Managing Graphs
When you click Format > Edit, the Options dialog box opens. This dialog is a part of the chart-tool. Use this dialog box to define the visual characteristics of the graph display window. For example, you can change the background color of the window or the color of the x and y axes to improve the overall appearance of your graph. You can also specify new axis labels or adjust the scale for the graph to have a better view. The dialog box contains the following tabs:
—Formats the chart and plot areas. The Styles, Legend, and Title tabs appear.
—Formats the appearance of the X-axis of the graph. The Styles, Gridlines, Title, and Setup tabs appear.
—Formats the appearance of the Y-axis of the grid. The Styles, Gridlines, Title, and Setup tabs appear.
—Formats Trace #1. The Styles and Setup tabs appear.
You can customize the basic settings for graph displays and, consequently, for this dialog box by using the bmgr_pref_file configuration option to set graph defaults.
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