Model Parts, Diagrams, Dictionary Items, and Properties > Diagrams > System architecture diagram
System architecture diagram
Important information about System Architecture Diagrams:
PTC introduced the System Architecture Diagram to cover the short comings of previous versions of UML for the real-time environment. Now that UML 2.0 has introduced the Composite Structure Diagram, the System Architecture Diagram is no longer required. As such, the System Architecture Diagram remains in Modeler for backward compatibility, but it will not be further developed in Modeler: for example, you cannot apply iconic Stereotypes to the System Architecture Diagram symbols.
We recommend that you now model your system architecture using Composite Structure Diagrams, in accordance with UML 2.0. To help you migrate your System Architecture Diagrams to Composite Structure Diagrams, Modeler includes the System Architecture Migration Utility.
For information about Composite Structure Diagrams, see Overview of the structure diagram.
For information about the System Architecture Migration Utility, see Overview of System Architecture Migration utility.
For information about System Architecture Modeling in Modeler, see System architecture overview.
A System Architecture Diagram shows a view of your System Architecture Model. You can have many System Architecture Diagrams in a model.
You can create a System Architecture Diagram through the context menu of a Package: right-click the Package, point to New, point to Proprietary, point to System Architecture Model, and then click System Architecture Diagram.
You must use a System Architecture Diagram to create the following Model items:
External Connector
Point to Point Connection
The following sections provide information about how a System Architecture Diagram is used in the model. For more information about an item, property or model part, click it.
Shows these dictionary items
Like most diagrams, a System Architecture Diagram can show variability items and relationships. See Overview of variability items and relationships on diagrams.
For most diagram symbols, you can change the presentation of the symbol through the Style view options (See Style view options - all diagrams), and change the showing of Stereotypes and Tag Definitions through the Stereotypes view options (See Stereotypes view options for a symbol - all diagrams). When a symbol has additional view options for changing its presentation, this icon is shown - to see how the view options can change the presentation, click the icon.
Board IO Device (through Board)
Event (instance of)
External Connector
Interface Device
Multidrop Bus
Point to Point Connection
These items (which are not documented in the reference topics) can also appear on a System Architecture Diagram:
Frame Box - provides a way of adding a box or background image to the diagram.
Note - provides a way of adding text to the diagram.
Note Link - links a Constraint, Comment or Note to an item on the diagram.
A System Architecture Diagram has these properties:
Full Name
Last Changed By
Last Changed On
Page Reference
Owned by
Used in these parts of the model
System Architecture Model
Can be linked to these dictionary items
Like other diagrams in a Model, a System Architecture Diagram can be linked to an Activity Partition, Comment, Frame Box, General Node, General Flow, General Flow Diagram Node, Constraint (applied), General Flow Diagram Flow or Swimlane.