Creo Parametric
To Assign Fatigue Properties to Materials
To Auto Detect and Create Contacts
To Control Icon Appearance
To Create a Bonded Interface
To Create a Contact Interface
To Create a Free Interface
To Create a Hyperelastic Material
To Create a Hyperelastic Material Using Tests
To Create a Modal FEM Analysis
To Create a Symbolic Function
To Create a Table Function
To Create a Thermal Resistance Interface
To Create Adiabatic Interfaces
To Create an Interface
To Create an Orientation for Parts, Solids, Volumes
To Create an Orientation for Surfaces
To Create an Output File
To Create Shells
To Customize Annotation Styles
To Define a Beam Resultant Quantity
To Define a Center of Mass Measure
To Define a Contact Pressure Quantity
To Define a Contact Slippage Indicator Quantity
To Define a Contact Tangential Traction Magnitude Quantity
To Define a Contour Results Display
To Define a Deformed Results Display
To Define a Displacement Measure
To Define a Displacement Quantity
To Define a Driven Parameter Measure
To Define a Failure Index Measure
To Define a Failure Index Quantity
To Define a Fatigue Measure
To Define a Fatigue Quantity
To Define a Flux or Temp Gradient Quantity
To Define a Force Measure
To Define a Fringe Results Display
To Define a Graph Results Display
To Define a Heat Flux or Temperature Gradient Measure
To Define a Heat Transfer Rate Measure
To Define an Interface Flux Results Quantity
To Define an Interface Measure for Structural Analysis
To Define a Interface Measure for Thermal Analysis
To Define a Measure Quantity
To Define a Model Results Display
To Define a Moment Measure
To Define a Moment of Inertia Measure
To Define a Phase Measure
To Define a Reaction Quantity
To Define a Reactions at Point Constraints Quantity
To Define a Results Display Location
To Define a Rotation Acceleration Quantity
To Define a Rotation Measure
To Define a Rotation Quantity
To Define a Rotation Velocity Quantity
To Define a Rotational Acceleration Measure
To Define a Rotational Velocity Measure
To Define a Shear & Moment Quantity
To Define a Shell Resultant Quantity
To Define a Strain Energy Density Quantity
To Define a Strain Quantity
To Define a Stress or Strain Measure
To Define a Stress Intensity Factor Measure
To Define a Stress Quantity
To Define a Temperature Measure
To Define a Temperature Quantity
To Define a Thermal Strain Quantity
To Define a Time Measure
To Define a Vectors Results Display
To Define a Velocity Measure
To Define a Velocity Quantity
To Define an Acceleration Measure
To Define an Acceleration Quantity
To Define Convection Condition
To Define Radiation Condition
To Define Structural Temperature Loads
To Define the Load History for a Fatigue Analysis
To Display Run Errors
To Edit a Coordinate System Definition
To Exclude Elements From a Structural Analysis
To Exclude Elements From a Thermal Analysis
To Export Simulation Geometry
To Save a Report for Linearized Stress
To Modify an Offset Coordinate System
To Promote Simulation Features
To Review and Save Laminate Layup and Stiffness
To Review the Mesh
To Segment a Graph
To Select Master Steps
To Select Mode Options for a Modal Analysis
To Select Output Options for a Structural Analysis
To Select Output Options for a Steady Thermal Analysis
To Select Output Options for a Transient Thermal Analysis
To Select Temperature Options for a Transient Thermal Analysis
To Select the Iterative Solver
To Set a Current Coordinate System
To Set Icon Visibilities for Loads and Constraints
To Set Icon Visibilities for Modeling Entities
To Set Labels
To Set Simulation Entity Prehighlighting Filters
To Solve a FEM Model Online or in the Background
To Specify a Result Window Quantity
To Specify Result Window Display Options
To Suppress Modeling Entities Through a Family Table
To Use Previous Analysis Results in a Buckling Analysis
To Use Previous Analysis Results in a Fatigue Analysis
To Use Previous Analysis Results in a Prestress Analysis
Tolerance Report
Top and Bottom Shell Location
Total Load
Total Load at Point
Total Bearing Load at Point
Track Specific Mode
Transient Thermal Convergence Method
Translations at Three Points
Transversely Isotropic
Troubleshoot Shape Change Problems
Troubleshooting Constraints
Tsai-Wu Failure Criterion
Tsai Definition for Poisson's Ratios
Types of Measure Results Graphs
UCS-Based Measures
Understanding Accuracy
Understanding the Instruction Area
Understanding the Navigation Area
Understanding Thermal Boundary Condition Sets
Units According to Model Type and Entity
Units of Modal Frequency Results
Use Modes From Previous Design Study
Use of Function Definitions
Use Static Analysis Results From Previous Design Study
Use Temperatures from Previous Design Study
User-defined Steps
User-defined Steps for Thermal Analyses
Using Global Sensitivity Studies Effectively
Using the Coordinate System Option
Using Heat Transfer Rate Measure
Using Mapkeys
Using Measures More than Once for Optimization Limits
Using Solver Results in the Postprocessor
Variation in Properties
Varying a Single Variable in a Global Sensitivity Study
Velocity Results Quantity
Warp & Mass Tab
Weighted Link Icon
When a Nonessential Feature Causes Unexpected Model Behavior Changes
When a Nonessential Feature Provides Hidden Benefits
Working in Online and Offline Modes in Creo Simulate
Working with the Laminate Layup Dialog Box
Working with the Process Guide Dialog Box
Y Direction for Gaps
Young's Modulus
Young's Modulus — Isotropic
Orientation for Zero Length Springs in 2D Models
Mechanism Design 및 Mechanism Dynamics
Mechanism Design 및 Mechanism Dynamics 개요
Mechanism Design 및 Mechanism Dynamics 정보
Mechanism Design, Mechanism Dynamics 및 Design Animation 정보
메커니즘 사용자 인터페이스 정보
메커니즘 트리 정보
정보 표시 정보
예: 자세한 요약
메커니즘의 실패 진단 정보
Mechanism Design
Mechanism Design Kinematics 사용
Mechanism Design Kinematics 워크플로
모델 체크하기
Mechanism Design Kinematics의 모델링 엔티티 추가하기
위치 또는 운동학적 해석 준비하기
위치 또는 운동학적 해석 실행하기
Mechanism Dynamics에서 해석 결과 저장 및 보기
메커니즘 모델 생성
메커니즘 모델 어셈블하기
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Mechanism Design 모델 생성하기
팁: 실패한 어셈블리 수정
Mechanism Design 설정
메커니즘 설정 정의하기
충돌 탐지 설정 정의하기
고급 드래그 옵션 정보
연결 및 자유도
미리 정의된 구속 세트 정보
연결 해제된 컴포넌트 재정의 정보
레거시 슬롯-종동체 연결 정보
자유도 정보
자유도 및 중복 계산하기
중복 정보
동작 축 설정
동작 축 설정 정보
동작 축 대화상자 정보
동작 축 설정 지정하기
재생성 값 정보
재생성 값 설정하기
범위 한계 설정하기
동적 특성 정보
마찰 지정하기
복원 계수 정보
Mechanism Design 강체 정보
컴포넌트를 그라운드로 재정의하기
강체 강조표시하기
캠-종동체 연결 정보
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캠-종동체 연결의 특성 정의하기
리프트오프를 허용한 캠-종동체 연결 정보
캠-종동체 연결 설계 정보
캠-종동체 연결의 서피스 정보
캠-종동체 연결의 커브 정보
캠-종동체 연결의 깊이 참조 정보
캠-종동체 연결 편집하기
드래그 작업에서 캠-종동체 연결 사용
캠-종동체 연결 삭제하기
모델링 엔티티
원본 기어 쌍 정보
동적 기어 쌍 정보
동적 기어 쌍의 유형
동적 기어 쌍 생성하기
원본 기어 쌍 생성하기
스퍼 기어 쌍 생성하기
베벨 기어 쌍을 생성하기
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래크 및 피니언 기어 쌍 생성하기
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기어 쌍 편집하기
Mechanism Dynamics 해석에 기어 쌍 사용하기
원본 기어 및 동적 기어의 측정 정보
서보 모터
서보 모터 정보
형상 모터 이해하기
모터 정의하기
모터 편집하기
테이블 모터 함수 정의하기
사용자 정의 모터 함수 정의하기
SCCA 모터 함수에 대한 설정 정보
사용자 정의 표현식 정의
사용자 정의 모터 함수 정의하기
표현식 그래프 대화 상자 정보
함수 대화상자 정보
연산자 대화상자 정보
변수 대화상자 정보
상수 대화상자 정보
벨트 및 풀리
벨트 및 풀리 정보
벨트 및 풀리 사용자 인터페이스 정보
벨트 및 풀리 시스템 생성하기
위치 해석
위치 해석 정보
위치 해석 생성하기
위치 및 운동학적 해석의 기본설정 입력하기
운동학적 해석
운동학적 해석 정보
운동학적 해석 생성하기
측정, 그래프 및 평가 방법
측정 결과 정보
측정 결과를 그래프로 표시하기
측정 결과 대화 상자 정보
모델 엔티티에 연관된 측정 정보
측정 생성하기
측정 유형
위치, 속도 및 가속도
위치, 속도 및 가속도 측정 정보
슬롯-종동체 자극 측정 생성하기
핀 연결 반응 측정의 컴포넌트
슬라이더 연결 반응 측정의 컴포넌트
실린더 연결 반응 측정의 컴포넌트
볼 연결 반응 측정의 컴포넌트
평면 연결 반응 측정의 컴포넌트
베어링 연결 반응 측정의 컴포넌트
용접 연결 반응 측정의 컴포넌트
6DOF 연결 반응 측정의 컴포넌트
일반 연결의 컴포넌트
슬롯-종동체 연결 반응 측정의 컴포넌트
강체 각속도, 각가속도 및 질량 중심 측정의 컴포넌트
강체 중심 관성 측정의 컴포넌트
강체 방향 측정의 컴포넌트
시스템 선형 운동량, 각 운동량 및 질량 중심 측정의 컴포넌트
시스템 중심 관성 측정의 컴포넌트
기타 측정
시스템 측정 정보
시스템 측정 생성하기
강체 측정 정보
강체 측정 생성하기
구분 측정 정보
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캠 측정 정보
사용자정의 측정 정보
사용자정의 측정 생성하기
사용자정의 측정의 수량 정보
다중 그래프 정보
그래프 정보
평가 방법
평가 방법 정보
시간 평간 방법 정보
적분 평가 방법 정보
예: 평가 방법
추적 커브
추적 커브 정보
추적 커브 대화 상자 정보
추적 커브 생성하기
3D 추적 커브 편집하기
분석 결과 사용하기
재생 정보
재생 대화상자 정보
결과 세트 재생하기
재생 도중 측정 추적하기
영화 예정표 정보
화살표 디스플레이 정보
화살표 디스플레이에 사용가능한 측정 정보
화살표 디스플레이에 사용가능한 입력 하중 정보
결과 세트를 파일로 저장하기
저장된 결과 세트 파일 복원하기
애니메이트 대화상자 정보
캡쳐 대화 상자 정보
재생 결과 세트 캡쳐하기
동작 범위 생성하기
동작 범위 생성 대화 상자 정보
재생 결과 세트 제거하기
재생 결과 세트 내보내기
Mechanism Dynamics
Mechanism Dynamics 사용
Mechanism Dynamics 모델 생성하기
Mechanism Dynamics 워크플로
Mechanism Dynamics의 모델링 엔티티 추가하기
Mechanism Dynamics에서 서보 모터 사용하기
Mechanism Dynamics에서 해석 준비하기
Mechanism Dynamics에서 해석 실행하기
초기 조건
초기 조건 정보
초기 조건 정의 대화 상자 정보
초기 조건 생성하기
초기 조건 편집하기
재생에서 초기 조건 생성하기
속도 벡터 방향 지정하기
팁: 초기 조건 사용
비호환적 초기 조건 정보
초기 조건의 검증 체크 정보
드래그 대화 상자를 사용하여 초기 조건의 동작 축 위치 설정하기
종료 조건
종료 조건 정보
종료 조건 생성하기
예: 종료 조건 사용
종료 조건 생성 지침
질량 특성(Mass Properties)
질량 특성 정보
질량 특성 대화 상자 정보
부품의 질량 특성 지정하기
어셈블리의 질량 특성 지정하기
관성 정보
3D 접촉
3D 접촉 사용자 인터페이스 정보
3D 접촉 정보
3D 접촉 생성하기
모델링 엔티티
힘 모터
힘 모터 정보
힘 및 토크
힘/토크 정보
힘 또는 토크 생성하기
힘 또는 토크 편집하기
중력 정보
중력 대화 상자 정보
중력 정의 또는 편집하기
중력 제거하기
캠-종동체 마찰 정보
스프링 및 댐퍼
스프링 정보
스프링 사용자 인터페이스 정보
스프링 생성하기
스프링 편집하기
댐퍼 정보
댐퍼 사용자 인터페이스 정보
댐퍼 생성하기
댐퍼 편집하기
어셈블리 모델 트리에 스프링 및 댐퍼 표시하기
부싱 하중
부싱 하중 정보
부싱 하중 생성하기
사용자정의 하중
사용자정의 하중 정보
사용자정의 하중 함수 정보
함수 및 해당 인수 값 정보
사용자정의 하중 응용 프로그램 생성 지침
사용자정의 하중 응용 프로그램 사용 지침
분석 정보
해석 정의 대화상자 정보
해석 실행하기
팁: 분석 실행
해석할 잠겨진 엔티티 정보
분석 복사하기
분석 삭제하기
해석 정의 편집하기
해석할 모터 지정하기
해석할 외부 하중 지정하기
마찰 전체 활성화하기
중력 활성화하기
외부 하중 정보 입력하기
모터 정보 입력하기
해석의 검증 체크 정보
위치 또는 운동학적 해석 결과 저장 및 보기
동적 분석
동적 분석 정보
동적 해석 생성하기
동적 해석의 기본설정 정의하기
동적 해석의 기본설정 입력하기
힘 균형 분석
힘 균형 해석 정보
힘 균형 해석 생성하기
힘 균형 해석의 기본설정 정의하기
힘 균형 해석에 대한 기본설정 입력하기
정적 해석
정적 해석 정보
정적 해석 생성하기
정적 해석의 기본설정 입력하기
예: 정적 해석
연결 반응 측정 정보
연결 반응 측정 생성하기
특정 CSYS를 사용하여 연결 반응 측정 생성하기
기타 측정
네트 하중 측정 정보
네트 하중 및 연결 반응 측정 비교 정보
네트 하중 측정 생성하기
로드셀 반응 측정 정보
로드셀 반응 측정 생성하기
로드셀 잠금 생성하기
충격 측정 정보
충격 측정 생성하기
자극 측정 정보
동작 축 자극 측정 생성하기
캠-종동체 자극 측정 생성하기
캠-종동체 연결의 슬립 컴포넌트 정보
캠 측정 생성하기
캠-종동체 반응 측정 생성하기
위치, 속도 또는 가속도 측정 생성하기
PTC Creo Simulate로 하중 전송
Creo Simulate 구조 모드로 하중 전달 정보
하중 내보내기 대화 상자 정보
하중 정보 목록 정보
Creo Simulate 구조 모드로 하중 내보내기 지침
Creo Simulate 구조 모드로 하중이 전달되는 방법
Creo Simulate 구조 모드로 하중 내보내기
예: 캠 어셈블리에 대한 하중 전달
Mechanism Design 용어집
Design Animation
Design Animation 개요
Design Animation
Design Animation 정보
애니메이션 정보
애니메이션 사용자 인터페이스 정보
애니메이션 생성
애니메이션 정의하기
스냅샷 애니메이션 설정
분해 애니메이션 설정
애니메이션 실행
애니메이션 편집하기
강체 정의
강체 정보
강체 생성하기
강체 정의 대화 상자 정보
키 프레임 시퀀스 생성
키 프레임 시퀀스 정보
키 프레임 시퀀스 대화 상자 정보
키 프레임 시퀀스 정의하기
키 프레임 시퀀스로 강체 제어하기
키 프레임 시퀀스 관리 정보
키 프레임 시퀀스 대화 상자의 강체 탭 정보
키 프레임 시퀀스 대화 상자의 시퀀스 탭 정보
KFS 인스턴스 대화상자 정보
예: 참조 강체
서보 모터 생성
서보 모터 정보
서보 모터 생성하기
서보 모터 관리하기
형상 서보 모터 정보
테이블 모터 함수 정의하기
사용자 정의 모터 함수 생성하기
예: 모터 프로파일 유형
SCCA 서보 모터 함수 정보
그래프 정보
애니메이션에 서보 모터 포함하기
서보 모터 타이밍 정의하기
동작 축 설정 정보
동작 축 설정 지정하기
동작 제로 참조 정의 정보
강체 잠금
강체 잠금 정보
강체 잠그기
연결 상태 정의
연결 상태 정보
연결 상태 정의하기
연결 아이콘 정보
이벤트 정의
이벤트 정보
이벤트 정의하기
하위 애니메이션 포함
하위 애니메이션 정보
하위애니메이션 대화 상자 정보
애니메이션 실행 및 재생
재생 정보
애니메이션 재생하기
애니메이션 도구 모음 정보
캡쳐 대화 상자 정보
동작 범위 생성 대화상자 정보
시간 영역 정의
시간 영역 정보
시간 영역 설정하기
시간 영역 유형 정보
보기 정의
보기 @ 시간 대화상자 정보
애니메이션 보기 정의하기
디스플레이 유형 정의
유형 @ 시간 대화 상자 정보
애니메이션에 대한 디스플레이 유형 정의하기
설정 정의
애니메이션 설정 정보
애니메이션 설정 정의하기
투명도 정의
특정 시간의 투명도 정보
특정 시간의 투명도 대화상자 정보
애니메이션 투명도 정의하기
보간 대화상자 정보
Design Animation 타임라인
애니메이션 타임라인 정보
타임라인 디스플레이 변경
Design Animation 용어
Creo Flow Analysis
Creo Flow Analysis 시작하기
CFA의 워크플로
Creo Flow Analysis 인터페이스
식 편집기
식 편집기의 기본 사항
글로벌 변수
모듈 관련 변수
팬 커브 추가
검증 사례
검증 사례
열 전달
고급 물리 – 캐비테이션 및 다성분 혼합
고급 물리 또는 댐 붕괴
사전 프로세싱
유체 도메인 추출
메쉬 처리
물리 정의
물리 정의
흐름 - 소개
흐름 모델
재료 특성
경계 조건
저항 모델
비관성 프레임
초기 조건 및 상태
출력 변수
터뷸런스 - 소개
벽 물리
터뷸런스 모델
터뷸런스 점도
경계 조건
초기 조건 및 상태
출력 변수
열 - 소개
열 모델
재료 특성
경계 조건
인터페이스 조건
초기 조건 및 상태
출력 변수
다상 - 소개
오일러 모델 및 지배 방정식
VOF(유체 부피) 모델의 특별 고려 사항
수치 고려 사항
재료 특성
경계 조건
초기 조건 및 상태
출력 변수
캐비테이션 - 소개
지배 방정식
캐비테이션 모델의 이론
캐비테이션 모델
캐비테이션 경계의 모델링
재료 특성
경계 조건
초기 조건 및 상태
출력 변수
방사 - 소개
열 방사 특성
방사 열 전달 모델링
재료 특성
경계 조건
다성분 혼합
다성분 혼합 - 소개
재료 특성
초기 조건 및 상태
경계 조건
출력 변수
입자 - 소개
불연속 입자 모델
입자 침식 모델링
입자 매개 변수
경계 조건
입자 출력
유선 - 소개
경계 조건
부피 조건
디스플레이 설정
역학 - 소개
강체의 동작
ODE 풀이 시스템
병진 힘 균형 모델(1 DOF)
회전 힘 균형 모델(1 DOF)
경계 조건
출력 변수
화학종 - 소개
재료 특성
경계 조건
초기 조건 및 상태
출력 변수
공통 - 소개
수와 수렴
구조 시뮬레이션을 위한 FNF 파일 생성
시뮬레이션 수행
포스트 프로세싱
포스트 프로세싱