Creating JDM Event with LJS Enabled
This section covers how to create long job duration events for a JDM and LJS enabled work order. Once the events are created, see
Edit JDM Event and
Delete JDM Event sections to know how the events are managed and handled through JDM, when LJS events result in under-scheduling and over-scheduling of work order.
To create JDM and LJS enabled Work Order event, perform the following steps:
• Set the global setting
SET006 (Enable Job Duration Management (JDM) field updates; Module: Dispatch Management > Submodule: Event Management) to Enabled for the active Org-wide profile
• Set the group setting
SET007 (Auto-create multiple events for work orders with Long Job Scheduling activated; Module: Dispatch Management > Submodule: Event Management) to Enabled for the required ServiceMax group profiles
• Select JDM and LJS Enabled in the Scheduling Options field of the work order for which LJS and JDM enabled event has to be created.
When the New Event window is launched for the first time, the event is displayed in advanced mode. You can create LJS events only in advanced mode. The advanced mode displays with the following tabs: