Creo Flexible Modeling > Patterning Creo Flexible Modeling Geometry > About Patterns in Flexible Modeling > About the Pattern User Interface in Creo Flexible Modeling
About the Pattern User Interface in Creo Flexible Modeling
The Pattern tab in Creo Flexible Modeling consists of commands, tabs, and shortcut menus. Click Flexible Pattern to open the Pattern tab.
Select one of the pattern types from the Type list.
1st direction
Direction method:
—Creates a pattern using translation.
—Creates a pattern using rotation.
—Creates a pattern using offset from a coordinate system.
First direction reference collector—Collects a direction reference for the first direction.
—Flips the first direction.
Members box—Sets the number of pattern members in the first direction.
Spacing box—Defines the spacing between pattern members in the first direction when or is selected.
X, Y, and Z—Sets the offset from each coordinate system axis when is selected.
2nd direction—Defines the second direction. Contains the same options as the first direction.
Axis collector—Collects an axis to be the center of the pattern.
—Flips the angular direction of the pattern.
1st direction members—Sets the number of pattern members including the pattern leader in the first direction.
Angle between members box—Sets the angle increment between pattern members in the first direction.
Angular extent—Sets the angular extent of the pattern, spacing the pattern members equally within this angle.
2nd direction members—Sets the number of pattern members in the second direction.
Radial distance box—Sets the radial distance between pattern members in the second direction.
Fill Region/Grid
Sketch collector—Collects the sketch that defines the area to fill.
Grid pattern
—Concentric circles
—Along a sketched curve.
Spacing—Sets the spacing between pattern member centers.
Border—Sets the minimum distance between the pattern member centers and the sketch boundary. A negative value allows centers to lie outside the sketch.
Rotation—Sets the rotation of the grid about the origin.
\ Radius—Sets the radial spacing for circular and spiral grids.
Dimension collector—Collects dimensions to include in the pattern table.
Active table—Shows the active table that drives the pattern.
Edit—Opens a table editor window to edit the active table.
Sketch collector—Collects the sketch that defines the pattern shape. It can contain only one sketch.
Members by
Spacing—Sets the distance between the pattern member centers along the curve.
Distance box
Number of Members—Sets the number of pattern members along the curve.
Number of members box
From Sketch—Uses points from an internal or external sketch.
From Datum Point—Uses points from a datum point feature, import feature, or analysis feature.
From Pattern—Uses points or coordinate systems in a pattern feature made of datum points or coordinate systems.
Reference collector—Displays the sketch, sketch feature, point feature or pattern feature that defines the pattern member location.
Use alternate origin collector—Collects an origin to align the pattern members with the leader, that is different from the default origin. The default origin is located at the center of an imaginary bounding box around the pattern leader geometry.
Table Dimensions
Available only for Table patterns.
Dimensions collector—Displays dimensions to include in the pattern table.
Leader surfaces—Displays surfaces from a single body or a single quilt that define the pattern leader.
Details—Opens the Surface Sets dialog box.
Transform selected attachment rounds/chamfers check box—Patterns the selected rounds and chamfers that attach the patterned geometry to the model. If not checked, the selected attaching rounds and chamfers are removed and optionally recreated.
Leader curves and datums
—Displays curves and datums that define the pattern leader.
Datum point—Displays the datum point that defines the pattern leader.
Sketch collector—Displays the sketch reference for the feature.
Define—Opens the Sketcher to define an internal sketch.
Edit—Opens the Sketcher to edit the sketch.
Available only for Table patterns.
Table list—Each line contains a table index entry, starting with 1, and an associated table name. You can change the table name by typing a new one. If you right-click a table index entry in the collector, the shortcut menu contains the following commands:
Add—Edits another table for the pattern. When you exit the editor, the new table is added at the bottom of the collector list.
Remove—Removes the selected table from the collector.
Apply—Activates the selected table. The active table is the table that drives the pattern.
Edit—Edits the selected table. While you are editing the table, you can save it in a .ptb file, or read a previously saved .ptb file into it, by using the appropriate options under File. When you are done editing the table, click File > Exit. The table is then saved in the pattern.
Read—Reads in a saved pattern table (a .ptb file).
Write—Saves the selected pattern table. The table is saved in the current working directory in a file named <TableName.ptb>, where <TableName> is the name of the pattern table.
This tab is context-sensitive depending on the pattern type selected.
Follow axis rotation check box——Rotates pattern members in the rotation plane to follow the axis rotation. Available for axis patterns.
Use alternate origin—Uses an origin different than the default geometric center of the lead feature or geometry to place the pattern leader. Available for Fill, Curve, and Point patterns.
Use alternate origin collector—Displays the alternate origin.
Follow leader location check box—Offsets all pattern members from the sketch plane using the same distance as the pattern leader's offset. Available for fill patterns and point patterns that are based on a sketch.
Follow surface shape check box—Positions pattern members to follow the shape of the selected surface.
Follow surface shape collector—Displays the surface for the pattern to follow.
Follow surface direction check box—Orients pattern members to follow the surface direction.
Spacing—Sets the spacing between pattern members.
As projected—Projects the pattern leader and pattern members straight onto the surface.
Map to Surface Space—Projects the pattern leader straight onto the surface. The remaining pattern members are mapped from the sketch plane to the surface space so that the spacing on the surface matches the spacing in the sketch.
Map to Surface UV Space—Projects the pattern leader straight onto the surface. Maps the remaining pattern members from the sketch to the uv-space of the surface based on their xy-coordinates relative to the first member in the sketching plane.
Follow axis rotation check box—Orients pattern members around an axis. Available for axis patterns.
Follow curve direction check box—Orients pattern members in the sketch plane to follow the curve. Available for curve patterns and point patterns that are based on a sketch.
Follow template rotation check box—Orients the pattern members along the pattern grid template. Available in fill patterns for the circle and spiral grid templates.
Attach pattern members check box—Attaches all pattern members to the model geometry.
Create rounds/chamfers check box—Attaches all pattern members to the model geometry with rounds or chamfers of the same type and dimensions as the pattern leader.
Name box—Sets a name for a feature.
—Displays detailed component information in a browser.
Shortcut Menus
Right-click the graphics window to access shortcut menu commands.
Direction 1 Reference—Activates the 1st direction reference collector to display a direction reference for the first direction.
Direction 2 Reference—Activates the 2nd direction reference collector to display a direction reference for the second direction.
Axis Reference—Activates the Axis collector to display the axis that is the center of the pattern.
Fill Pattern Reference Surface—Activates the Follow surface shape collector.
Table Pattern Dimensions—Activates the collector on the Table Dimensions tab to collect dimensions to include in the pattern.
Selected Sketch—Activates the Sketch collector to add or delete a sketch.
Pattern leader surfaces—Activates the Leader surfaces collector.
Pattern leader curves and datums—Activates the Leader curves and datums collector.
Pattern leader surfaces—Activates the Leader surfaces collector.
Pattern of points or coordinate systems—Activates the Pattern of points or coordinate systems collector for Point patterns.
Alternate Origin—Activates the Use alternate origin collector.
From Sketch—Selects From Sketch to create a pattern using points in a sketch.
From Datum Point—Selects From Datum Point to create a pattern using points from a datum point feature, import feature, or analysis feature.
From Pattern—Selects From Pattern to create a pattern using points or coordinate systems in a pattern feature made of datum points or coordinate systems.
Define Internal Sketch—Opens the Sketch dialog box to define an internal sketch.
Edit Internal Sketch—Opens the Sketch tab to edit the internal sketch.
Transform selected attachment rounds/chamfers—Patterns the selected rounds and chamfers that attach the patterned geometry to the model. If not checked, the selected attaching rounds and chamfers are removed and optionally recreated.
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