Asset 360 Releases
Asset 360 Releases
Major Releases
Release Train
Package Name
Version Number
Launch Date
Asset 360 24R2
September 05, 2024
December 14, 2023
Push Upgrades
ServiceMax uses the push upgrade method to upgrade Asset 360 orgs to the latest versions. Push upgrades of Asset 360 packages are performed to ensure that you obtain new Asset 360 features and defect fixes automatically, with minimal downtime.
The following is the Asset 360 push upgrade schedule.
Release Train
Version Number
Org Type
Asset 360 24R2
11.0 GA
September 11, 12, and 13, 2024
October 18, 2024
Push upgrades for patch releases will not be completed before the A360 11.0 release. If you have an issue, raise a Support case. If it is a defect that requires a patch, you can receive the installation link for the monthly patch either through the Support case. Else, you can raise an Upgrade case to receive it.
For more information on push upgrades, refer to the FAQs for Push Upgrade section.
Patch Releases
Asset 360 patches are released only if there are agreed fixes to be delivered. Releases are done on the last Friday of the month.
Release Pages
The following are the Release Pages for different ServiceMax Asset 360 products:
Related Topics
The following are the related topics to ServiceMax Asset 360 releases:
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