About Axis Patterns
Use the Axis pattern to create a pattern by revolving a feature around a selected axis. An Axis pattern allows you to place members in two directions:
Angular—(First direction) Pattern members are revolved around the axis. The default Axis pattern places members equally spaced in the counterclockwise direction.
Radial—(Second direction) Pattern members are added in the radial direction.
There are two ways to place pattern members in the angular direction:
Specify the number of members, including the first member, and the distance between the members (increment).
Specify the angular extent and the number of members, including the first member. The range for the angular extent is from -360° through +360°. Pattern members are equally spaced within the specified angular extent.
While creating or redefining the Axis pattern, you can vary the following items:
Spacing in the angular direction—Drag the placement handle in the angular direction or type the increment in the tab text box.
Spacing in the radial direction—Drag the placement handle in the radial direction or type the increment in the tab text box.
Number of pattern members in each direction—Type the number of members in the tab text box or edit it by double-clicking in the graphics window.
The angular extent of the members—Type the angular extent in the text box.
Feature dimensions—You can vary dimensions of the patterned feature by using the Dimensions tab. For example, you can vary the hole diameter or depth.
You can create a spiral pattern by varying the radial placement dimension.
Skip pattern members—To skip a pattern member, click the black dot identifying that pattern member. The black dot turns white. To restore the member, click the white dot.
Direction of pattern members—To change the direction of the pattern, drag the placement handle in the opposite direction, click , or type a negative number for the increment in the tab text box.
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