Working With Calendar Configuration
On the Scheduler Calendar, you can configure various options.
On the Scheduler Calendar, the first day of the working week is predefined as Sunday. You can configure the working week to start on a different day.
By default, all time zones defined in the system appear on the Time Zones list on the Scheduler Calendar. To ease time zone selection, you can configure the Time Zones list to reduce the number of options to only those zones where your teams work. Time zone modifications are global, and affect all dispatchers. You can also enable user-defined default time zones.
You can configure Scheduled Time field value updates to use the earliest Start Time field value of all related non-aborted Appointments.
The Dispatch Job dialog box is disabled by default. To provide dispatchers with the capability to edit and confirm Appointment details at the time of dispatch, you can configure the Dispatch Job dialog box.
By default, Nearby Job recommendations are disabled. To provide dispatchers with the ability to maximize resource utilization efficiency, you can configure Nearby Job recommendations and Nearby Job filtering.
Estimated travel time for Resources to reach service locations is essential information to properly schedule and plan resource utilization. To maximize scheduling accuracy, you can enable automatic travel time calculation. You can disable this feature at times when Resources are traveling long distances to Appointments.
To save time for dispatchers, you can configure Service Board to enable the Align Appointments option by default when users enter the Multi-Resource Assignment Calendar.
To provide dispatcher access to Dependent Jobs functionality, you can enable the Dependent Jobs Calendar.
In cases where dispatchers are working in the Multi-Resource Assignment Calendar to create Appointments that fall within a long date range, you can ease their work by disabling automatic date range adjustment.
When you hover your cursor over an Appointment on the Calendar, a preview label appears and shows the work order number and account name by default. You can configure Appointment preview labels to meet your organization’s unique needs.
For multi-Resource and multi-Appointment jobs, to divide the work into equal-duration Appointments with the same maximum time for each, you can define the default duration for new Appointments.
In cases where users manually update Start, End, or Duration fields in Appointments, you can configure the way in which related fields are automatically adjusted.
To see live updates that show the actual times for Appointmentsand the maximum adjustment range for previous Appointments, you can configure Actual Time settings.
By default, multi-assign Events are disabled. To provide dispatchers with the ability to create Events attended by multiple Resources, you can enable multi-assign Events.
To define the date range for which to load and cache Calendar items when you scroll the Calendar horizontally, you can configure infinite scroll thresholds.
To define the number of assets and the avatars that appear in the Asset Calendar, you can configure the Asset-Centric View.
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