UML Modeling Techniques > System architecture modeling > Migrating system architecture diagrams to structure diagrams > Overview of System Architecture Migration utility (System Architecture Migration utility) > Overview of System Architecture Migration utility (System Architecture Migration utility)
Overview of System Architecture Migration utility (System Architecture Migration utility)
Before using the System Architecture Migration Utility with a Model, backup that Model because the migration of System Architecture Diagrams is a destructive process.
Before using the System Architecture Migration Utility with a model you must add the System Architecture Profile.
The System Architecture Diagram was introduced to cover the short comings of previous versions of UML for the real-time environment. Now that UML 2.0 has introduced the Composite Structure Diagram, the System Architecture Diagram is no longer required. As such, the System Architecture Diagram remains in Modeler for backwards compatibility, but it will not be further developed in Modeler. for example, you cannot apply iconic Stereotypes to the System Architecture Diagram symbols.
We recommend that you now model your system architecture using Composite Structure Diagrams, in accordance with UML 2.0. To help you migrate your System Architecture Diagrams to Composite Structure Diagram, Modeler includes the System Architecture Migration Utility. The System Architecture Migration Utility has a wizard style user interface that guides you through the process of migrating all System Architecture Diagrams in a selected Model.
Migrating System Architecture Diagrams to Composite Structure Diagrams has the following advantages:
A Composite Structure Diagram is a UML 2.0 diagram that can be developed in accordance with UML 2.0, whereas the System Architecture Diagram is not.
Composite Structure Diagrams and their items are better integrated with other diagram types in Modeler, so Composite Structure Diagram items can be more richly defined within the Model.
Composite Structure Diagrams are going to be further developed in future releases of Modeler, whereas System Architecture Diagrams are not.
The System Architecture Migration Utility performs the following tasks:
Migrates all System Architecture Diagrams in a model to Composite Structure Diagrams.
Migrates all System Architecture items in a model to Composite Structure Diagram items.
For each System Architecture item, migrates its linked diagrams and dictionary items.
Migrates all standard property values of System Architecture Diagram items to the new Composite Structure Diagram items through the Stereotypes and Tag Definitions of the System Architecture Profile. The Stereotypes in the System Architecture Profile make the appearance of the migrated Composite Structure Diagram symbols similar to the symbols from which they are migrated. You must add the System Architecture Profile package to a model before migrating its System Architecture Diagrams.
Migrates any extended property values applied to the System Architecture Diagram items to the new Composite Structure items.
Updates RTF model object references to System Architecture Diagrams and their items, so that the model object references reference the new Composite Structure Diagrams and their items.
Replaces Subsystems and Interface Devices that appear on Sequence Diagrams with the replacement Composite Structure Diagram items.
Deletes the migrated System Architecture Diagrams and their items.
If you have Tag Definitions that reference System Architecture Diagram items, those references will be lost because the System Architecture Migration Utility cannot change published Tag Definitions.
If you have Stereotypes that are applied to System Architecture Diagram items through the Stereotype's Apply to All Objects of Associated Model Items Types option, those Stereotypes will not be applied to the migrated items.
Before using the System Architecture Migration Utility with a Model, create a copy of the Model (for example, by cloning it) and using that copy of the Model confirm that the System Architecture Migration Utility migrates the System Architecture Diagrams and their items as expected. After you are confident that the System Architecture Migration Utility migrates the System Architecture Diagrams as expected, you can update your Model accordingly.
Before using the System Architecture Migration Utility with a Model, backup that Model.
To use the System Architecture Migration Utility, the implied item structure (through symbol containment) of each System Architecture Diagram must be valid and must match the real item structure in the Model. For more information, see System architecture diagrams that can cause problems (System Architecture Migration utility).
Horizontal and vertical and multidrop buses will appear as horizontal multidrop buses in a migrated Composite Structure Diagram. The minimum width of the multidrop bus will depend on the width of its text.
When you migrate System Architecture Diagrams you must have owner access permissions to the Model and any packages that need updating. In addition, you must ensure that no other users open the Model during the migration process.