Pattern by Direction
Pattern a feature along one or two directions.
1. First direction in which the feature is replicated
2. Second direction in which the feature is replicated
1. Select the feature to pattern.
2. Click
Pattern on the
Model tab to open the
Pattern tab.
3. Select Direction from the Type list.
4. Click the 1st direction box in the Settings area. From the Graphics Window, select an axis, a plane, a flat face, or an edge of the model to specify the direction in which the feature is replicated.
5. In the Members box, enter the number of instances to create in the first direction.
6. In the Spacing box, enter the distance between adjacent pattern members in the first direction.
7. Click
to complete the feature, or continue the steps to create a two-dimensional pattern.
8. Click the 2nd direction box in the Settings area. From the Graphics Window, select an axis, a plane, a flat face, or an edge of the model to specify the second direction in which the feature is replicated.
9. In the Members box, enter the number of instances to create in the first direction.
10. In the Spacing box, enter the distance between adjacent pattern members in the first direction.
11. Click