Community User Permission Set
As a business administrator, create a permission set Asset 360 Customer Community for Field Service for your Community users with the following object permissions.
Required Access
Required Fields
Edit access for the specific fields
Asset Warranty
Entitlement Notes
Entitlement Process End Time
Entitlement Process Start Time
Is Entitlement Performed
Perform Auto-Entitlement
Service Contract
Entitlement Date
Entitlement Name
Entitled Service
Contract Line Item
Billing Type
Read access to the object
Edit access for the specific fields
View access to both the record types: SLA and Entitled Services
Case Entitlement Process
Consumed Service Amount
Consumed Service Count
Display Alert Amount
Display Alert Count
Entitled Service
Entitled Service Product
Remaining Service Amount
Remaining Service Count
Service Unit
Total Service Amount
Total Service Count
WorkOrder Entitlement Process
Entitlement Setting
View access to the object
View access to all fields
All fields
Entitlement Verification History
Read, Edit, and Create access to the object
Read, Edit, and Create access to all fields
All fields
Entitlement Rule
View access to the object
View access to all fields
All fields
View access to the object
View access to all fields
All fields
Expression Detail
View access to the object
View access to all fields
All fields
Warranty Term
Read access to the object
Contract Line Item
Read access to the object
Read access to all fields
All fields
Work Order
Edit access to specific fields
Asset Warranty
Entitlement Notes
Is Entitlement Performed
Perform Auto-Entitlement
Entitlement Date
Return Order
Edit access to specific fields
Asset Warranty
Entitlement Date
Entitlement Notes
Is Entitlement Performed
Perform Auto-Entitlement
Entitlement Date
Service Contract
Multiple Entitlement
Service Contract
Read access to the object
Asset Warranty
Read access to the object
View access to the object
View access to all fields
All fields
Read access to the object
Read access to all Date fields
All Date Fields
Read access to the object
Read access to all fields
All fields
Technical Attribute Template Items
Read access to all fields
All fields
Technical Attribute Template Match Rules
Read access to all fields
All fields
Technical Attribute Templates
Read access to all fields
All fields
Picklist Definition
Read access to all fields
All fields
Technical Attribute
Read access to all fields
All fields
Template Match Values
Read access to all fields
All fields
Technical Attribute Category
Read access to all fields
All fields
Asset Technical Attribute
Read, Edit, and Create access to all fields
All fields
Application Setting
Read access to all fields
All fields
A360 User Group
Read access to the object
A360 User Group Member
Read access to the object
A360 User Group Technical Attribute
Read access to the object
Sharing Settings
Provide the following sharing settings permissions to the specified objects.
Default Internal Access
Default External Access
Service Contract
Public Read Only
Public Read Only
Entitlement Rule
Public Read Only
Public Read Only
Public Read Only
Public Read Only
Expression Detail
Public Read Only
Public Read Only
Timeline Configuration
Public Read/Write
Public Read Only
Timeline Configuration Access
Controlled by Parent
Controlled by Parent
Timeline Configuration Detail
Controlled by Parent
Controlled by Parent
Public Read/Write
Public Read Only
Public Read/Write
Public Read Only
Public Read Only
Public Read Only
Entitlement Setting
Public Read Only
Public Read Only
Entitlement Service Assignment Rule
Public Read Only
Public Read Only
Object Mapping
Public Read/Write
Public Read Only
Application Setting
Public Read/Write
Public Read Only
Technical Attribute
Public Read/Write
Public Read Only
Technical Attribute Category
Public Read/Write
Public Read Only
Technical Attribute Template
Public Read/Write
Public Read Only
Technical Attribute Template Item
Controlled by Parent
Controlled by Parent
Technical Attribute Template Match Rule
Public Read/Write
Public Read Only
Template Match Value
Controlled by Parent
Controlled by Parent
Picklist Definition
Public Read/Write
Public Read Only
Asset Technical Attribute
Controlled by Parent
Controlled by Parent
Application Setting
Public Read/Write
Public Read Only
A360 User Group
Public Read/Write
Public Read Only
Process Wizard Settings
Provide the following permission sets to your community users to use wizards and transactions.
Process Wizard
Public Read Only
Public Read Only
Public Read Only
Layout Element
Public Read Only
Lookup Configuration
Public Read Only
ServiceMax Tag
Public Read Only
Community users need Read access to records in these objects to use Wizards and transactions. This can be configured by setting OWD to external access for these objects or by implementing criteria-based sharing.
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