Configuring Initial Sync on Foundation-Enabled Orgs
If your Service Board tenant is implemented on a Foundation-enabled org, the steps you follow to configure initial sync are different than those for non-Foundation orgs.
To configure initial sync on Foundation-enabled orgs:
1. In
Max Designer, on the
Developer Tools (
) launchpad menu, click
Initial Sync Actions, and then filter the list view to identify only the active records with names that include -
Foundation, which can be any or all of the following:
◦ Initial Sync Jobs - Foundation
◦ Initial Sync UnClosed Work-Order Salesforce Events - Foundation
◦ Initial Sync Closed Work-Order Salesforce Events - Foundation
◦ Initial Sync ServiceMax Events - Foundation
2. Click to open each active Initial Sync Action record, and then on the record page, check the Transform Rules field for the identifier of the related Transform Template, for example, service_order_init_svmx_job_patch_foundation.
3. On the
Developer Tools (
) launchpad menu, click
Transform Templates, and then in the list view, filter the
Identifier column to find and edit the
Transform Template in the same manner as for non-
Foundation tenants.
For more information: