Part Modeling
Part Overview
Using Part
About Part
Design Concepts
Planning Your Design
The Modeling Process
Features and Parts
Parent-Child Relationships
Putting It All Together
Starting Out in Part Mode
Creating Features
Configuring Creo for Using Part
About Configuration Options for Part
Configuration Options for Part Modeling
Bodies in Parts (Multibody Design)
About Bodies in Parts (Multibody Design Concepts)
About Body Creation
To Delete Bodies
To Remove Bodies
Boolean Operations on Bodies in Parts
Get Started: Boolean Operations
Merge Bodies
Intersect Bodies
Subtract Bodies
Boolean Operations on Bodies in Parts
To Merge Bodies
To Intersect Bodies
To Subtract Bodies
To use a Geometry Pattern in Boolean Operations
Split and Trim Bodies
About Splitting and Trimming Bodies
To Split a Body into Two Bodies
To Trim Geometry from a Body
To Copy, Move, Mirror, or Pattern Bodies
To Create a New Part by Copying the Geometry from a Body
About Body Properties
Configuration Options for Multibody Models
Profile Options for Multibody Models
Support for Multibody Models in Creo Applications
Datum Features
Datum Planes
About Datum Planes
About the Datum Plane User Interface
To Preselect Datum References
About Modifying the Size of the Datum Planes
About Using Datum Planes with Legacy Data
To Create a Datum Plane and Adjust Its Display by Size
To Create a Datum Plane and Adjust Its Display by Reference
To Create an Offset Datum Plane
To Create a Datum Plane with an Angular Offset
Snapping and Unsnapping of Handles
To Create a Datum Plane Midplane Between Two References
About Creating a Datum Plane Using a Datum Coordinate System
To Create a Datum Plane Through a Datum Coordinate System
About Creating a Datum Plane Tangent to a Surface
To Create a Datum Plane Normal to a Surface of Revolution and Through a Datum Point or Vertex
Datum Axes
About Datum Axes
About the Datum Axis User Interface
To Create a Datum Axis and Adjust Its Size
To Create a Sketched Datum Axis
To Create a Datum Axis Normal to a Surface Using Two Offset References
To Create a Datum Axis by Selecting a Circular Curve or Edge
To Create a Datum Axis Parallel to a Linear Entity and Through a Datum Point or Vertex
To Create a Datum Axis Normal to a Linear Entity and Through a Datum Point or Vertex
To Create a Datum Axis by Selecting a Revolved Surface and a Datum Point or Vertex
To Preselect Datum Axis References
Example: Using Datum Axes in Modeling
Datum Points
About the Datum Point Feature
Datum Points Display
Accessing Datum Points
General Datum Points
About General Datum Points
About the General Datum Point User Interface
To Work with the Points List in the Datum Points Dialog Box
To Create a Datum Point on a Curve, Edge, or Datum Axis
To Create a Sketched Datum Point
Tip: Creating a Datum Point at the Extension of a Straight Edge or Curve
To Create a Datum Point at a Curve's Intersection
To Create a Datum Point at the Center
About Datum Points On or Offset from a Surface
To Create a Datum Point On or Offset from a Surface
To Create a Datum Point On or Offset from a Coordinate System or Its Axis or a Vertex
Creating Multiple Datum Points on the Same Surface or Quilt
To Create a Datum Point Offset from Another Point
To Create a Datum Point at the Intersection of Entities
To Create a Datum Point by Projecting a Point onto a Plane or Line
Offset from a Coordinate System
About Datum Points Offset from a Coordinate System
About the Datum Point Offset from a Coordinate System User Interface
To Create Datum Points Offset from a Coordinate System
To Import a Data File
To Update Values of the Datum Point Offset Coordinate System
About Field Points
To Create a Field Point
Coordinate Systems
Get Started: Coordinate System
Coordinate System on a Surface
Coordinate System with an Offset from an Existing Coordinate System
About Coordinate Systems
About the Coordinate System User Interface
To Create a Coordinate System
To Create a Sketched Coordinate System
To Create an On-Surface Coordinate System
To Create an Offset Coordinate System
To Create a Coordinate System Centered on an Arc
To Orient a Coordinate System
To Set the Name Display for a Coordinate System
To Set the Size Display for a Coordinate System
From a File
About Creating a Coordinate System from a File
To Create a Coordinate System from a File
Example: Transformation File Format
Datum Curves
About Datum Curves
About Sketched Datum Curves
To Create a Sketched Datum Curve
To Project a Curve into a Sketch
Curves through Points
About the Curve through Points User Interface
To Create a Datum Curve through Points
Connection Combinations
About Group with Equal Radius Points
About Tweaking Curves
To Tweak a Curve
To Create a Datum Curve through Points that Lie on a Surface
Rules for Creating a Datum Curve with the On Surface Option
Curves from Equations
About the Curve from Equation User Interface
To Create a Datum Curve from Equations
Example: Creating a Datum Curve from an Equation
Curves from Point and Direction
About Curves from Point and Direction
About the Curve from Point and Direction User Interface
To Create a Curve from a Point and Direction
Curves from Cross Sections
Get Started: Curve from Cross Section
About the Curve from Cross Section User Interface
To Create a Datum Curve Using a Cross Section
Example: Curve from a Cross Section
Closed Loop Curves
About Closed Loop Curves
To Create a Closed Loop Curve
Imported Datum Curves
About Imported Datum Curves
Example: Importing a Datum Curve
To Edit the Definition of Imported Datum Curves
Datum References
About Datum Reference Features and Intent Objects
About the Datum Reference User Interface
About Intent Objects
About Intent Object Names
Default Names for Intent Objects
Defining Intent Surfaces and Chains
Searching for References Using the Search Tool
To Create an Intent Datum Using Datum Reference Features
To Create an Intent Chain Using a Datum Reference Feature
To Create an Intent Surface Using Datum Reference Features
To Display Intent Object Names in the Model Tree
To Edit an Intent Object Name
To Edit the References of a Datum Reference Feature
To Redefine a Datum Reference Feature
To Automatically Place UDFs Using Datum Reference Features
Placing Features with Saved Queries
Selecting Valid Edges and Surfaces for Referencing
About Datum Graphs
Asynchronous Datums
About Creating Asynchronous Datum Features
Model Tree Display of Asynchronous Datum Features
Embedding Asynchronous Datums
Display Order of Embedded Datums and other Sub-Nodes
To Create a Feature with Embedded Datums
To Convert a Standalone Datum to an Embedded Datum
To Convert an Embedded Datum to a Standalone Datum
Dragging and Dropping Embedded Datums
Editing and Redefining Features with Embedded Datums
Copying Features with Embedded Datums
About Patterning, Mirroring, or Moving Features with Embedded Datums
About Patterning, Mirroring, or Moving Features with Asynchronous Datums
About Deleting or Suppressing Features with Embedded Datums
To Delete a Feature while Retaining the Embedded Datums
Base Features
Basics of the Extrude Feature
Get Started: Extrude
Solid Protrusion
Solid Cut
Surface Trim
About the Extrude Feature
About the Extrude User Interface
Example: Different Types of Extrude Features
About Sections Used for Extrusions
About the Depth Options
Example: To Reference Options
About the Automatic Add or Remove Material Option
About the Thicken Sketch Command
About the Cap with Model Geometry Option
About an Extruded Cut
About an Extruded Surface
About a Surface Trim Created with the Extrude Tool
Tips for Creating an Extrusion Using the Object/Action Workflow
Working with the Extruded Feature
To Create a Solid Protrusion
To Create a Thickened Extrusion
To Create a Cut
To Create an Extruded Surface
To Create a Surface Trim
To Add a Taper to an Extrude Feature
Making Changes to an Extruded Feature
Basics of the Revolve Feature
Get Started: Revolve
Solid Model Revolving Around a Centerline
Quilt Revolving Around a Straight Entity
About the Revolve Feature
About the Revolve User Interface
Example: Different Types of Revolved Feature
About Sections Used for Revolved Features
About the Axis of Revolution
About the Angle of Revolution
About a Revolved Cut
About a Revolved Surface
Tips for Creating a Revolved Feature Using the Object/Action Workflow
Working with the Revolved Feature
To Define an Axis of Revolution
To Create a Revolved Solid
To Create a Thickened Revolved Feature
To Create a Revolved Cut
To Create a Revolved Surface
To Create a Revolved Surface Trim
Making Changes to a Revolved Feature
About Sweeps
About the Sweep User Interface
About Constant Section Sweeps
Rules for Defining a Trajectory
To Create a Sweep
Merge Ends
Sweep Geometry
Example: Sweeps
Variable Section Sweep
About Variable Section Sweeps
Relations in Variable Section Sweeps
About the Trajpar Parameter
To Create a Variable Section Sweep Using Relations
Example: Using Relations to Create a Variable Section Sweep
Workflow for Constant Section Sweeps
Workflow for Variable Section Sweeps
Workflow for a Normal Trajectory
Workflow for Section Plane at a Constant Normal Direction
Workflow for Sweeping with Default Settings - X-Trajectory
Workflow for the Section Plane Normal to the Trajectory Projection
Sketch Plane Orientation
About Tangent Trajectories
About Specifying the Trajectory Type
Normal to Trajectory (Automatic)
Normal to Trajectory (Automatic): Start X Direction
Normal to Trajectory - Normal to Surface
Normal to Trajectory - X Trajectory
Normal to Other Trajectory (Automatic)
Normal to Projection
Constant Normal (Automatic)
Constant Normal (X Trajectory)
Constant Normal (Automatic) - Start X Direction
Constant Normal (Normal to Surface)
Helical Sweeps
Get Started: Helical Sweep
Create a Screw—Helical Sweep
Create a Spring—Helical Sweep
About Helical Sweeps
About the Helical Sweep User Interface
To Create a Helical Sweep
To Set the Pitch in Helical Sweeps and Volume Helical Sweeps
Section Orientation for Helical Sweeps
Differences between Helical Sweeps and Volume Helical Sweeps
Volume Helical Sweeps
Get Started: Volume Helical Sweep
Create a Drill Bit—Volume Helical Sweep
About Volume Helical Sweeps
About the Volume Helical Sweep User Interface
To Create a Volume Helical Sweep
About the 3D Object
About the 3D Object Dragger
To Set the Pitch in Helical Sweeps and Volume Helical Sweeps
Differences between Helical Sweeps and Volume Helical Sweeps
About Blends
Example: Starting Points and Blend Shape
Example: Smooth Blend and Straight Blend
To Cap a Blend
Parallel Blends
Get Started: Parallel Blend
Twisted Parallel Blend
Blend Different Shapes
About Parallel Blends
About the Blend User Interface
To Create a Parallel Blend by Sketching the Sections
To Create a Parallel Blend by Selecting the Sections
To Create a Parallel Blend with a Projected Section
Rotational Blends
About Rotational Blends
About the Rotational Blend User Interface
To Create a Rotational Blend by Sketching the Sections
To Create a Rotational Blend by Selecting the Sections
Example: Creating a Rotational Blend
Example: Connect End and Start Sections
General Blends
To Create a General Blend
Example: Creating a General Blend
To Specify Tangency Conditions for Parallel Blends
Example: Specifying Tangency Conditions for General Blends
To Add or Remove a Section in a General Blend
Blend Vertex
Using a Blend Vertex
To Add a Blend Vertex
Example: Adding a Blend Vertex
Importing Blends
Importing a Blend Feature
To Import a Blend
Example: Blend File Format
Example: Importing a Blend File
Swept Blends
Get Started: Swept Blend
Toothbrush Handle—Swept Blend
About Swept Blends
About the Swept Blend User Interface
Terminology for Sketching Plane Orientation
To Create a Swept Blend (basic)
Example: Creating a Swept Blend
To Modify a Swept Blend Using Area Control
Example: Controlling the Perimeter of a Swept Blend
About Blend Vertices
Example: Creating a Blend Vertex
To Control the Perimeter of a Swept Blend
Sections in Sketch-based Features
About Sections in Sketch-based Features
About the Section User Interface
About the Sketch Dialog Box
Sketch-based Features in the Model Tree
Using a Sketch as a Feature Section
To Enter Sketch for a Sketch-based Feature
To Select a Sketch Feature
Preselecting a Sketching Plane
To Create a Section
Using Open Sketches under Special Conditions
To Create an Internal Sketch
Tip: Creating a Sketch While in the Feature Tool
To Redefine a Section
To Make a Dependent Section Independent
To Delete a Section
To Delete a Sketch Feature
To Report Sketch-based Feature Information
Sketch Regions
About Sketch Regions
Engineering Features
Get Started: Hole
Clearance Hole
Tapped Hole
Holes Placed on Sketch Points
About the Hole Feature
About the Hole Feature User Interface
Hole Placement References
Hole Placement Types
Hole Orientation References
About Lightweight Representation of Holes
To Define Lightweight Representation for a Hole
To Relocate a Hole by Snapping to a Reference
To Define Hole Depth by Snapping to a Reference
To Intersect the Top of the Hole with the Outside Surface
To Create Multiple Holes Using Sketched Entities as Placement References
Hole Charts
Hole Parameters
Hole Charts
Hole Notes
Simple Holes
To Create a Simple Hole
To Create a Simple Coaxial Hole
To Create a Linear Hole by Referencing an Axis
Sketched Holes
To Create a Sketched Hole
Sketched Hole Requirements
Standard Holes
To Create a Standard Hole
To Create a Standard Coaxial Hole
To Create a Tapped Hole
To Create a Drilled Hole
To Create a Clearance Hole
To Create a Tapered Hole
Embedded Hole Files
About Embedding Hole Files into a Part Model
To Embed a Hole File into a Part Model
Example: Using Embedded Hole Files to Redefine or Create Standard Holes
Get Started: Round
Round on Intent Edges
Variable Round
About the Round Feature
About Round Types
About Round Placement References
About Creation Methods and Cross Section Shapes
About Other Round Creation Parameters
About the Round User Interface
To Create a Constant Round
To Create a Variable Round
To Create a Surface-to-Surface Variable Round
To Define a Radius Using a Reference
To Relocate a Radius Using a Reference
To Create a Normal to Spine Round
To Rename a Round Feature
To Retrieve Round Feature Information
Conic and D1 x D2 Conic Rounds
To Create a Conic Round
To Create a D1 x D2 Conic Round
Setting Ratio Grid Interval for the Conic Parameter Handle
C2 Continuous and D1 x D2 C2 Rounds
To Create a Curvature Continuous Round
To Create a D1 x D2 Curvature Continuous Round
Extended Surfaces Rounds
About Extended Surface Rounds
To Create an Extended Surface Round
Example: Creating an Extended Surface Round
Example: Extended Surface Rounds
Full Rounds
To Create a Full Round
To Create a Surface-to-Surface Full Round
Rules for Creating a Full Round
Through Curve Rounds
To Create a Round Driven by a Curve
Example: Round Driven by a Curve
Chordal Rounds
About Chordal Rounds
To Create a Chordal Round
Piece Management
About Piece Management
About Round Patches and Round Pieces
About Excluding Round Pieces
To Exclude Round Pieces
About Trimming Round Geometry
To Trim Round Geometry
About Extending Round Geometry
To Extend Round Geometry
About Round Placement Ambiguity
To Address Round Placement Ambiguity
About Round Attachment Types
To Define a Round Attachment Type
To Resolve Failed Rounds Using End Surfaces
Round References and Attachment Types
About Round Transitions
Round Transition Types
About Curvature Continuity at Transitions
Defining Round Transitions
To Define a Round Transition
To Define a Corner Sphere Transition
Example: Corner Transitions
To Define a Stop Case Transition
To Define a Stop at Reference Transition
To Define a Patch Transition
To Define an Intersect at Surface Transition
Round Transition Caps
About Deleting Transitions and Making a Transition
To Delete Transitions and Make a Transition
Auto Round
About the Auto Round Feature
About the Auto Round User Interface
To Create an Auto Round Feature
To Create an Auto Round Feature on Selected Edges
Example: Narrow Pair of Chains
Considerations for Creating an Auto Round Feature
To Display Auto Round Members in the Model Tree
To Convert the Auto Round Feature to a Round Group
Using the Auto-Round Player
Using the Troubleshooter Dialog Box to View Unrounded Edges
Excluding Edges
About Excluding Edges from an Auto Round
To Select Edges Using the Search Tool
To Select Edges Using a Datum Reference and the Graphics Window
To Select Edges Using a Datum Reference and the Search Tool
Edge Chamfer
Get Started: Edge Chamfer
Edge Chamfer
Edge Chamfer Transitions
About the Chamfer Feature
About Chamfer Types and References
About the Edge Chamfer User Interface
About Chamfer Dimension Schemes
Example: Chamfer Dimension Schemes
About Chamfer Creation Methods
To Create a D x D Chamfer
To Create a 45 x D Chamfer
To Create an Angle x D Chamfer
To Create a D1 x D2 Chamfer
To Create an O x O Chamfer
To Create an O1 x O2 Chamfer
To Define the Chamfer Distance Using a Reference
To Rename a Chamfer Feature
To Retrieve Chamfer Feature Information
Piece Management
About Piece Management
About Chamfer Patches and Chamfer Pieces
About Excluding Chamfer Pieces
To Exclude Chamfer Pieces
About Trimming Chamfer Geometry
To Trim Chamfer Geometry
About Extending Chamfer Geometry
To Extend Chamfer Geometry
About Chamfer Placement Ambiguity
To Address Chamfer Placement Ambiguity
About Chamfer Attachment Types
To Define a Chamfer Attachment Type
To Resolve Failed Chamfers Using End Surfaces
Chamfer References and Attachment Types
About Chamfer Transitions
Defining Chamfer Transitions
To Define a Chamfer Transition
To Define a Stop Case Transition
To Define a Stop at Reference Transition
To Define a Patch Transition
About Deleting Transitions and Making a Transition
To Delete Transitions and Make a Transition
Corner Chamfer
Get Started: Corner Chamfer
Corner Chamfer
About the Corner Chamfer Feature
About the Corner Chamfer User Interface
To Create a Corner Chamfer
Example: Corner Chamfer
About the Draft Feature
About the Draft User Interface
To Create a Draft Feature
About Handling Rounds in a Draft Feature
Example: Creating a Basic Draft
Example: Excluding Surface Loops
Example: Extending Intersect Surfaces
Example: Draft Surface Not Parallel to Pull Direction
Split Draft
About Split Draft
To Create a Split Draft
Example: Creating a Split Draft
Example: Creating a Split Draft Using Sketch
To Create a Split Draft with Two Hinges
Example: Creating a Split Draft with Two Hinges
Variable Draft
About Variable Draft
To Create a Variable Draft
Example: Creating a Variable Draft
Variable Pull Direction Draft
Get Started: Variable Pull Direction Draft
Tire Tread—Variable Pull Direction Draft
About the Variable Pull Direction Draft Feature
About the Variable Pull Direction Draft User Interface
To Create a Variable Pull Direction Draft
Get Started: Shell
About the Shell Feature
About the Shell User Interface
To Create a Shell Feature
To Create a Shell Feature by Excluding Surfaces
Restrictions on Creating Shell Features
Example: Shell and Feature Order
Example: Creating a Shell Feature
Example: Creating a Shell Feature by Excluding Surfaces
Example: Prevent Shell from Penetrating at Convex Corners
Example: Prevent Shell from Penetrating at Concave Corners
Profile Rib
Get Started: Profile Rib
About the Profile Rib Feature
About the Profile Rib Feature User Interface
To Create a Profile Rib
Trajectory Rib
Get Started: Trajectory Rib
About Trajectory Ribs
About the Trajectory Rib User Interface
To Create a Trajectory Rib
Example: A Trajectory Rib
Pocket Openings and Trajectory Ribs
About Externalizing Trajectory Rib Rounds
To Externalize Trajectory Rib Rounds
Toroidal Bends
Get Started: Toroidal Bend
Tire—Toroidal Bend
About Toroidal Bends
About the Toroidal Bend User Interface
To Create a Toroidal Bend
Example: Creating a Toroidal Bend
Spinal Bends
About Spinal Bends
To Create a Spinal Bend
Example: Creating and Modifying a Spinal Bend
Example: Maintain the Length of the Bend Region in a Spinal Bend
Example: Remove the Unbent Geometry
Cosmetic Sketch
About Cosmetic Sketches
About the Cosmetic Sketch User Interface
To Create a Regular Section Cosmetic Feature
Regular Section Sketched Cosmetic Feature
Example: Creating a Regular Section Cosmetic Feature
To Create a Projected Section Cosmetic Feature
Example: Creating a Projected Section Cosmetic Feature
About the Underconstrained Mode
Cosmetic Thread
About Cosmetic Threads
About the Cosmetic Thread User Interface
To Create Standard Cosmetic Threads
To Create Simple Cylindrical Cosmetic Threads
To Create Simple Conical Cosmetic Threads
Example: Creating Cosmetic Threads
Cosmetic Thread Parameters
Using the Parameter File to Define Cosmetic Threads
Creating Custom Cosmetic Threads
To Create Custom Cosmetic Threads
Cosmetic Groove
To Create a Cosmetic Groove
Example: Creating a Cosmetic Groove
Designated Area
About Designated Areas
To Create a Designated Area
Example: Creating a Designated Area by Trimming a Curve
Example: Creating a Designated Area on Closed Loops
About the Lattice Feature
About the Lattice Feature User Interface
To Set Lattice Display Options
To Create Beam-based Lattice
To Create 2.5D Lattice
To Create Formula-driven Lattice
To Create Custom Lattice
To Create Stochastic Lattice
To Patch Open Areas on Bounding Surfaces of Stochastic Lattice
About the Lattice Representation
To Define the Lattice Region
Varied Density
About Lattice With Varied Density
To Create Lattice with Varied Density Based on Distance from References
To Create Stochastic Lattice with Varied Density Based on Creo Simulate Results
To Create Stochastic Lattice with Varied Density Based on Creo Simulation Live Results
To Create Formula-driven Lattice with Varied Density Based on Creo Simulation Live Results
About Lattice with Varied Wall Offset
To Define Lattice Downskin Transitions
Simulation Support for Lattice
Lattice Connect
About Connecting Lattices
About the Lattice Connect User Interface
To Connect Lattices
Edit Features
Copy and Paste
About Copying and Pasting
About Dependent and Independent Copies
Using Paste
About the Paste User Interface for Features
To Paste Using the Object-Action Workflow
Pasting Using the Same or New References
Copying and Pasting Features
To Copy and Paste a Feature
To Copy and Paste Multiple Features
To Copy and Paste Between two Different Sources
To Cancel a Paste Operation
Copying and Pasting Surfaces, Bodies, and Curves
About Copying and Pasting Surfaces, Bodies, and Curves
Surface Copy
About the Surface Copy User Interface
To Copy a Surface
To Copy a Surface Excluding Patches and Holes
To Copy Surfaces Inside a Closed Sketched Curve
To Convert a Copied Surface to an Inner Boundary Copy
Untrimming a Surface or Quilt When Copying
To Copy and Untrim a Trimmed Surface or Quilt When Copying
Curve Copy
About the Curve Copy User Interface
To Copy Curves or Edges
Body Copy
About the Body Copy User Interface
To Copy Bodies
Using Paste Special
About Paste Special
About Dimension Dependency and Copying Sketch-Based Features
About Varying the Dependency of Pasted Features
To Create a Dependent Copy in a Model with Paste Special
To Create a Fully-Dependent Feature and Vary Dependency
To Create an Independent Copy of a Feature or Feature Set
To Break, Restore, or Remove Dependency
To Copy a Feature Across Models Using Paste Special
To Create a Dependent Copy of Sketch-Based Features
To Create an Independent Copy of Sketch-Based Features
About the Advanced Reference Configuration User Interface
To Copy Features Using the Advanced Reference Configuration
To Verify the Availability of Original References
About the Move Tool
About the Move User Interface
To Move Geometry
To Move Features
To Move All Features in a Part
To Create Multiple Moves
Example: Different Move Techniques
About Redefining Legacy Data that Uses Coordinate System or Two Datum Points as Direction Reference
Feature Patterns
About Feature Patterns
Get Started: Pattern
About the Pattern Feature
About the Pattern User Interface
About Pattern Regeneration Options
Varying the Location and Size of Instances
Pattern Instance Parameters
Example: Patterns
About Projecting Pattern Members onto a Surface
To Project Pattern Members onto a Surface
About Pattern Member Spacing Options
Example: Pattern Spacing Options
Dimension Patterns
Pattern by Dimension
About Dimension Patterns
To Create a Dimension Pattern
Using Negative Increment in a Dimension Pattern
Using Relations in Dimension Patterns
Example: Creating a Dimension Pattern Using Relations
Direction Patterns
Pattern by Direction
About Direction Patterns
To Create a Direction Pattern
Example: Creating a Direction Pattern
Example: Creating a Unidirectional Linear Pattern
Example: Creating a Bidirectional Linear Pattern
Axis Patterns
Pattern by Axis
About Axis Patterns
To Create an Axis Pattern
Example: Creating an Axis Pattern
Example: Creating a Spiral Pattern
Example: Rotating Pattern Members about an Axis
Fill Patterns
About Fill Patterns
To Create a Fill Pattern
Example: Creating a Fill Pattern
Example: Making Fill Pattern Members Follow a Surface Shape
To Change the Origin of the Fill Pattern
Example: Rotating Circular or Spiral Fill Pattern Members
Table Patterns
About Table Patterns
To Create a Table Pattern
Example: Creating a Table Pattern
To Modify a Table Pattern by Editing its Tables
To Redefine Various Pattern Types as a Table Pattern
Reference Patterns
About Reference Patterns
To Create a Reference Pattern
Example: Creating a Reference Pattern
Example: Type of Reference for Reference Patterns
Point Patterns
About Point Patterns
To Create a Point Pattern with a Sketch
Example: Rotating Point Pattern Members Along a Curve
To Create a Point Pattern with Datum Points
Example: Use Alternate Origin in Point Patterns
To Create a Point Pattern using a Pattern of Points
To Create a Point Pattern using a Pattern of Coordinate Systems
Curve Patterns
About Curve Patterns
To Create a Curve Pattern
Example: Patterning a Hole Using Curve Pattern
Example: Rotating Pattern Members about a Curve
Patterns of Patterns
To Create a Pattern of a Feature Pattern
To Delete the Pattern of a Feature Pattern
To Unpattern the Pattern of a Group or the Pattern of a Pattern
Geometry Patterns
About Geometry Patterns
About the Geometry Pattern User Interface
About Patterning Bodies
Example: Geometry Pattern Creation Options
Get Started: Mirror
Mirror Features
Mirror Geometry
About the Mirror Feature
About the Mirror User Interface
To Mirror Selected Features
To Mirror All the Geometry in a Part
To Mirror Geometry
To Add Features to or Remove Features from a Mirror Feature
About Missing Source Features for Mirror Features
To Break, Restore, Remove, and Reestablish the Dependency of a Mirror Feature
Example: Mirroring the Model
About the Trim Feature
About the Trim User Interface
To Trim a Curve or Quilt
To Trim a Quilt with a Quilt
To Trim Using Silhouette Edges
Get Started: Merge
Merge Quilts
Merge Intersecting Quilts
Merge Adjacent Quilts
About the Merge Feature
About the Merge Feature User Interface
To Create a Merge Feature
To Merge More Than Two Quilts
Example: Merging Two Quilts
Get Started: Extend
Extend Along a Surface
Extend Up to a Reference Plane
About the Extend Feature
About the Extend User Interface
To Create a Surface Extension Along the Original Surface
To Create a Multi-point Extension
To Create a To Plane Surface Extension
Get Started: Offset
About the Offset Feature
Offset Surface
Offset Surface
About the Offset Surface User Interface
Standard Offset
To Create Standard Offset Surfaces
Approximate Offset Surfaces
To Approximate Offset Surfaces
Offset Surface Methods—Recommendations
Example: Creating an Offset Surface with Side Surfaces
Offset with Draft
To Create Offset Surfaces with a Draft
Working with Draft Offsets
Example: Normal Offset and Translate Offset
To Create Offset Surfaces by Expansion
To Constrain an Offset with a Sketch
Replace Surface
To Create an Offset Using Replace Surface
Using Replace Surface Offsets
Example: Creating an Offset Using Replace Surface
Offset Chain
Offset Chain
About the Offset Chain User Interface
To Offset a Chain Along a Surface
To Offset a Chain Normal to Surface
Using Graphs to Offset a Chain
Example: Offsetting a Chain
Measurement Types for Offset Chains
To Create a Fan Curve Offset
Offset Boundary Chains
Offset Quilt Boundary Chain
About the Offset Boundary Chain User Interface
To Offset a Boundary Chain
To Create a Variable Boundary Chain Offset
Get Started: Intersect
About the Intersect Feature
About the Intersect User Interface
To Intersect Sketches or Surfaces
To Edit the Definition of Intersecting Sketches or Surfaces
To Unlink and Edit Sketches in the Intersect Feature
Get Started: Project
About the Project Feature
About the Project User Interface
Example: Creating a Projected Feature
Project a Curve Chain
To Project Chains
Project a Sketch
To Project a Sketch
Cosmetic Sketch
Project a Cosmetic Sketch
Get Started: Thicken
About the Thicken Feature
About the Thicken Feature User Interface
To Create a Thicken Feature
To Create a Scaled Thicken Feature
About the Solidify Feature
About the Solidify Feature User Interface
To Create a Solidify (Protrusion) Feature
To Create a Solidify (Cut) Feature
To Create a Solidify (Patch) Feature
About the Remove Feature
About the Remove User Interface
To Remove Surfaces with the Remove Tool
To Remove Edges with the Remove Tool
About Splitting Surfaces
Example: Remove Surface Solutions
Example: Intersection of Non-Adjacent Surfaces
Separate Surface Region
About the Separate Surface Region Feature
About the Separate Surface Region Feature User Interface
To Separate Surface Regions using Manual Selection
To Separate Surface Regions using Automatic Selection
Divide Surface
About Divide Surface
To Divide Surfaces using a Sketch
To Divide Surfaces using Chains
To Divide Surfaces using a Sketch Region
Unify Surfaces
About Unify Surfaces
To Unify Surfaces
About the Wrap Feature
About the Wrap User Interface
To Create a Wrapped Datum Curve
Example: Creating a Wrapped Datum Curve
Example: Ignore Intersection Surface Option for Wrap
Example: Trim at Boundary Option for Wrap
About the Collapse Feature
To Collapse Features
About Redefining Incremental Geometry Features
To Redefine an Incremental Geometry Feature
Get Started: Fill
About the Fill Feature
About the Fill User Interface
To Create a Fill Feature
To Create a Fill Feature by Using a Sketch Feature
Redefining a Fill Feature
Construction Features
To Create a Shaft
Example: Creating a Shaft
To Create a Neck
Example: Neck Feature
To Create a Flange
Example: Creating a Flange
About Pipes
To Create a Pipe
Example: Pipe
Tweak Features
About Tweak Features
Local Pushes
About Local Pushes
To Create a Local Push
Example: Local Push
Radius Domes
To Create a Radius Dome
Example: Radius Dome
Section Domes
About Section Domes
To Create a Section Dome (basic)
To Create a Swept Section Dome
Example: Swept Section Dome
To Create a Blended Section Dome with No Profile
Example: Blended Section Dome without a Profile
About Blended Section Domes with a Single Profile
To Create a Blended Section Dome with a Single Profile
Example: Blended Section Dome with a Single Profile
About Ears
To Create an Ear Feature
Example: Dimensioning an Ear Feature
About a Lip Feature
To Create a Lip Feature
Example: Lip Feature
UDFs and Groups
Creating a UDF
About User-Defined Features
About Creating a UDF Library
To Create a UDF (basic)
To Define Variable Elements in a UDF
To Define Variable Dimensions in a UDF
To Define Variable Parameters in a UDF
To Activate Pro/PROGRAM in a UDF
To Use Database Commands on UDFs
About Variable Annotation Element Parameters in UDFs
Placing a UDF
About Placing a UDF in a Model
About the UDF Placement User Interface
To Place a UDF Using Reference Mapping
Preserving Feature Properties on UDF Placement
Placing a UDF with Restricted Parameters
To Alter Variable Values in a UDF
To Specify UDF Placement Options
To Specify UDF Placement Relations
To Rename a UDF
To Place a UDF by Redefining Features
Feature Redefinition during UDF Placement
Previewing a UDF
Defining Skipped References
Feature, Dimension, and Parameter Names in a Group
Renaming Annotation Elements in UDFs
To Change the Group Type
To Replace a UDF Group
Replacing a UDF Group With Family Table Instances
To Resolve a Placement Failure for a UDF
Placing a UDF using an On-Surface Coordinate System
About UDF Placement Using an On-Surface Coordinate System
Conditions for Placing a UDF Using an On-Surface Coordinate System
To Place a UDF Where the First Feature Is an On-Surface Coordinate System
To Place a UDF Where the Only Reference Is a Coordinate System
To Change the Orientation of Features in a UDF
Creating a Local Group
About Local Groups
To Create a Local Group
To Select a Local Group Feature from the Graphics Window
Operations on Groups
About Working with Groups
Replacement Conditions
Replacing a Group
To Copy a Group
To Copy a Group and Vary Dependency
To Pattern a Group
Tip: Patterning a Group
Rules for Patterning Groups
About Deleting and Suppressing Members of a Group
To Delete or Suppress an Individual Group Member
To Delete or Suppress an Individual Group Member with Children
Data Sharing
Build Direction
About the Build Direction
To Analyze the Build Direction
Example: Adding a Sub-critical Parameter Constraint to a Build Direction Analysis
Defined Volumes
To Define an Internal Volume
To Define an Enclosure Volume
Layout Features
About Using Layout Entities to Create 3D Geometry
About the Layout Feature User Interface
To Copy Layout Entities into a Part
To Create 3D Geometry Using Layout Entities
To Manually Update a Layout Feature
To Edit a Layout Feature in a Part
To Change the Update of Layout Features
To Set Layout Display Settings
Creo Direct
About Retrieving a Creo Direct Part
To Retrieve a Creo Direct Part
Modifying the Part
About Editing Parts
About States of Editing
General Editing
To Rename an Object
To Modify Features with Multiple Sketches
To Move the Text of Datum Planes and Coordinate Systems
To Edit Datum or Axis Properties
To Edit Datum Curve Line Style
Dynamic Edit
About Dynamic Edit Mode
To Dynamically Edit a Feature
Locked Dimensions and Locked Entities in Dynamic Editing
Dynamic Editing and Sketcher Functionality
Editing Dimensions
About Editing Dimensions
To Edit Dimension Values, Properties, or Text
Using the Menu Manager to Edit
To Modify Dimension Values Using the Menu Manager
To Modify Dimension Cosmetics
To Modify the Dimension Format
Modifying the Dimension Format
To Add Text to a Dimension
To Modify a Dimension Symbol
Modifying a Dimension Symbol
To Modify Dimension Locations
To Modify the Number of Decimal Places in a Dimension
To Move Dimension Text
To Switch Dimension Arrowheads
To Make Copied Feature Dimensions Independent
Making Copied Feature Dimensions Independent
Redefining Sections
Redefining Section Geometry
To Replace Section Entities
Example: Replacing Section Entities
About Incomplete Features
Redefining Features
About Redefining Features
To Redefine Features with Elements
To Redefine Features with No Elements
To Redefine a Merged Part
Viewing Changes to a Part
About Viewing Changes to a Part
To View Changes to a Part
Inserting Features
About Inserting Features within the Feature Sequence in the Model Tree
To Insert Features within the Feature Sequence in the Model Tree
Reordering Features
Reordering Features
To Reorder Features
Suppressing, Deleting, and Resuming Features
About Suppressing and Resuming Features
About Deleting Features
To Suppress or Delete Features
Side Effects of Deleting Features
To Resume Features
To Select a Suppressed Feature Using the Model Tree
To Select a Suppressed Feature Using the Search Tool
Read-Only Features
About Read-Only Features
To Make Features Read-Only
To Remove the Read-Only Setting from Features
Editing or Replacing the References of Features
About Editing or Replacing the References of Features
To Edit or Replace the References of Features
To Edit the References of Child Features when Deleting or Suppressing their Reference Feature
Simplified Representations
About Simplified Representations
To Create a Simplified Representation (basic)
To Include or Exclude Features
To Edit a Simplified Representation Using the Model Tree
To Create a Work Region
To Create a Simplified Representation from Part Surfaces
To Create an Accelerated Simplified Representation
To Update an Accelerated Simplified Representation
To Create a Geometric Snapshot
To Erase a Simplified Representation
Part Accuracy
About Part Accuracy
To Set Part Accuracy
Flexible Parts
About Flexible Parts
To Prepare Varied Items
To Define a Flexible Part
Resolving Regeneration Failures
About Regeneration Failures
About the Regeneration Manager
To View Feature Information or References
Reducing Regeneration Time
About the Regeneration Failure User Interface
Results of a Failed Regeneration
To Retrieve Missing Components
Working with Failed Features
To Undo Changes when Regeneration Fails
To Skip a Feature while Regenerating a Model
Regeneration Failure and Design Configurations
Regeneration Failure and Features with Headers
Topological Relationships and Regeneration
Example: A Topological Relationship
About Backing Up the Model and References
About the Troubleshooter
To Troubleshoot a Feature Failure
To Step Through Feature Creation
Using Geometry Checking
To Use the FEAT FAILED Menu
Missing References
About Displaying Missing References
To Set Up for the Display of Missing References
To Display Missing References from the Feature Creation Tab
To Display Missing References from the Troubleshooter Dialog Box
To Display Missing References from the Reference Viewer Dialog Box
To Display Missing References from the Edit References Dialog Box
To Display Missing References from the References Dialog Box
Feature Relations
About Feature Relations
To Add a Relation as a Dimension Value
Glossary for Part
Sketcher Overview
Getting Started in Sketcher
About Sketcher
About Entering Sketcher
To Create a Section in 2-D Sketcher
About the Sketcher Shortcut Menu
To Control the View of the Sketch
Configuring Sketcher
About Configuring Sketcher
Configuration Options for Sketcher
Setting Sketcher Environment
About the Sketcher Environment
To Customize the Sketcher Environment
Working with the Sketcher Grid
To Set the Sketcher Grid
To Control the Display of the Grid
To Set the Snapping Settings
To Set Sketcher Color
To Set the Line Style and Color of Sketcher Geometry
About References
To Create References
To Create References by Intersecting the Sketching Plane
To Create References for a Section
About Replacing a Reference
To Replace a Reference
About Using Intent Object or Composite Curve as Sketcher Reference
Creating Sketcher Geometry
About Creating Entities in Sketcher
About Undo and Redo Operations for Sketcher
Points, Centerlines, and Coordinate Systems
About Points and Centerlines
About Coordinate Systems
Automatic Coordinate System Conversions
Construction Points, Centerlines, and Coordinate Systems
To Create a Construction Point
To Create a Construction Centerline
To Create a Construction Centerline Tangent to Two Entities
To Create a Construction Coordinate System
Datum Points, Centerlines, and Coordinate Systems
To Create a Datum Point
To Create a Datum Centerline
To Create a Datum Coordinate System
To Interpret a Coordinate System as Cartesian or Polar
Get Started: Line
To Create a Line Chain
To Create a Line Segment Tangent to Two Entities
Rectangles and Parallelograms
Get Started: Rectangle
To Create a Center Rectangle
To Create a Corner Rectangle
To Create a Slant Rectangle
To Create a Parallelogram
To Create a Circle
To Create a Concentric Circle
To Create a Circle Through Three Points
To Create a Circle Tangent to Three Entities
Get Started: Arc
To Create an Arc Using 3-Point/Tangent End
To Create an Arc Using Center and Ends
To Create an Arc Tangent to Three Entities
Example: Creating an Arc using a Target
To Create a Concentric Arc
To Create a Conic Arc
About Ellipses
To Create an Ellipse by Defining the Center and Axis
To Create an Ellipse by Defining the Axis and Endpoints
To Create a Spline
Chamfers and Fillets
About Chamfers and Fillets
To Create a Circular Fillet
To Create a Circular Trim Fillet
To Create an Elliptical Fillet
To Create an Elliptical Trim Fillet
Example: Types of Fillet
To Create a Chamfer
To Create a Chamfer Trim
To Create Text in Sketcher
Using Project, Offset, and Thicken Tools
Creating Geometry from Model Edges
About the Project Command
Limitations of Using Edge Geometry
To Project a Curve or an Edge
To Modify Projected Geometry
Example: Creating Geometry Using the Project Command
Defining a Trajectory Using a Composite Curve
Creating Geometry with the Offset Edge Option
About Creating Sketcher Offset Geometry
Creating Entities Using the Thicken Command
To Sketch an Offset Edge
To Thicken an Edge
Selecting Edges
Using a Large Offset
About Working with B-Splines
Manipulating Sketcher Geometry
About Dividing and Trimming Entities
To Trim and Extend Entities
To Trim Entities to Each Other
To Delete a Segment
To Divide Entities
Mirroring Geometry
To Mirror Geometry
About Cut, Copy, and Paste Operations
To Cut and Paste Geometry
To Copy and Paste Geometry
Sketcher Selection Filter
About the Sketcher Selection Filter
To Use the Sketcher Selection Filter
Example: Using the Sketcher Selection Filter
Working with Sections
About Importing Section Files into Sketcher
About Importing a Drawing File into Sketcher
To Retrieve an Existing Section or Drawing
To Import Files Into Sketcher
About the Sketcher Palette
To Add a Tab to the Sketcher Palette
To Add a Section to the Sketcher Palette Tab
To Import a Shape from the Sketcher Palette
To Dimension a Section
Tip: Dimensioning a Section to Part Edges
To Exit Sketcher with an Incomplete Section
Dimensioning Sketcher Geometry
About Dimensioning
To Control the Display of Dimensions
To Control the Background of Dimensions Displayed in Sketcher
About Automatically Scaling a Sketch
To Create Dimensions (basic)
To Strengthen Weak Dimensions
Replacing a Dimension
To Replace a Dimension
To Add Relations to a Section
To Modify Dimension Values
Entering Negative Dimensions
To Modify the Number of Decimal Places in Dimensions
About Locked and Unlocked Dimensions
To Lock or Unlock Section Dimensions
To Control the Display of Entity Locks
Automatically Locking User-defined Dimensions
About Known Dimensions
To Create a Known Dimension
Working with Dimension Tools
About the Dimension Tools
Normal Dimensions
About Normal Dimensions
About Toggling Between Dimension Types
To Create Linear Dimensions
To Create a Linear Dimension Between Arcs
Example: A Linear Dimension Between Arcs with a Linear Reference
Diameter, Radial, and Linear Dimensions
To Create Diameter Dimensions
To Create Radial Dimensions
To Toggle Between Diameter, Radial, and Linear Dimensions
Angle and Total Included Angle Dimensions
To Create an Angle Dimension between Lines
To Create an Angle Dimension Defined by Three Points
To Create a Total Included Angle Dimension
To Toggle Between Angle and Total Included Angle Dimensions
To Create an Angle Dimension for an Arc
Example: Angular Dimensions between Lines
Example: Angular Dimensions for Arcs
To Create an Arc Length Dimension
To Dimension an Elliptic Fillet or Ellipse
Dimensioning Splines
About Dimensioning a Spline
To Create Spline Linear Dimensions
To Create Spline Tangency Dimensions
To Create a Radius-of-Curvature Dimension
To Dimension Spline Interpolation Points
Dimensioning Conics
About Conic Arc Dimensions
Tip: Creating a Conic Arc Tangency Dimension
To Create a Conic Arc Tangency Dimension
Example: The rho Dimension of a Conic
To Dimension a Conic Arc Using rho
To Dimension a Conic Arc Defined by Three, Four, or Five Points
Perimeter Dimensions
About Perimeter Dimensions
Example: Perimeter Dimension
To Create a Perimeter Dimension
Baseline and Ordinate Dimensions
About Baseline and Ordinate Dimensions
To Create a Baseline Dimension
To Create Ordinate Dimensions
Example: Ordinate Dimensions
Reference Dimensions
About Reference Dimensions
To Create Reference Dimensions
Moving or Replacing Entities
To Move Entities
About Translating, Rotating, and Scaling a Section
About Translating Sketch Geometry
About Rotating Sketch Geometry
About Scaling Sketch Geometry
To Translate, Rotate, or Scale a Section
To Replace an Entity
Constraining Geometry
About Sketcher Constraints
About Using Constraints
Graphic Display of Constraints
To Control the Display of Constraints
To Customize the Style of Constraints
Available Constraints
To Create Constraints
Selections for Constraints
To Delete a Constraint
To Obtain Information about a Constraint
Highlighting in Constraint Explanations
To Apply the Equal Radius Constraint to Circles or Ellipses
To Apply the Equal Curvature Constraint
Modifying a Section
To Delete Entities
To Resolve a Conflict
Sketcher Hints
Modifying Sketcher Text
To Modify Sketcher Text
To Modify the Height and Orientation of Text
Modifying a Spline
About Modifying a Spline
About the Spline Modification User Interface
To Set the Curvature Display for a Spline
To Move Interpolation points
To Add Points or Vertices
To Add an Endpoint
To Delete Points or Vertices
To Use the Control Polygon
To Use the Control Polygon
To Add a Point to a Control Polygon
To Delete a Point From a Control Polygon
To Move a Spline With the Control Polygon
To Sparse a Spline
To Smooth a Spline
To Modify the Coordinates of Spline Points
To Save Spline Coordinates to a File
To Read in Spline Coordinates From a File
Tip: Reading in Spline Coordinates
To Obtain Information about Spline Coordinates
To Move a Point on a Spline Based on a Local Coordinate System
To Associate a Spline to a Coordinate System
To Move a Range of Points on a Spline
Creating a Feature Section
About Using Sketcher to Create a Feature Section
To Create a Feature Section (basic)
To Enter Sketcher Environment (basic)
To Specify and Orient the Sketching Plane
Tip: Orienting the Sketching Plane
About the Default Orientation Reference
About Modifying the Sketch Setup
To Modify the Sketch Setup
To Add Hatching Lines
Sketcher Diagnostic Tools
About Sketcher Diagnostic Tools
To Detect Entities that Form Closed Loops
To Detect Open Ends of Entities
To Detect Overlapping Geometry
To Detect Intersecting Geometry
To Detect Geometry Junctions
To Analyze Requirements of the Current Feature
Sketcher Glossary
Feature Recognition Tool
About Feature Recognition
About Feature Recognition Reverse Modeling
To Use the Reverse Modeling Process
To Access the Feature Recognition Tool
To Create Hole Features from Imported Geometry
To Create Table Patterns for Holes from Imported Geometry
Supported Hole Types
To Create Extrude Features from Imported Geometry
Supported Extrusion Types
To Create Fillet Features from Imported Geometry
To Create Chamfer Features from Imported Geometry
To Create Slot Features from Imported Geometry
Supported Slot Types
About Selecting Multiple References for Feature Recognition
About Resolving Feature Failures
Creo Flexible Modeling
Creo Flexible Modeling Overview
Configuring Creo Flexible Modeling
About Creo Flexible Modeling Configuration Options
Configuration Options for Flexible Modeling
Using Creo Flexible Modeling
About Creo Flexible Modeling
About the Creo Flexible Modeling User Interface
About Adjacent Geometry
Using Bounding Edges
About Settings that Affect Regeneration of Features
Multibody Design in Creo Flexible Modeling
Divide Surface Features in Creo Flexible Modeling
Surface Selection in Creo Flexible Modeling
About Selecting Surfaces
About Surface Sets
About Surface Regions
About the Surface Sets Dialog Box
About Shape Surface Sets
To Select Shape Surface Sets
Using the Shape Surface Selection Commands
About Tangent Surface Sets
About Geometry Rule Surface Sets
To Select Geometry Rule Surface Sets
Design Objects Tree
About the Design Objects Tree
To Show or Hide Items by Object Type in the Design Objects Tree
To View Design Objects in the Graphics Window and the Design Objects Tree
To Save Design Objects Tree Information
Searching for Geometry
About Searching for Geometry using the Geometry Search Tool
About the Geometry Search Tool User Interface
To Search for Geometry using the Geometry Search Tool
About Parameters in a Geometry Search
To Save and Retrieve Geometry Searches
Propagating Tangency to Move, Offset, and Modify Analytic Features
About Propagating Tangency to Move, Offset, and Modify Analytic Features
To Propagate Tangency to Move, Offset, and Modify Analytic Features
About Tangency Conditions in Creo Flexible Modeling
To Remove the User-Assigned Conditions from Entities
To Work with Condition Panels
Moving Geometry
About Moving Geometry
About the Move Feature User Interface
Using the Dragger
To Move Geometry Using the Dragger
To Move Geometry Using Dimensions
To Move Geometry Using Constraints
To Define Attachment Options for Move
Example: Creating or Extending Side Surfaces in a Move
Example: Moving Geometry Using Attachment Options
Example: Moving Geometry Using a Splitting Surface
Example: Flipping the Direction of the Splitting Surface
Example: Moving Geometry Using Different Reference Types
Example: Moving Partially Constrained Geometry
Offsetting Geometry
About the Offset Geometry Feature
About the Offset Geometry Feature User Interface
To Offset Geometry
To Define Attachment Options for Offset
Example: Offset Geometry Feature
Example: Offset Geometry with Attachment Options
Modifying Analytic Surfaces
About the Modify Analytic Surface Feature
About the Modify Analytic Feature User Interface
To Modify an Analytic Surface Feature
To Define Attachment Options for Modify Analytic
Mirroring Geometry
About Mirroring Geometry
About the Mirror Geometry Feature User Interface
To Mirror Geometry
Patterning Creo Flexible Modeling Geometry
About Patterns in Flexible Modeling
About Patterning Creo Flexible Modeling Geometry
About the Pattern User Interface in Creo Flexible Modeling
About Excluding or Including Pattern Members
About Attachment in Creo Flexible Modeling Patterns
About Options in Creo Flexible Modeling Patterns
About Projecting Pattern Members onto a Surface in Creo Flexible Modeling
To Project Pattern Members onto a Surface in Creo Flexible Modeling
About Using an Alternate Origin in a Flexible Pattern
About Direction Patterns in Creo Flexible Modeling
To Create a Direction Pattern using Translation in Creo Flexible Modeling
To Create a Direction Pattern using Rotation in Creo Flexible Modeling
About Axis Patterns in Creo Flexible Modeling
To Create an Axis Pattern in Creo Flexible Modeling
Example: Follow Axis Rotation
About Fill Patterns in Creo Flexible Modeling
To Create a Fill Pattern in Creo Flexible Modeling
Example: Grid Templates for the Fill Pattern
Example: Follow Template Rotation
About Table Patterns in Creo Flexible Modeling
To Create a Table Pattern in Creo Flexible Modeling
About Curve Patterns in Creo Flexible Modeling
To Create a Curve Pattern in Creo Flexible Modeling
About Point Patterns in Creo Flexible Modeling
To Create a Point Pattern using a Sketch in Creo Flexible Modeling
To Create a Point Pattern using Datum Points in Creo Flexible Modeling
To Create a Point Pattern using a Pattern of Points in Creo Flexible Modeling
To Create a Point Pattern using a Pattern of Coordinate Systems in Creo Flexible Modeling
Substituting Geometry
About the Substitute Feature
About the Substitute Feature User Interface
To Substitute Geometry
Editing Round Geometry
About Editing Round Geometry in Creo Flexible Modeling
About the Edit Round User Interface
To Edit Round Geometry
Editing Chamfer Geometry
About Editing Chamfer Geometry in Creo Flexible Modeling
About the Edit Chamfer User Interface
To Edit Chamfer Geometry
Propagating to Patterns and Symmetric Geometry
About Propagating Creo Flexible Modeling Features to a Pattern or Symmetric Geometry
To Propagate a Creo Flexible Modeling Feature to a Pattern or Symmetry Feature
Recognizing Geometry Patterns
About the Pattern Recognition Feature
About the Pattern Recognition Feature User Interface
To Recognize a Geometry Pattern
To Edit the Number and Spacing of Recognized Pattern Members
About Spatial Patterns
Example: Identical Geometry and Similar Geometry in Pattern Recognition
Recognizing Symmetry
About the Symmetry Recognition Feature
About the Symmetry Recognition Feature User Interface
To Recognize Symmetry
Example: Symmetry Recognition References
Example: Connected Surfaces
Example: Similar Geometry in Symmetry Recognition
Recognizing Rounds and Chamfers
About Recognizing Rounds and Chamfers
About the Round and Chamfer Recognition Feature User Interface
To Recognize Geometry as Rounds
To Recognize Geometry as Not Rounds
To Recognize Geometry as Chamfers
To Recognize Geometry as Not Chamfers
Creating Reference Patterns from Pattern Recognition, Symmetry Recognition, or Mirror Features
About Creating Reference Patterns from Pattern Recognition, Symmetry Recognition, Mirror, or Flexible Pattern Features
To Create a Reference Pattern from Pattern Recognition, Symmetry Recognition, Mirror, or Flexible Pattern Features
Attaching Quilts
About the Attach Feature
About the Attach User Interface
To Attach an Open Quilt to Solid Geometry
To Attach an Open Quilt to a Quilt
Removing Geometry
About the Remove Feature
About the Remove User Interface
To Remove Surfaces with the Remove Tool
To Remove Edges with the Remove Tool
About Splitting Surfaces
Example: Remove Surface Solutions
Example: Intersection of Non-Adjacent Surfaces
Part Modeling
Example: Intersection of Non-Adjacent Surfaces