Workflow Configuration for Salesforce Foundation Orgs
Service Board tenants implemented on Foundation-enabled orgs are configured with customized Job and Appointment workflows that are different from the default workflows that ship with Service Board. In these cases, for Service Board default workflows to function properly, you must modify the following configurations to ensure initial sync, real-time sync, and status mappings function as expected.
Initial Sync Actions
Transform Templates
To reduce the additional time needed to complete these tasks, Service Board ships a set of preconfigured Foundation workflows, configurations, initial sync actions, and transform templates. These records are inactive by default, and in cases where the Foundation/Spark Package option is selected during the tenant provisioning process, are activated after provisioning is complete. When you customize workflows, initial sync, and real-time sync for tenants that run on Foundation-enabled orgs, you must update the corresponding Foundation records shipped with Service Board.
Record Type
Record Names
Workflow Definition
Appointment Workflow - Foundation
Related Workflow State Conversion records are also shipped. After activation, all Job and Appointment records use these Workflows and Workflow State Conversions, unless you customize and deploy new Workflow Definitions.
Job Workflow - Foundation
Foundation Workflows
Setting Value
Default Mapping Between Appointment Status and Work Order - Foundation
These Setting Value records override the related default records, which are configured in the Setting field of these records.
SFDC Realtime Sync Transform Rules - Foundation
System Application Settings - Foundation
Initial Sync Actions
Initial Sync Action
Initial Sync Jobs - Foundation
Initial Sync UnClosed Work-Order Salesforce Events - Foundation
Initial Sync Closed Work-Order Salesforce Events - Foundation
Initial Sync ServiceMax Events - Foundation
Transform Templates
Transform Template
Closed SFE Initial Sync Template - Foundation
Job Initial Sync Template - Foundation
SFE Initial Sync Template - Foundation
SME Initial Sync Template - Foundation
WorkOrder to Job Create Template - Foundation
WorkOrder to Job Update Template - Foundation
The following configuration changes that are shipped with Service Board for tenants that run on Foundation-enabled orgs have no impact on tenant customization.
The Enable Nearby Jobs Search setting is enabled by default.
The Default Appointment Duration setting is updated to One Hour.
Two public Job list views are created:
Planned Maintenance: The Type column is filtered to show only records with Installation or Preventive Maintenance field values.
Unplanned Maintenance: The Type field is filtered to exclude all records with Installation and Preventive Maintenance field values.
Job and Appointment records, the Additional Info fields are configured to enable Job Card and Appointment tooltips in the Scheduler.
When Service Board tenants are provisioned on Foundation-enabled orgs, Work Order and Appointment status mappings plus initial sync configuration are impacted, which affects implementation tasks. In cases where the SFDC Realtime Sync Customize Transform Rules setting is not configured, default real-time sync rules are overriden by the SFDC Realtime Sync Transform Rules - Foundation setting value.
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