What’s Enhanced
This topic lists the enhanced features in the Asset 360 24R2 release.
Product Service Campaigns Enhancements
Support to Generate Multiple Output Types from a Single PSC Result Line
End users can now select multiple delivery methods for a single PSC result line and have various outputs generated based on their selection. This enhancement enables end users to obtain multiple delivery outputs for a single PSC result line.
For example, end users can select return and work orders as output delivery methods for a PSC result line. When the result line has outputs generated by the PSC engine, a Work Order output record and a Return Order output record are created. This helps the end user generate both a return order and a work order for an impacted asset in a single PSC result line.
Ability to Re-run PSC Search After Delivering Outputs
End users can now re-run the search on a Product Service Campaign, even if PSC Result Lines have already been generated and their delivery outputs created. This enhancement helps end users re-run the defined search, provide coverage for any potential new assets that meet the search criteria, and add them as additional PSC result lines.
Rerunning the PSC search does not erase the previously generated result lines. Also, duplicate result lines are not created.
This enhancement helps end users to:
Utilize long-term Product Service Campaigns, with a single campaign spanning multiple months or years and accurately identifying impacted assets.
Incorporate updates to assets from the manufacturer or updates provided by Technical Attributes to a campaign already in use.
Spend less time generating result lines for a campaign, as they do not have to add result lines manually for individual assets.
Configurable Columns in the PSC Manage Results Table
The PSC Manage Results table now has configurable columns. End users can dynamically manage results found by a PSC search. They can personalize their results table by rearranging the columns on the screen or adding columns for any custom fields they have configured in the PSCI object.
This enhancement helps end users curate their experience in PSC result lines per their requirements.
End users can:
Add and remove columns
Resize and rearrange columns
Ability to Delete a PSC Record and Its Related Records with One Click
Users can delete a PSC record and all its related records such as search criteria and result lines in a single click. Previously, deleting the PSC record did not result in deleting all its related records. An SPM Wizard step is introduced to delete the PSC record, which also deletes all the associated child records when it deletes the PSC record. If a PSC with results has already delivered output records from those results, then the wizard for deleting the PSC is disabled. ServiceMax recommends not deleting PSCs with generated outputs to preserve an audit trail within the org.
For more information, see Deleting a PSC Record.
Ability to Delete PSC Search Criteria
Users can now delete search criteria created for a PSC record. Previously, there was no provision to delete a search criteria fully.
Users can now:
Delete the search criteria for a PSC record without having to delete the entire record.
Delete the existing single asset search criteria and use the bulk load asset criteria option.
When the search criteria is deleted, the result lines generated from that search criteria are also deleted.
For more information, see Deleting PSC Search Criteria.
Condition-Based Maintenance Plans Enhancements
Interval Adjustment When a Work Order is Completed Early
The dynamic interval adjustment capability in condition-based maintenance plans now acknowledges when a work order is completed ahead of the set milestone. Previously, interval adjustment was performed only for work orders that completed later than the set milestone.
This enhancement ensures that an asset's subsequent maintenance work order is automatically adjusted based on the current maintenance work order's completion status for the same asset. Work orders completed and closed later than expected will inform the interval adjustment logic on when to calculate the work rule's next milestone.
This enhancement helps end users to create realistic maintenance schedule, based on the on-ground data.
For more information, see Defining Work Rule Templates.
Processing Run Performance Improvements
Performance improvements are achieved in maintenance plan processing job runs. The data volume per batch size has been increased, and optimal process run performance is ensured.
Entitlement Enhancements
A new configuration option has been added to the Application Settings object, allowing administrators to bypass the validation of the End Date value for Service Contract records.
This enhancement empowers administrators to adjust the Entitlement engine, enabling the End Date of a Service Contract record to be set to a date earlier than that of the Contract Line Item record.
For more information, refer to Bypass Service Contract Validation.
A360 Package Enhancement for Auto-Configurator Run
Administrators must run the Auto-Configurator now using the A360 Migration Tool after installation or upgrades. The ability to run Auto-Configurator through A360 Admin has been removed to enhance the security of the system and ensure external tools are not being initiated from within the Salesforce Platform.
For more information, refer to Run Auto-configurator.
Migration Support in Tooling for Mobile Configurations and Custom Flow Settings
Administrators can now migrate the following configurations from one org to another using Migration Tool and SF commands plug-ins:
Mobile Configurations
Custom Flow Settings
For more information, see Configuration Migration Tool.
Technical Attributes View-Only Mode
Administrators can now enable or restrict end users to update technical attribute values for assets. When enabling the Technical Attributes component for Asset records, they can restrict the end users from having access to update the values and allow them to only view the technical attribute values.
This enhancement enables administrators to provide privileges to end users to update technical attribute values selectively.
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