Solid Elements
A solid element is a three-dimensional element that:
you use to subdivide a volume
has a cross-section and thickness that can vary
A solid contains triangular faces, quadrilateral faces, or a combination of both. There are three types of solid elements:
Brick—an element with two opposite quadrilateral faces and four faces between the two opposite faces. Bricks are useful in models that include volumes with two opposing faces with a similar shape—whether the volumes are curved or planar. To connect a brick to a tetrahedron, AutoGEM must create links so that triangular faces of two tetrahedrons can interface with a single quadrilateral brick face.
Wedge—an element with two opposite triangular faces and three quadrilateral faces between the two opposite faces. Wedges are useful in models that include volumes with two opposing faces with a similar shape—whether the volumes are curved or planar. They are more versatile than bricks because AutoGEM can connect wedges to both tetrahedrons and bricks without needing to create links.
Tetrahedron—an element with one triangular face and an opposite point. The element has three triangular faces between the triangular face and the opposing point. Tetrahedrons are the most widely used of the solid element types. Tetrahedrons function dependably for models with regular geometry, but also provide an excellent solution for models with irregular shapes and features.
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