What Batch Does
When you click Run > Batch, Creo Simulate does the following:
If output files for the design study already exist for the specified design study, Creo Simulate asks you if you want to delete them.
Creo Simulate creates output files during a run. These files contain the results of the previous design study run, and may contain useful results even if they were created during a run that did not complete successfully.
Before deleting the files, make sure that you do not need the data that they contain. If in doubt, you can specify a different directory for output files for the current run, or copy the design study to a new name.
If you decide to save the existing files and not proceed with the run, Creo Simulate does not start the run and returns you to the Analyses and Design Studies dialog box.
If a batch file already exists, Creo Simulate asks if you want to append this design study to the existing batch file.
If you do not append the design study to the existing batch file, Creo Simulate gives you the opportunity to overwrite the existing mecbatch file with a new one for the current design study.
Creo Simulate asks if you want error detection.
If you do not check for errors, or if no errors were detected, Creo Simulate takes the following steps:
writes the engine input files
places the files in a directory called study, located in the directory for output files you specify on the Run Settings dialog box (study is the name of the design study you selected)
adds an msengine command for the current study to the mecbatch file located in the directory from which you are running Creo Simulate
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