Configuring Asset Insights Dashboards
As an administrator, you need to configure the Asset Insights dashboards in the Analytics Studio to display the related dashboards in record pages. The data displayed in the dashboards are customizable as per your business requirements.
Perform the following steps to configure the Asset Insights dashboards.
1. Install the ServiceMax A360 Service Analytics package on top of your ServiceMax Asset 360 package. For more information, refer to the
Install Service Analytics Package section.
3. Provide the following access:
◦ SVMXA360__OperatingEnvironment__c on Asset
◦ ProductFamily on Asset
◦ SVMXA360__OptimalLifeExpectancy__c on Product
6. Upload the Workday calendar to the LAS recipe if you need to filter assets for a date range other than 2018 to 2026.
7. Run Data Connections in the following order if you customize the recipes or the Workday calendar:
◦ Product
◦ Asset
◦ Contract Line Item
◦ Asset Warranty
◦ Work Order
8. Run the Recipes in the following order if you customize the recipes or the Workday calendar:
◦ Asset LTP Evaluation
◦ Asset With LAS
◦ Asset Age Score Calculation
◦ Asset Health
◦ Asset to Global DS