Creo Simulate > Reference Links > Understanding the Navigation Area
Understanding the Navigation Area
The Navigation area of the Process Guide dialog box is a sequential checklist of the tasks you need to perform to complete the Process Guide session. To help you understand the sequence, the tasks in the task list are arranged in a specific order. To the left of each task is a status indicator that you can use to determine whether a task is complete, valid, and so forth. As you work through the tasks, Creo Simulate updates the task list, dynamically indicating task status changes and highlighting the current task. In this way, the Navigation area provides you with visual feedback of all your activities.
Certain tasks in the task list may include subtasks. Subtasks behave exactly as main tasks but are listed beneath the parent task. To complete a task that includes subtasks, you must complete each of the subtasks. After you finish all the subtasks, Process Guide changes the status indicator for the parent task to show that the parent task is now complete.
Most tasks on the task list are independent of each other. However, some tasks may depend on the completion of a predecessor task and appear grayed out until you complete the predecessor task. For example, if the task list includes the creation of a constrained modal analysis, the analysis task has a dependency on the creation of a constraint set. You can determine which tasks have a dependency through the status indicator.
You should generally follow the sequence indicated in the task list, but you can also perform the tasks in any order provided the tasks listed in Process Guide are independent tasks. For dependent tasks, you must first complete any predecessor tasks before selecting the dependent task.
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