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Chart zoom input controls in the Bar Chart (ptcs-chart-bar) for selecting an interval via radio buttons and a range using dropdown, and textfields for selecting a range in the Line Chart (ptcs-chart-line).

Chart zoom input controls for selecting an interval via dropdown and a range using datepickers in the Schedule Chart (ptcs-chart-schedule).


ptcs-chart-zoom-input is a subcomponent used to add zoom input controls to charts. It is used by ptcs-chart-zoom-interval for selecting an interval and by ptcs-chart-zoom-range for selecting a range. The input control uses one (or more) of:

This component can create subcomponents in the regular DOM (not in the shadow DOM) for direct styling access to content.

Usage Example

        <ptcs-chart-zoom-input part="pick" label="[[startLabel]]" part-names="[[_startPartNames]]"
                               type="[[_type]]" value="[[_value(_anchorStart, anchor, minValue)]]"
                               hidden\$="[[_hideStart(origin, showAnchor)]]"></ptcs-chart-zoom-input>

Component API


Property Type Description
type Object number, date, or array (of labels)
value Object The input value
partNames String Sets attribute part name
formatToken String Used for date formatting only, sets same property in ptcs-datepicker
hintText String Use for dates only, sets same property in ptcs-datepicker (default: "Select Date & Time")
propName String Property on range subcontrol that contains value
enableTabIndex String Sets attribute tabindex on the input control
disabled Boolean Is the control disabled?


The attribute part value is assigned via property partNames.

State attributes

Attribute Description Part
type 'number', 'date', or array of labels :host