Creo Simulate > Reference Links > Properties According to Mass Type (FEM mode)
Properties According to Mass Type (FEM mode)
The information you need to enter in the Properties area of the Mass Definition dialog box changes depending on whether you select Simple, Advanced, Component At Point or Component Distributed in the Type area. Here is an overview:
Simple—Specify a real-number value or right-click the Mass field to create or select a Creo Parametric parameter. You can distribute the mass as follows:
Total Mass—The distribution of the mass along the surface or curve depends on the mesh nodes. Each node contributes to its neighboring nodes. The mass distribution is weighted by the contribution from adjacent nodes. For example, a node on a curve with two neighboring nodes has twice the mass distribution as a node with only one neighbor.
Mass Per Point or Per Unit Length or Per Unit Area—For points, the total mass is the product of the specified value and the number of points. For a curve, the total mass is the product of the specified value and the length. For a surface, the total mass is the product of the specified value and the area. The mass distribution is weighted by the contribution from adjacent nodes.
You can select units of mass from the drop-down list or accept the default units.
Advanced—For advanced masses, select a coordinate system or accept the default WCS in the CSYS area. You must also specify a mass property for advanced masses. The mass properties are relative to the selected coordinate system. You can use any mass property previously defined for your model, or you can click More to define new mass properties.
You cannot locate an advanced mass on the Z axis of a cylindrical coordinate system, or on the = 0 axis of a spherical coordinate system.
Component At Point—For component masses, select one of the parts or subassemblies on your assembly. Creo Simulate uses the component's mass, moments of inertia, and center of gravity for the mass definition. The mass distribution is always per point.
Component Distributed—For this type of mass, select one of the parts or subassemblies on your assembly. Creo Simulate uses only the component's mass for the mass definition. The inertia of the components is ignored. For this type, the mass distribution is always total.
Component At Point and Component Distributed are available only in the assembly mode.
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