Type of Intent Object
Intent datum plane, point, axis, or coordinate system
Create datum points, datum axes, datum coordinate systems, or datum planes
Place and constrain components in an assembly
Dimension or constrain a sketch
Intent datum plane
Set Sketcher orientation
Set a depth reference for an extrude feature
Set an angle reference for a revolve feature
Set a mirror plane for a mirror operation
Set a placement reference for a hole feature
Set a depth reference for a hole feature
Set a direction reference for a direction element
Set a placement reference for a datum point
Set a placement reference for a datum plane
Set a placement reference for a datum axis
Set a placement reference for a component in an assembly
Intent datum axis
Set a placement reference for a hole feature
Set a depth reference for a hole feature
Set a depth reference for an extrude feature
Set an axis of revolution for a revolve feature
Set a direction reference for a direction element
Set a placement reference for a datum point
Set a placement reference for a datum plane
Set a placement reference for a datum axis
Set a placement reference for a component in an assembly
Intent datum point
Set a placement reference for a hole feature
Set a depth reference for a hole feature
Set a depth reference for an extrude feature
Set an angle reference for a revolve feature
Set a placement reference for a datum point
Set a placement reference for a datum plane
Set a placement reference for a datum axis
Set a placement reference for a component in an assembly
Set a placement reference for a swept blend section
Set a placement reference for a sweep section
Intent datum coordinate system
Set a placement reference for a datum plane
Set a placement reference for a datum axis
Set a placement reference for a datum coordinate system origin
Set datum coordinate system orientation
Set a placement reference for a component in an assembly
Intent curve
Set a reference for a surface trim feature
Set a reference for a boundary blend feature
Set a reference for a publish geometry feature
Set a reference for a curve copy chain
Set a reference for an offset curve feature
Set a reference for a draft split feature
Set a reference for a sweep trajectory feature
Set a reference for a swept blend trajectory feature
Set a placement reference for a datum plane
Set a placement reference for a point on a curve
Set a reference for a Use Edge operation in Sketcher
Intent chains defined by datum references with saved queries
Set the scope of an Auto-Round feature (selected edges or excluded edges)
Intent chains and intent surfaces
Create several Creo features, including sweeps and boundary blends
Intent chains
Set a Sketcher reference
Select an edge chain
All intent objects
Create datum reference features
Set a direction element for a feature
Automatically place user-defined features (UDFs)