Asset 360 Suite > Appendix > Asset 360 Standard Objects Whitelisted
Asset 360 Standard Objects Whitelisted
The following standard objects in the list are whitelisted.
API Name
Description and Version Introduced
Represents an individual account, which is an organization or person involved with your business (such as customers, competitors, and partners).
Winter '21
Represents an item of commercial value, such as a product sold by your company or a competitor, that a customer has purchased and installed.
Winter '21
Asset Downtime Period
Represents a period during which an asset is not able to perform as expected. Downtime periods include planned activities, such as maintenance, and unplanned events, such as a mechanical breakdown. This object is available in API version 49.0 and later.
Summer '21
Asset Relationship
Represents a non-hierarchical relationship between assets due to replacement, upgrade, or other circumstances.
Asset relationships appear in the Primary Assets and Related Assets related lists on asset records in the UI.
Summer '21
Asset Warranty
Defines the warranty terms applicable to an asset along with any exclusions and extensions. This object is available in API version 50.0 and later.
Winter '21
Represents a case, which is a customer issue or problem.
Winter '21
Represents a contact, which is a person associated with an account.
Winter '21
Contract Line Item
Represents a product covered by a service contract (customer support agreement). This object is available in API version 18.0 and later.
Winter '21
Represents the customer support an account or contact is eligible to receive. This object is available in API version 18.0 and later. Entitlements may be based on an asset, product, or service contract.
Winter '21
Represents an expense linked to a work order. Service resource technicians can log expenses, such as tools or travel costs. This object is available in API version 49.0 and later.
Winter '21
Represents a warehouse, service vehicle, work site, or other element of the region where your team performs field service work. In API version 49.0 and later, you can associate activities with specific locations. Activities, such as the tasks and events related to a location, appear in the activities timeline when you view the location detail page. Also in API version 49.0 and later, users can view Employees as a related list on Location records.
Winter '21
Maintenance Asset
Represents an asset covered by a maintenance plan in field service. Assets can be associated with multiple maintenance plans.
Represents an opportunity, which is a sale or pending deal.
Opportunity Product
Represents an opportunity line item, which is a member of the list of Product2 products associated with an Opportunity.
Summer' 21
Price Book Entry
Represents a product entry (an association between a Pricebook2 and Product2) in a price book.
Winter '21
Represents a price book that contains the list of products that your org sells.
Winter '21
Represents a product that your org sells.
This object has several fields that are used only for quantity and revenue schedules (for example, annuities). Schedules are available only for orgs that have enabled the products and schedules features. If these features aren’t enabled, the schedule fields don’t appear in the DescribeSObjectResult, and you can’t query, create, or update the fields.
Winter '21
Product Consumed
Represents an item from your inventory that was used to complete a work order or work order line item in field service.
Winter '21
Product Item
Represents the stock of a particular product at a particular location in field service, such as all bolts stored in your main warehouse.
Winter '21
Product Request
Represents an order for a part or parts in field service.
Winter '21
Product Request Line Item
Represents a request for a part in field service. Product request line items are components of product requests.
Winter '21
Product Required
Represents a product that is needed to complete a work order or work order line item in field service.
Winter '21
Product Service Campaign
Represents a set of activities to be performed on a product service campaign asset, such as a product recall for safety issues or product modification. This object is available in API version 51.0 and late.
Spring '21
Product Service Campaign Item
Represents a product service campaign's asset. This object is available in API version 51.0 and later.
Summer '22
Product Transfer
Represents the transfer of inventory between locations in field service.
Winter '21
Product Warranty Term
Defines the relationship between a product or product family and warranty term. This object is available in API version 50.0 and later.
Winter '21
Record Type
Represents a record type.
Winter '21
Return Order
Represents the return or repair of inventory or products in Field Service, or the return of order products in Order Management. This object is available in API version 42.0 and later.
Return orders are available in Lightning Experience, Salesforce Classic, the Salesforce mobile app, the Field Service mobile app for Android and iOS, and communities built using Salesforce Tabs + Visualforce.
Winter '21
Return Order Line Item
Represents a specific product that is returned or repaired as part of a return order in Field service, or a specific order item that is returned as part of a return order in Order Management. This object is available in API version 42.0 and later.
Return orders are available in Lightning Experience, Salesforce Classic, the Salesforce mobile app, the Field Service mobile app for Android and iOS, and communities built using Salesforce Tabs + Visualforce.
Winter '21
Service Appointment
Represents an appointment to complete work for a customer in Field Service and Lightning Scheduler. This object is available in API version 38.0 and later.
Spring '21
Service Resource
Represents a service technician or service crew in field service in Field Service and Lightning Scheduler. This object is available in API version 38.0 and later.
Service Contract
Represents a customer support contract (business agreement). This object is available in API version 18.0 and later.
Winter '21
Represents the transport of inventory in field service.
Winter '21
Warranty Term
Represents warranty terms defining the labor, parts, and expenses covered, along with any exchange options, provided to rectify issues with products. This object is available in API version 50.0 and later.
Winter '21
Work Order
Represents field service work to be performed for a customer. This object is available in API version 36.0 and later.
Winter '21
Work Order Line Item
Represents a subtask on a work order in field service. This object is available in API version 36.0 and later.
Winter '21
Work Plan
Represents a work plan for a work order or work order line item. This object is available in API version 52.0 and later.
Winter '22
Work Step
Represents a work step in a work plan. This object is available in API version 52.0 and later.
Winter '22
Work Type
Represents a type of work to be performed in Field Service and Lightning Scheduler. Work types are templates that can be applied to work order or work order line items. This object is available in API version 38.0 and later.
Winter '22
Time Sheet
Represents a schedule of a service resource’s time in Field Service or Workforce Engagement. This object is available in API v47.0 and later.
Winter '23
Time Sheet Entry
Represents a span of time that a service resource spends on a field service task. This object is available in API version 47.0 and later.
Winter '23
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