Managing JDM and LJS Events
Long Job Scheduling (LJS) enables auto-creation of multiple events for long jobs that span multiple visits for single or multiple technicians. These events are created while respecting one or more of the constraints listed below, as per configuration:
Technicians’ working hours
Machine access hours (Work Order's Preferred Business Hours)
Minimum event duration
Avoidance of overlaps with existing events on the technicians’ calendars
Realization of this feature enables two new overarching features:
Advanced UI: New/Edit Event dialog box with tabbed UI for capturing basic and advanced details
Job Duration Management (JDM): JDM tracks various aspects of service duration, including original estimate, scheduled duration, unscheduled duration, and revisions to duration due to service scope change/estimate variance.
The LJS feature is dependent upon JDM to manage and track all the duration aspects. LJS functionality related to auto-creation of multiple events is implemented in the New Event window. All the other functionality specific to JDM and by extension, applies to LJS also.
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