Troubleshooting and FAQ for SPM
Troubleshooting Tips
This section covers some of the issues you may encounter while working with the Service Process Manager and provides troubleshooting steps to help you resolve issues.
Solution and Possible Reasons
Why am I not able to see an object on the Screen?
An object might not be visible due to one of the following reasons.
The user is not having permissions for the object.
The object is not whitelisted.
Error while creating Mapping
The error might be due to one of the following reasons:
Mandatory sections like Mapping Name, Developer Name are not configured.
None of the fields are mapped.
The field is selected with an operator (Value/Field/Function) in the second column, and the corresponding value is not selected in mapping.
A duplicate developer name is provided.
Error while creating Expressions
The error might be due to one of the following reasons.
Mandatory sections like Expression Name, Developer Name, or Object are not selected.
At least one of the expression detail lines should be configured.
The field is selected in the expression detail line, but Operator or Operand, or Value is not selected.
Advance expression logic is invalid.
A duplicate developer name is provided.
Error while creating Screen Designer
The error might be due to one of the following reasons.
Mandatory sections like Screen Designer Name, Developer Name, or Object are not selected.
A duplicate developer name is provided.
A duplicate section name is provided.
Error while creating Wizards
The scenario for the errors while creating the Wizards are:
When the name of the wizard is not specified and clicked on Save:
Enter the name of the wizard.
Error when Developer name is not specified:
Please enter a developer's name.
Error when duplicate Developer name is given:
There is already a wizard whose developer name is XXXXX.
Error when Step name is not specified and clicked on Save:
Please name the step.
Error when Flow is not specified:
Please select a step.
This happens when the object which already has some wizards configured is deleted from the backend. If the object is deleted from the Object list, the API name will be displayed in Red.
Why is the wizard step not editable?
The expression may be corrupt.
Why is the Wizard step not launching?
The wizard step will not launch if the step has a Corrupted Step type.
Frequently Asked Questions
This section lists the frequently asked questions on SPM.
1. Will the expression get deleted when the associated field is deleted?
No. An expression is not deleted when a field is deleted. But, an expression becomes non-editable and is displayed with red if the object on which the expression is created gets deleted.
2. Is it possible to do the mapping between standard and custom objects?
Yes. Refer to Object Mappings for more details.
3. Can we add recordtype in mapping/expressions/[wizards, expression]?
Yes. Refer to Create Field Mapping for more details on adding record type in Mapping and refer to Creating Expression for more details on adding record type in Expression.
4. How many fields can I use in mapping? Is there a limit?
You can use 50 fields. The upper limit is not yet identified.
5. How many fields can be added to the Screen Designer?
There is no limit to be added to the Screen Designer. 50 fields in the header and 10 in the child lines are easily supported.
6. Will the SPM (Service Process Manager) work in Mobile?
No. Currently, this is not in scope.
7. How should I do scheduling with Asset 360?
Scheduling would be part of SFS (Salesforce field service functionality).
8. What are the flow types supported in Asset 360?
Screen Flows and Auto launched flow.
9. Does Asset 360 support multi-currency Pricing?
Asset 360 does not support pricing. It is not multi-currency enabled.
10. How to know an object is whitelisted in Screen designer or not?
All the objects that are available in the Screen Designer are whitelisted objects. If an object is blacklisted, it is not shown in the UI. Refer to the section on whitelisted standard objects for Asset 360.
11. What type of wizard steps are supported?
Asset 360 supports LWC, Flow, SPM, and URL step types. Refer to Wizards for more details.
12. Can I have the combination of all wizard types for the same wizard?
Yes. For example, In a wizard on Work Order, we can have the LWC step, Flow step, and SPM Step. Refer to Wizards for more details.
13. What is the recommended approach for wizard's step creation?
There is no recommended approach for creating a wizard step. You can use any step type as per your requirement. Refer to Wizards for more details.
14. Can I use custom LWC when creating the LWC type Wizard step?
Yes, if any relevant LWC is created and available in the org, the admin can use it to configure Wizards. Refer to Wizards for more details.
15. Can I change the display rule anytime for the header section of a Transaction? How will it happen in Runtime?
Yes, you can change the display rule anytime. Your users should reload the page in Runtime to get the changes. Refer to Header Section Properties for more details.
16. Can I add a custom object to the Related section of a Transaction?
Yes, if the custom object has a lookup relationship with the selected header object. Refer to Related Section Properties for more details.
17. How many related lists can I add to the grid-only layout of a Transaction?
You can configure up to four sections for a grid-only Transaction. Refer to Grid-only Transaction for more details.
18. Can the Expression be created on multiple objects?
Yes, Expression can be created on multiple objects. Refer to Expressions for more details.
19. Can the Expression be created on custom objects?
Yes, Expression can be created on custom objects. Refer to Expressions for more details.
20. Can I create the same Screen for multiple objects?
Yes, on a Screen, you can add multiple objects. On the header, you can add one object, and then you can add up to four objects in child lines. Refer to Screens for more details.
21. Can I use the same Wizard for normal users and community users?
Yes, you can use the same wizard for both normal users and community users. Refer to Wizards for more details.
22. What additional permission is required for community users to access Wizards?
Refer to Community User Permission Set for more details to access Wizards.
23. Can I have multiple profiles assigned to Wizards?
Yes, you can assign multiple profiles to Wizards.
24. Can the Wizard Criteria to Display be left blank?
Yes, the Wizard step can be created with the Wizard Criteria to Display as blank.
25. How can we track usage of the application by users?
You have an option to edit the report and add the User ID column to the report. It shows the user ID of the user who has used the application. Refer to Create Custom Report for more details.
26. Will the usage statistics capture all the user activities?
No, it captures only a specific set of records on the user activities. Refer to Application Usage Data for more details.
27. Will the usage statistics store user information?
No. It does not save any user information except for the user ID of the user who has used the application.
28. Can I generate a report on the usage statistics?
Yes, you can generate a report on the usage statistics. Refer to Create Custom Report for more details.
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