Creating JDM Event with LJS Disabled - Basic Mode
To create only JDM enabled Work Order event with LJS disabled, perform the following steps.
1. Set global setting
SET006 ( Enable Job Duration Management (JDM) field updates, module Dispatch Management submodule Event Management) to Enabled for the active Org-wide profile.
2. Set group setting
SET007 (Auto-create multiple events for work orders with Long Job Scheduling activated, module Dispatch Management submodule Event Management) to Disabled for the required ServiceMax group profiles Or Select JDM Enabled, LJS Disabled option from Scheduling Options field of a Work Order for which JDM enabled event has to be created.
The following screenshot shows the New Work Order Event creation window in basic mode.
The various fields displayed and the controls in the New Event creation window for Work Order in basic mode are described in the following topics: